The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1024 Maybe the plane crashed again?

Chapter 1024 Maybe the plane crashed again?
Afterwards, Dongyang's Deputy Foreign Minister couldn't help getting up in a panic, then turned to face Li Chen, and bowed deeply reverently, respectfully...

"Li Chenjun...thank you!"

It seems that the deputy foreign minister of Dongyang can also speak a few sentences in Chinese, and then a slip of Dongyang...

Wow, Wow, Wow, I don't know what he's talking about.

However, the translator on the side was busy translating at the same time...

The general idea is that on behalf of Ito Chuanxiang's family and the people of Japan, he would like to express his deep gratitude to Li Chenjun!

Next, the deputy foreign minister of Country H also expressed his sincere thanks to Li Chen...

The participation of these two countries is naturally to seek justice for the dead citizens of each country.

Furthermore, Ito Chuanxiang is a celebrity and best-selling author in the Eastern Kingdom.

And Jeon Hye Kyo... is a celebrity from country H, an actress in the entertainment industry.

Therefore, as the country behind it, it is natural to have a strong voice for it and must stand up.

Afterwards, the deputy prime minister of Country Y also expressed his gratitude to Li Chen...

The wise assistant to the foreign minister of China took the opportunity to express his gratitude to country Y, which means thanking country Y's Mir for carrying out humanitarian assistance to Li Chen and others.

The deep meaning of this is that after Li Chen and others were carried out humanitarian rescue by the Mir of country Y, they were also considered as people on the Mir.

Afterwards, Li Chen couldn't help saying: "Everyone is grateful, but I don't really dare to take it. Because in the ocean, I just want everyone to survive. That's all. So... I may not be as thankful as you imagined. Also, I also sincerely thank Mir for carrying out humanitarian assistance to us in the ocean! I sincerely thank Mir! Thank you country Y!"

Taking the opportunity, Lawyer Aviana looked at the young man from China, and said, "Oh... no! Captain Li Chen, you are great! You are a hero! Although I am a lawyer, I am also emotional!"

As she said that, Lawyer Aviana changed the subject: "Okay. Now... let's wait for the final result. Let's look forward to it together. But, no matter what the result is... Captain Li Chen is great! You are all trying to save yourself at sea The team is great!"



In the end, according to the lawsuit filed by T country, the international court accepted the case of T country's 6 maritime incident.

Since the 6 maritime incident in country T has attracted great attention from the international community, the International Court of Justice has also announced the specific hearing time to the outside world.

A month later, on July 7, the trial will be held at the International Court of Justice.

In fact, this acceptance speed is considered a special case. will take at least three months before the court hearing.


One week before the trial, representatives of the relevant countries, as well as the attorney teams of both parties, have already arrived at the seat of the International Court of Justice—HY.

Because the next battlefield will naturally unfold in HY.

The outcome of this lawsuit, the final characterization, etc., will naturally be finalized in HY.


Regarding the sea self-rescue survival team that has been under house arrest in T country for a month, it will also face a new test of fate...

That is... The judicial police of the International Court of Justice have come to country T and will formally handle the handover procedures with the police station of country T.

That is to say...then...everything is out of control of country T.

No matter what judgment the six members of the sea self-rescue and survival team will face in the end, the final execution will not be in country T.

In other words, even if he is finally sentenced, he will be sent to an international prison instead of being held in a country T prison.

Regarding this matter, country T is a little uncomfortable.

But this matter... country T initiated the lawsuit again, so in the end there was no way out, and it could only be played according to the international game.


Of course, in the end, country T still dispatched police forces to assist the judicial police of the International Court of Justice and escort the sea self-rescue and survival team to HY.

After heading to the airport and boarding the plane, Ryder couldn't help but burst out laughing...

" this going to be another new journey for us?"

Seeing that the big black man is still so happy, the four women gave him the same blank stare...

And Ryder just smiled and said to Alice: "Oh... girl, you have never kept your promise."

"???" Alice looked at him puzzled.

Seeing that she was puzzled, Ryder said again: "Did you forget, girl? You said... If we land safely, you will consider having a drink with me!"

Suddenly hearing this, Alice rolled her eyes again: "Is this what we call going ashore safely?"

Taking the opportunity, Katerina said, "Exactly! What kind of safety is this? Maybe... our plane crashed again?"

Hearing what Katerina said suddenly, the judicial police and the police officers from country T were all stunned...


But at this moment, Li Chen suddenly wanted to laugh...

Because he doesn't know what's wrong?
I just feel... If the plane still crashes this time, it will be really big, it's so fucking fun.

Delia, who was by Li Chen's side, seemed to sense that he wanted to laugh...

She was a little puzzled, because she didn't understand, what made him think this was funny?
Suddenly, Jessie hurriedly said to Katerina: "Hey, sister Linna, let's hope for a little bit. Don't crash the plane again."

However, suddenly, Ryder couldn't help laughing again...

"Hey, officers, I think too...we'll have fun on a desert island again! Haha!"

Hearing that the big man Hei said the same thing, all of a sudden, those police officers couldn't help but blacken their faces and stare at him inexplicably...

Immediately, Alice couldn't help but said: "Oh... I also think... the desert island is more interesting. That is our world. Because only in the ocean, on a desert island, we have no legal constraints Frankly speaking... I am not used to this damned, hateful real world! People from the Coast Guard of T country can shoot us to death, but if we kill them, we will face legal trials, oh... this is really A hateful world of bullshit!"

Suddenly, Sun Jiaying couldn't help but said: "I also suddenly felt that... I was locked up in the safe house. I suddenly yearned...for everything in the ocean. If I had known...we wouldn't be docking, I have been sailing in the ocean. It is a pity that the ship and the food on the ship. Now I think... the luncheon meat on the ship is still delicious!"

Afterwards, one of the bailiffs finally couldn't take it anymore and hurriedly said, "Hey... I said... are you all crazy?"


(End of this chapter)

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