The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1026 You don't want to crash the plane, do you?

Chapter 1026 You don't want to crash the plane, do you?
After staying for a while, I suddenly heard at the tail end of the plane, at the door of the bathroom, a police officer suddenly slapped on the door of the bathroom...

"Hey...Mr. Ryder, how are you?"

Then, I only heard Ryder in the bathroom. I don't know if it's real constipation or fake constipation, but I just suppressed the sound of constipation...

"Oh...Fuck- wait...I'm so fucking constipated..."

"???" Suddenly, the police officers at the bathroom door were stunned...

It seems like a while, and they don't know what to do?

They just looked at each other awkwardly...

You look at me, I look at you...


At this moment, Li Chen couldn't help turning his head to take a look, and then he didn't say anything.

It's just that he still has some inexplicable anxiety in his heart...

Right now, he doesn't know if Ryder is really constipated?

if not……

Thinking of this, he seemed to realize that a crisis might come at any time?

After a while, Alice waited for the four women, and couldn't help turning her head to take a look...

Listening to that guy Ryder in the bathroom, suffocating for a while, the four women couldn't help but want to laugh...

However, Jessie seemed suddenly a little inexplicably alert.

It's just that when she wanted to say something to Katerina, but suddenly saw the policewoman beside her, and the policewoman beside Katerina, she had no choice but to suppress her voice.

However, Katerina still noticed what Jessie wanted to say, so she quickly glanced at Jessie...

But at this moment, Jessie doesn't know how to communicate with her with eyes?
Next, the two of them had no choice but to look at each other...


Unknowingly, after staying for another ten minutes, the police officer at the bathroom door became anxious again...

"Hey—Mr. Ryder—"

At this moment, as soon as the words fell, there was a sudden 'click', and the bathroom door was finally opened.

Then, I saw Ryder walking out with sweat on his head...

Suddenly seeing him like that, Alice and the other four women couldn't help but chuckle...

The policewomen couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Ryder said suddenly: "Oh——Finally, it's so cool——"


At this moment, Delia finally couldn't help but suddenly opened her eyes...

After she turned her head and took a look, her face was expressionless, and she didn't say anything.

Then, she turned her head and looked at Li Chen beside her...

Right now, Li Chen is also looking at her...

After the two suddenly looked at each other, they seemed to be a little inexplicably awkward with each other.

Anyway, Delia's pretty face was blushing...

But thinking about her T country police uniform, she seemed too embarrassed to have too much ambiguity with this man.

After thinking about it, she had no choice but to whisper in Li Chen's ear: "Why don't you sleep?"

Li Chen listened, but didn't respond, as if he was a little absent-minded.

Because, actually, he's been keeping an eye on what's going on in the bathroom...

After the Ryder product came out, a police officer went into the bathroom to take a look...

Then, after the police officer came out, he shook his head at the other police officers, as if to say that there was nothing unusual about it.

Delia suddenly reached out and shook Li Chen's eyes: "Hello."

Hearing her say this again in his ear suddenly, Li Chen was stunned...

Then he looked at her again, and he said something next to her ear: "What's wrong?"

In fact, for this policewoman, Li Chen still felt somewhat chivalrous and tender.

After all, he once had such inexplicable sex with her.

Delia suddenly said next to his ear: "You...don't mean to crash the plane?"

Hearing such a sentence suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but shudder...

Now, he doesn't know how to answer?

It's just that he also seemed to see it, and Delia still seemed to have guessed something.

Then, in desperation, he had no choice but to whisper in Delia's ear: "We just want to be good."

However, Delia whispered in his ear: "Actually, I know you hate us."

Hearing this sentence again, Li Chen was stunned for a moment, and then whispered in her ear: "But you are not included."

However, at this moment, it was suddenly startled that the plane made a 'crack' sound...

Looks like some glass is broken somewhere?

Although it was only a slight sound, suddenly, the hearts of all the personnel on the entire plane trembled...

It was like taking a sudden breath and unable to go down.

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, there was a loud bang...

I saw that the safety door at the front of the plane was suddenly blown open by a huge gust of wind...

In an instant, with a whistling sound, the gust of wind poured directly into the plane...

Then I was shocked to see that everything was blown into chaos by the wind...


I don't know who suddenly screamed.

It appears that the windshield of the plane was shattered.

In the next second, suddenly, the oxygen mask above was suddenly put down...

Before the police officers could react, Li Chen panicked and yelled loudly: "Quick—all of you put on your oxygen masks—"

While yelling, he stretched out his hand to grab the oxygen mask in a panic...

Seeing this, Delia, who was sitting next to him, hurriedly stretched out her hand to grab the oxygen mask...

In the next second, after the police officers reacted, they all panicked.

However, immediately, there were several police officers in front of them who were about to crawl over with difficulty and block the safety door...

Because of this situation, as long as the safety door can be successfully blocked, the problem is still not big.

Of course, the most important thing is...the quality of the pilot.

At this moment, in the cockpit, the captain and co-pilot are already in a hurry...

I was struggling desperately, and I didn't have the mind to take care of other things at all.


Then, as the plane descended at a sudden speed, the hearts of all the people on board seemed to be falling at the same speed...

However, among them, there were still a few police officers who couldn't help turning their heads and staring at Ryder angrily...

Seeing this, Ryder took off his oxygen mask and said angrily: "Oh—Fuck—what the hell are you looking at me for—I'm just constipated in the bathroom—now it's the front of the plane The windshield shattered—OK!?"

Of course, Li Chen also believed that Ryder really didn't have that ability.

It is also impossible to smash the front windshield in the bathroom.

Right now, he didn't care about those police officers, he just watched Alice waiting for the four women...

Seeing that the four women had already put on their oxygen masks, he felt a little relieved.

This is so f*cking... If it's true, it's really a f***ing point...

(End of this chapter)

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