Chapter 1019 Aviana's Lawyer Team

Afterwards, when Li Chen came out of the room, he couldn't help but give Ryder a disgusted look...

"Damn! Can you keep a low profile? Do you know that being so embarrassing now is paving the way for the future death?"

"???" Ryder was stunned for a moment, but he didn't forget to shrug his shoulders and spread his hands...

Then, the guy said: ", do you think I'm a pig teammate?"

Li Chen replied: "You think so yourself."

Ryder was puzzled again...

This made the four women who came out of the room couldn't help but smile again...

Immediately, Ryder hurriedly chased after him, saying: "Hey, brother, what are you afraid of? Did you forget that we two...are good partners? When the time comes...the two of us...absolute prison situation! Both tigers and wolves will kill each other!"

Li Chen couldn't help but turned around and gave him a disgusted look...

"Go to Mrs. Ni! Do you want to go to prison that much?"

This made the four women couldn't help but smile...

And Ryder said: "Hey, brother, in fact, you know in your heart what kind of ending it will be in the end."

However, Li Chen replied: "I don't know."

Then, he added: "I only know that our current destiny is still in the hands of others."

Hearing this sentence suddenly, Ryder couldn't help being startled in panic: "???"

Immediately, he came forward in a panic, and whispered in Li Chen's ear: "Hey, brother, do you want... let's slip away from here now?"

However, Li Chen looked at him inexplicably again...

I would like to, but it's not realistic.

After all, there are still four women.

If it's just the two of them...there is a possibility.

Of course, after thinking about it seriously, Li Chen also's unwise to slip away like this.

After all, the politicians of the relevant countries have come forward, and it is really unwise for them to engage in this matter.

Afterwards, he also whispered in Ryder's ear: "Let's save it. Don't make trouble. It's meaningless. Let's wait for the court's decision honestly."

Then, he whispered in Ryder's ear: "If... nothing happens, there should be a lawyer coming to contact us tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."


In fact, now, the lawyer team has been finalized after discussions among relevant countries.

Country Y's largest international law firm - Modery Law Firm will act as the law firm representing the sea self-rescue and survival team.

Next, Aviana's legal team will act as the defender for the sea self-rescue survival team.

Now, regarding Aviana's legal team, they are ready to leave country Y.

This is the law firm that claims to be a free agent for the self-rescue and survival teams at sea.

Of course, the transportation and horse fees... will still be given.

It's agency fee free.

In other words... there is no such thing as a diamond, but you can't do that porcelain job.

In fact, Aviana's legal team dared to make such a claim, which is indeed arrogance.

Because, about Aviana, the top barrister in the world, who is proficient in multiple languages, and also proficient in some international laws, including some laws of various countries, has been quite researched.

He has acted as an agent for many poor and small countries in Africa, defended in international courts, and fought for the greatest interests of those small countries.

In this world... there are always some people who have devoted their lives to making great efforts for world peace.

Lawyer Aviana is one of them.

Moreover, no matter what the world's political color or geopolitics is, she always does not contain any political elements.

Because she only sees the rule of law, facts, evidence, and so on.

Always, she won't talk politics with you.

Listening to her name, one might think that she is a top-notch beauty as her name suggests, but in fact, this is not the case.

Because Aviana is actually an old lady in her 50s.

But definitely a wise and kind old lady.


In fact, when starting from country Y, Aviana's team split into two groups.

She also has a number of elite lawyers under her command.

Assign some to go directly to country G to investigate and collect evidence.

The rest... will follow her to Country T.


In the evening, around 10 o'clock, the international airport in country T was very lively.

Because dignitaries from various countries have come to pick up the plane.

Naturally, they will pick up Aviana's team.

When the old lady got off the plane, the first thing she paid attention to was Hua Guo's assistant to the foreign minister...

"Oh... Mr. Yang, we meet again!"

The assistant to the foreign minister of China stepped forward enthusiastically, holding the old lady's hands tightly...

"Thank you very much!"

"Oh...Mr. Yang, you are so alien! We are already old friends! This time the matter is over, I will go to Huaguo to visit again! Because Huaguo is so attractive to me! I like the way the people there Enthusiastic, I also like the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, oh... everything there is really wonderful!"

The old lady is very energetic and seems to be quite capable of chatting.

Next, the old lady said: "Frankly speaking, I like this case. Because I saw Li Chen's child after reading the news reports. He finally said to the camera of the Russian media, is it wrong for us to ask for help? I was in tears. Because I saw the kindness and helplessness in this child's heart. Frankly speaking, he is really great. In the ocean, he saved so many people, which is the pride of Huaguo. He also represents Huaguo As a superpower."

Hearing the old lady's words, I couldn't help but burst into thunderous applause...

This actually made the old lady feel a little embarrassed: "Oh... no no no! You don't need to do this! I'm just doing what I like to do now!"


Finally, surrounded by a group of people, I got into the car and prepared to go to the hotel.

However, on the way, Aviana was already beginning to understand some relevant details.

Also ask them what their expectations are.

As a lawyer, she also had her own predictions about this incident in the early stage. Therefore, she also said it more honestly, which probably means...the worst result is...the sea self-rescue and survival team may still have to be punished to some extent. How many years?
Because she was also speculating on some of the judge's psychology. After all, more people died in the Coast Guard of T country.

Moreover, the headquarters of the Coast Guard of Country T was blown up.

Regarding these...will definitely also become the basis for the judge's decision.

In fact... many things, the facts are already clear.

The focus is still on the death of nearly [-] people at the Coast Guard of Country T, and the bombing of the headquarters of the Coast Guard of Country T.

Kind of like a war criminal.

Of course, things happen for a reason.

Here... In the end, it depends on how the judge weighs it?
Although it is a legal system, many things... also have to be based on emotion and reason.

Of course, the appearance of a lawyer is naturally the greatest possibility to fight for a lighter treatment...

(End of this chapter)

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