Chapter 1021

Afterwards, as soon as the phone was hung up, Deputy Director Klaus on the other end of the phone began to curse, very angry...

Cursing, such as: What a bitch{b}, what happened to Delia, Fuck, has she forgotten which country she is from...


And at this moment, Delia was still not at ease, and couldn't help calling the psychiatrist Tasiya to explain some things.

Anyway, the general idea is that if the police headquarters must put pressure on it, it is better to issue a report.

In fact, a psychotherapy report is nothing more than a report, and it can't explain anything in the end.

Of course, the wording about the psychiatrist is important.

So in terms of wording, Delia specially emphasized it to Tasia.

Finally, Tasia told her that she knew what to do.

In fact, how to write this psychotherapy report is completely under the control of Dr. Tasiya.


At this moment in the morning, the Manhattan Hotel in Country T.

"We... now... are we really going to go back?"

The cute girl asked suddenly.

It can be seen that this cute girl is still a little reluctant and doesn't want to leave.

After all, the captain is now in country T.

Walking away, I always feel uneasy in my heart.

Suddenly, Qiong'er said: "How about... you all go back first. I'll stay. Anyway... I have long wanted to take a long vacation for myself."

In fact, none of these six women wanted to leave.

Because I always feel... If I just leave here, it seems like I didn't do anything?
However, to be honest, right now, the six of them are spending time in country T, and they can't do much.

Even if you want to meet the captain, you have to go through the embassy to arrange a meeting.

At most... that is, when I wait for the court session to see if I can win a seat for the auditorium?

After a while, looking at them, the second child, Su Qian'er, said: "Anyway, you can do whatever you want. I'm going back to China. You can spend as long as you can here. Anyway, I met the captain yesterday. I have also conveyed the meaning of the captain to you."

Hearing what the second child said, the cute girl said, "I don't believe it."

Suddenly hearing what the cute girl said, the eldest Tan Jixia said: "You don't believe me, you little girl can go to see the captain by yourself."

Qin Xiaowan didn't seem to want to see the conflict between the sisters, so she said, "Okay. In fact, we can't do much if we spend it here. I believe the captain is thinking that it doesn't make sense for us to spend it here."

So, the eldest Tan Jixia said: "That's enough. Anyway, Qian'er, me, and sister Wan'er...are ready to go back to China. You three are capable, and you can spend it if you want to stay in T country."

Afterwards, the foreign girl Lina finally answered correctly: "Oh...I is really meaningless for us to waste time in country T. The only meaningful thing is...when we see the court, can we Get a seat to watch?"

At this time, the second child, Su Qian'er, said: "We need to fight for this on our own. It can't be won in country T. If the International Court of Justice accepts the case, we have to apply to the International Court of Justice and strive for a hearing Qualified, understand?"

Then, Su Qian'er said again: "I asked our embassy about the estimated time of the court hearing, and it will take a month later. This kind of thing... There must be procedures and procedures. It depends on the time of the accepting institution Arrangements were made. It’s not what we want. To put it bluntly, what are we now? In the words of the captain, we are little people. So what can we do here?”

Immediately, Su Qian'er said again: "If we need to hire a lawyer, we will never hesitate. The key is... Now that Aviana's lawyer team has come forward, there is no need for us to do anything. Some dignitaries from various countries , and now they are all in country T. This is an international event, and it is already a matter of our country. There is no need for us little bastards to worry about it here, understand? We are here and always want to see the captain. It can cause trouble for others, understand?"

After hearing what the second child said, the cute girl and Qiong'er finally stopped talking.


After a while, after all parties have been contacted and arrangements have been made, Aviana's legal team is ready to leave, ready to go to the safe house to meet the client.

On the way, there are several elite lawyers, who have already started to report various information to Lawyer Aviana.

With regard to the 6 maritime incident in country T, lawyer Aviana is also pondering, where are the key points?

Now, safe house.

On the second floor, Li Chen's room...

Delia was already revealing some information to him.

Meaning, after a while, their lawyer will arrive.

At the same time, looking at Li Chen, the police officer Delia also secretly apologized...

Because about arranging him to see a psychiatrist, she suddenly thought about it... Maybe she did something wrong again?
But with Li Chen's current state, she was really worried that he would have a mental breakdown.

As for Li Chen, looking at this police officer Delia now, he doesn't know what to say?
Because the private relationship between the two... is still somewhat inclined to the ambiguity between lovers.

Then, looking at her again, he finally couldn't help but say: "In this are not a competent police officer."

Suddenly hearing what he said, Delia couldn't help but chuckled secretly, and then she said: "Whatever you say. Anyway... I just hope you're okay."

Li Chen looked at her helplessly again, and said, "Then the two of us... what is this?"

However, Delia couldn't help laughing again: "It seems that your psychological problem...has healed?"

Li Chen couldn't help but lit a cigarette gloomily, and then frowning like an old man, he just clicked on the cigarette as if thinking for a while...


At this moment, the living room on the second floor.

Seeing Katerina muttering sullenly, as if she was jealous, Ryder gloated and said, "Hey, girl, what's wrong with you? Are you worried that the beautiful police officer will Pushed your brother Li Chen back in the room?"

Taking the opportunity, Alice expressed her puzzlement and said, "Hey, Big Black, that beautiful police officer... What kind of relationship does she have with Mr. Li?"

Ryder said, "Oh? Girls, are you also worried that the beautiful police officer will push back your sweetheart?"

Jessie, on the other hand, expressed a little anger and rolled her eyes at the big black guy: "Hmph! Dogs can't spit ivory out of their mouths!"

On the other hand, Ryder smiled: "Oh... chick, it seems that your Chinese has improved a lot?"

Sun Jiaying originally wanted to say something, but seeing the big man in Hei, she had no choice but to hesitate...

(End of this chapter)

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