Chapter 1022 Can I smoke a cigarette?
After a while, when Aviana's lawyer team waited for a group of people to arrive at the safe house, the aura made the police officers on the first floor feel a little stage fright...

In fact, although these police officers are law enforcement officers, they are naturally far inferior to other barristers in terms of real legal research.

Sometimes, in court, winning a lawsuit may be limited to the control of a certain detail.

Or it is limited to the research and understanding of a certain French.

Of course, no matter how good a lawyer is, in court, the ultimate focus is on presenting evidence.

So the homework in the early stage is quite important.

Since the relevant laws grant some privileges to lawyers, relevant parties must also cooperate with lawyers in their investigation and evidence collection in the early stage.


Hearing the movement downstairs, that bastard Ryder took a look at the stairs on the second floor, and suddenly saw Aviana's team waiting for a group of people to arrive, he was so surprised...

"Oh... Omega... Ms. Aviana—"

The old lady looked up, looked at the big man, and said, "Oh...Mr. Ryder, we meet again."

It's just that when the women of Alice came forward to have a look, they were a little confused: "???"

In fact, it was normal for these women not to know Lawyer Aviana.

After all, I have never been involved in any legal issues, nor have I dealt with lawyers before.

However, Alice still seemed to remember something...

"Oh... my God... so it's you!?"

This made the old lady startled: "You know me?"

Alice suddenly became excited: "Oh, yes! I know you! You seem to be a barrister from our country Y?"

The old lady Aviana also had a little humor, so she replied: "Oh, it doesn't seem to be. It's me. That's right, I'm here to fight the lawsuit for you."


Afterwards, I saw some dignitaries from the relevant countries, accompanied by the Foreign Minister of T and a group of people, also arrived at the safe house...

For today's safe house, it is quite lively.

This kind of battle is a bit stressful for the T country police department.

Of course, all the people in Country T have understood that if the last six members of the self-rescue team at sea are treated unfairly in Country T, they will be cast aside by the international community.

Especially for this meeting, they followed up with a few authorized media reporters to do relevant follow-up reports, so the whole country T must handle this matter with more caution.

In fact, before these heads arrived, the relevant personnel of the T country police station had temporarily arranged a reception room on the first floor of the safe house as a conference room...


Next, all relevant personnel squeezed into the temporarily arranged conference room on the first floor.

Since the conference room was a bit small, only one representative was sent in by the dignitaries of each relevant country.

Then it was Lawyer Aviana who brought two paralegals in.

Two other authorized journalists also went in.

As for the protagonist—the remaining six members of the sea self-rescue and survival team, they all entered the conference room.

The two chartered reporters among them were very excited to finally meet these six people...

But you must know that these six people finally survived in such an environment in the ocean, which is a miracle in itself.

It is enough to shock the world's news hot spots, so think about it, can these two reporters not be excited?

Before the business started, one of the reporters was busy speaking excitedly in his not-so-fluent Chinese and said: Oh...Captain Li Chen... I am so happy and excited to finally meet you!This exciting moment... I don't even know what to ask you?But I still want to know, as a survivor of HX714 last year, you have been in such an environment in the ocean... for nearly a year, how do you feel now?

Suddenly seeing this reporter rushing to interview in a hurry, after she finished asking, all of them couldn't help but stare blankly at Captain Li Chen...

It was as if they were all expecting a subtle answer from him.

However, as far as Li Chen himself is concerned, he is a bit out of shape...

After seeing him in a gloomy daze, he looked at the beautiful reporter again, and replied like an old man: Can I have a cigarette?

"???" Everyone almost fell down.

I thought to myself, what kind of answer is this called?

Do you feel like smoking a cigarette now?
At the same time, this scene is a bit embarrassing...

Fortunately, Hua Guo's assistant to the foreign minister quickly expressed a humorous smile, and said: I think... ladies don't mind if he smokes a cigarette?

Hearing what Hua Guo's assistant foreign minister said, the beautiful reporter hurriedly said: Oh...Of course I don't mind!
Then Lawyer Aviana nodded: Yes.smoke it.We ladies don't mind.

Once the old lady expresses her opinion, who would dare to say that she minds?

So... I saw Captain Li Chen, like an old man, lighting a cigarette thoughtfully but calmly...

After the beautiful reporter saw him taking two deep puffs of cigarette thoughtfully, she said: Oh...Captain Li Chen, can I talk about your feelings now?

Li Chen: My feeling is... finally I finally got ashore!

Everyone was almost knocked down by lightning again.

I thought to myself, what is this feeling?

In desperation, the beautiful reporter said: seems...everything in the ocean is very bad?But, Captain Li Chen... I still want to know, is that what you think?

Then everyone saw Captain Li Chen frowning like an old man, puffing on his cigarette...

After a while, Li Chen: Actually...we could still have eight people left.But it's a pity... Hye Kyo and Chuan Xiang... are dead!
Beauty Reporter: Are you talking about actress Jeon Hye Kyo from H country and Oriental beauty writer Ito Chuanxiang?

Li Chen nodded: Yes.But... Hye Kyo is already my wife!
After finishing this sentence, I saw that his eyes began to glisten with tears...

Beauty Reporter: Oh...I'm so sorry, Captain Li Chen!Touched your heart again!But I still want to know... how Ms. Jeon Hye Kyo... and you... got married?
Li Chen: Once on an island, the heaven, earth, sun and moon were matchmakers.Chuanxiang is...the witness.

Beauty Reporter: At that time... just the three of you?
Li Chen: Yes.At that time... there were only three of us left.The two of them... were nearly taken by pirates.

After clicking to the end, Captain Li Chen took another puff of cigarette with tears in his eyes, then looked at Lawyer Aviana, and said, "Excuse me... Lawyer Aviana, can we start now?"

Suddenly hearing this, lawyer Aviana said: "Oh, of course. Of course we can start. If there is no objection to our lawyer team, your sea self-rescue and survival team only needs to sign the power of attorney. The rest You can leave it to us to deal with it for you.”

So, Captain Li Chen said, "I have no objection."


(End of this chapter)

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