Chapter 1023 Angry Alice
Judging from the simple sentence 'I have no objection', this Captain Li Chen also really wanted to end all this as soon as possible.

As for the end result, that's another story.

Anyway, the worst plan is to spend a few years in prison.

Although Hye Kyo is no longer here, the living...will continue after all!

For this Captain Li Chen, although he has reached the point where he has no love in his life, there is still the person he cares about the most in his heart--of course it is his parents!

As a child who has walked out of the mountains, what he cares about in the still his parents who are still living in the mountains.


When Captain Li Chen answered the reporter's question, Hua Guo's assistant to the foreign minister secretly expressed his satisfaction.

It not only embodies the simplicity and love of life of Huaguo people, but also embodies the wisdom of a Huaguo person, that is... talk too much and you will lose!
Therefore, when answering the reporter's question, Captain Li Chen was very succinct and kept to the point, and didn't want to talk too much.

In fact, he also understands that there are some things now... It's useless to say more.

After all, everything in the ocean cannot be expressed in words.

I am not the hero they imagined, because everything in the ocean is just Tamar's wish to survive, nothing more.

Besides, no matter how much she said now, Hye Kyo would never come back to life.

It is impossible for Chuanxiang to come back to life.

The more critical point is that what is said now is still about the final lawsuit.

Anyway, in his opinion, this lawsuit... There is no such thing as winning or losing.

Anyway, he knew in his heart that if he was really sentenced to a few years in prison... it would not be an exaggeration.

Now he hopes... Ryder and others... can be sentenced lightly.


However, next, when the reporter asked Ryder some questions, meaning whether all the decisions in the ocean were the personal decisions of Captain Li Chen, Ryder immediately said: No!

Because Ryder knows very well that this reporter is somewhat misleading.

I want to pin all the crimes on Captain Li Chen alone.

Just when Li Chen was about to explain a few words, when he wanted to say that everything was his personal decision, unexpectedly, Katerina immediately said to the reporter: Can you fucking ask some meaningful questions?Why don't you guys ask Captain Li Chen how he led us all to survive?
Suddenly, the Russian girl went crazy, and suddenly, the atmosphere in the temporary meeting room was very awkward...

At this time, Russia's deputy foreign minister said: I think Lina is right.I think we should also pay more attention to how they survived in the ocean?

Suddenly, Alice also felt a little inexplicably annoyed, and said, "Let me tell you."Frankly speaking, we are all noobs when it comes to survival on a deserted island.If it wasn't for Captain Li Chen, we wouldn't know how to find food at all.Also, Captain Li Chen taught us how to drill wood to make fire.It was Captain Li Chen who taught us how to make sea salt.Also, it was Captain Li Chen who taught us how to get fresh water from the traveler's banana tree.Wait, all of this is what he taught us.Also, the desert island is not as simple as we imagined.It was a polar life.Unlike you reporters, after the report is over, you can go back to the hotel to take a hot shower or something.You just report and write articles, but we are on a deserted island and in the ocean, we have to think about how to survive every moment, do you understand that feeling?There are tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, ferocious beasts, and giant pythons, etc. Just imagine, in such harsh environments, we have to survive, understand?Also, country G... We don't know if they are the behavior of the politicians or individuals. From time to time, they fly fighter planes to bombard the island indiscriminately. Everything seems to be directed at us, trying to kill us. Do you know what it's like for us to escape death?

Speaking of this, Alice paused, and then said: Wait a minute, I haven't finished yet.Because next, I don't know how to express the anger in my heart?Because next... we will talk about country T.We...we thought we could dock in the waters near country T, but...fuck—people from the Coast Guard of country T shot and killed our good sisters Hui Qiao and Chuan Xiang. What's going on?So we are angry!We thought the whole world abandoned us!We thought that the whole world no longer cared about our lives!So we have to defend ourselves and fight back, you know?Because we have to survive!Whoever wants us dead, we have to let someone die first, understand?All of this, we are forced to!We have no choice, no choice!Do you know that feeling?Have you experienced it?Do you feel distressed because some people from the Coast Guard of Country T died?If we are dead, you will ignore it?Frankly speaking, we not only want to kill all the people from the Coast Guard of country T, but also all the people from country T! Fuck —— offal —— scum—

Suddenly, Alice's increasingly irritated expression finally ignited the atmosphere of the audience...

After that, everyone looked at this woman in shock.

It seems that at this moment, they finally understand... what kind of mentality a person will have when he is cornered.

Fortunately, at this moment, the personnel from Country T are not in this temporary conference room, otherwise, they probably wouldn't be able to keep their faces.

Next, Sun Jiaying couldn't help but said: Self-defense and fighting back is not our Captain Li Chen's personal decision.It is the final game from the heart of each of us!Either die, or live, or a vigorous one!Anyway, we are doesn't matter what you think of us, or what the whole world thinks of us, whether it's criminals or murderers, we just want to say...we just want to live, it's as simple as that!
Suddenly, Jessie also hurriedly said: Brother Li Chen didn't ask us to take guns.The guns are our own.Thinking back on that moment now, I still want to kill.I still want to kill all the people from the Coast Guard of Country T.Sentence, condemn us!Let's get started!No matter what the result is, I will never be grateful to country T!Because I hate country T!Even more ruthless people from the Coast Guard of Country T!I can't wait for their wives and children to be struck by lightning!Son of a bitch!Scum!brute!

"???" Suddenly, everyone was dumbfounded and stunned.

After a while, in order to ease the atmosphere, Russia's deputy foreign minister looked at Li Chen, but couldn't help but said: "Li Chen... Thank you! I thank you on behalf of Lina and our Russian people! You will always He is the best Chinese captain in our hearts, bar none!"


(End of this chapter)

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