Chapter 1020 Delia's Threat!

The next day, early in the house.

Li Chen, who had already woken up, didn't seem to remember much, so he still lay on the bed depressed...

In fact, at this moment, he himself didn't know what he was thinking?
It just feels like my head... seems to be blank again.

The eyes are so depressed, looking up at the ceiling dully...

Although subconsciously...he still understands that the living will continue, but when he thinks of Hye Kyo...he feels that he has nothing to love...

My mind is still full of those bits and pieces in the ocean...

Suddenly, he thought, maybe Delia was right, maybe he really deserved a hangover?
Otherwise... some things are always in my heart, and I am always depressed and difficult to resolve.

At this moment, Katerina suddenly pushed open the door of his room, and slipped in strangely...

The girl didn't forget to turn around and close the door.

Afterwards, when she slipped to the bed, she suddenly saw brother Li Chen still lying on the bed, and the girl threw herself on him with joy...

"Uh, Brother Li Chen, what are you thinking?"

Suddenly seeing this girl lying on him in such an ambiguous manner, Li Chen couldn't help being embarrassed: "???"

He didn't seem to expect that this girl would be so casual.

However, Li Chen was frowning. Unexpectedly, this girl kissed him like a chicken pecking rice.

"???" Li Chen was a little confused again.

Before he could react, the girl whispered in his ear ambiguously: "Uh, Brother Li Chen, do you want to..."

Before she could finish speaking, Li Chen was startled in a panic: "???"

Immediately, he frowned in panic and said, "Well... get up."

"What's the matter, Brother Li Chen?" Katerina was stunned to express her incomprehension.

In fact, at this moment, how could Li Chen be in the mood to deal with her?

In desperation, he had no choice but to say: "I'm thinking about something."

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Katerina curled her lips with some dissatisfaction and jealousy: "Hmph, I know what you're thinking!"

As for this girl, she didn't say it clearly, because she actually knew that it was really inappropriate to mention sister Huiqiao at this time.

In fact, she was also saddened by the deaths of Sister Hye Kyo and Sister Ito.

It's just that she doesn't want to see brother Li Chen being depressed all day long...

After a while, she looked at him angrily, and then said: "Hmph, didn't you tell us in the ocean yourself? Do the living continue?"

Then, the girl said again: "Hmph, isn't my boyfriend Simon also staying in the ocean forever?"

Hearing what this girl said all of a sudden, Li Chen couldn't help being thoughtful for a moment...

But afterward, he still couldn't help but said, "Okay, you'd better get up first."

So, Katerina also said, " you dislike me for having a boyfriend?"

Li Chen could only frown tightly: "No."

"then you……"

"You forgot, I am your brother."

"Hmph! It's not the real brother! Didn't you say... we both have different skin colors?"

Li Chen could only frowned again: "Then I'm your brother too."

"That can also be brother love."

Fortunately, all of a sudden, Jessie knocked on the door...

After a few knocks on the door, Jessie yelled outside the door: "Brother Li Chen, are you up?"

Unexpectedly, before Li Chen had time to reply, Katerina hurriedly replied: "What door are you knocking on? He and brother Li Chen are working on business!"


Li Chen really almost vomited blood this time.

I didn't expect this girl to dare to say anything.

Jessie at the door was also startled suddenly: "???"

Sister Linna...and...Brother Li Chen...

Suddenly, Li Chen hurriedly said: "That's not the case. She's talking nonsense. What's the matter, Jessie?"

So, Jessie had no choice but to reply: "It's time for breakfast."


After a while, Delia was about to drive to the safe house when suddenly, the psychiatrist Tasiya called her.

Tasiya means...Deputy Director Klaus requested a psychological treatment report for Li Chen, a man of Chinese nationality.

In fact, from the very beginning, Delia made it clear that the psychotherapy for Li Chen this time was purely for the patient, and it was not used as some basis for handling the case.

It's just that the sudden phone call made Delia a little confused...

She didn't know what Deputy Director Klaus meant?
In desperation, she had no choice but to hurry up, meaning that she would immediately communicate with Deputy Director Klaus.

Then, as soon as the phone hung up, she immediately called Deputy Director Klaus.

After Delia's annoyed questioning, Deputy Director Klaus on the other end of the phone hastily emphasized, meaning: I am the leader of the task force this time, OK?

Delia was a little confused when she heard this, and asked: Isn't our special case team just investigating our country T's Coast Guard?
Deputy Commissioner Klaus replied: My dear Officer Delia, this is not the first time you have handled a case, you should know about this!Regarding the establishment of the task force, it is natural to conduct a complete and clear investigation on the 6 maritime incident, OK?

So, Delia said: Then, what do you mean...

Deputy Director Klaus replied: We now have every reason to suspect that the sea self-rescue and survival team may have psychological problems, OK?

Hearing this suddenly, Delia became furious: You fucking crazy!
Deputy Director Claus: Hey hey hey!Officer Delia, please watch your words, OK?I'm your boss now, OK?

Delia didn't seem to be too lazy to talk nonsense anymore, so she said, "Deputy Director Klaus, you can hear me clearly now, if you mess up things again, be careful that your life will be lost!"Listen to me, anyone pushed to the limit is going to do some crazy things!Please respect the facts, and don't have extreme subjective consciousness, OK?

Then, Delia said again: If you want Li Chen, a man of Chinese nationality, to die right now, OK, I will go to the safe house to solve this problem for you in a while!
Just hearing this, Deputy Director Klaus panicked and became anxious again: Hehehe!Officer Delia, calm down!You have to know that as long as Li Chen, a man of Chinese nationality, dies now, we will be in big trouble, OK?

Delia said: That's better than some people deliberately creating trouble.Deputy Director Klaus, listen carefully, Li Chen, a man of Chinese nationality, once told me that he doesn't want to live anymore, OK?If you still want to cherish your feathers, then please don't make trouble, OK?Frankly speaking, you know what is going on in the whole case!

Hearing this again suddenly, Deputy Director Klaus was really scared, and hurriedly said: OK!So let's all downplay the psychotherapy report for now. Are you satisfied with that, Officer Delia?


(End of this chapter)

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