The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1027 Looks like we have something to play again

Chapter 1027 Looks like we have something to play again

In fact, at this moment, what is most tested is the adaptability of the captain and co-pilot.

After all, the carrying task this time is huge!
The whole international community is paying attention to this plane.

If the plane crashes, it will be really lively!

Due to the shattered front windshield, facing the impact of the gust of wind, the captain's face has already been distorted and deformed by the wind...

In addition, many places such as the forehead and eyes should have been scratched by broken glass, and blood marks are dripping...

Even so, he had to endure all kinds of pain, and with a ferocious face, relying on all kinds of perseverance, he tried his best to control the plane...

It's just that the captain at this moment has difficulty breathing!

Think about it, at the speed of the plane, how can you stand the impact of such a gust of wind?

However, the co-pilot has tried his best to help the captain put on the oxygen mask...

It's just that the nose of the plane keeps falling, in a downward dive posture...

If this continues, the plane will crash sooner or later.

In desperation, the captain could only rely on his own perseverance to steer the plane up again...


As for the plane at this moment, it is naturally trembling, jittering, shaking, bumping...

In short, all kinds of instability.

One of the policewomen suddenly took off her oxygen mask and vomited...

The male policemen in front tried to close the security door, but they were still unsuccessful.

But you must know that this kind of gust of wind pours in, even more powerful than a dozen typhoons.

People in the aisle can't stand up at all.

I tried my best to climb over a little bit, and then I was blown back a little bit by the wind...


However, for Ryder at this moment, his heart is secretly refreshed.

Especially looking at the embarrassing behavior of the police officers on the plane at the moment, this guy is even more inexplicably cool.

Originally, he wanted to help, but seeing Li Chen standing still, he simply followed Li Chen's example and stood still.

As for the moment, Alice and the four women each have various inexplicable complications in their hearts...

They thought about crashing the plane, but they were afraid of losing their lives.

Delia, who was wearing an oxygen mask at the moment, turned her head to look at Li Chen next to her, seeing him wearing an oxygen mask expressionlessly, sitting beside her indifferently, she was secretly stunned...

Even wondering... Did this guy take the opportunity to do something secretly before boarding the plane?
In fact, regarding the various mentalities of this self-rescue and survival team at sea, their police officers are also hard to figure out...

Even all this time, I don't know what they are thinking in their hearts?
In fact, at this moment, as far as Li Chen is concerned, he is almost in a state of letting go...

In fact, he has no fear of death.

Especially after Hye Kyo died, he was even less afraid of death.

He even felt... If he really died like this, it seemed that his life would be worthwhile and fulfilled...

Maybe this is God's will?
If possible, I really want to go to another world to find Hye Kyo.

Now, in my heart, the only regret is... Facing my parents, I failed to fulfill my filial piety!
Suddenly, when the plane suddenly plummeted at an extremely fast speed, while his heart trembled, he muttered a sentence in his heart...Parents, children are not filial!


Suddenly, the captain hurriedly turned his head and yelled at the co-pilot, meaning that the accelerator was out of control.

Suddenly, with a bang, the plane shook violently. The plane had already broken through the clouds and was diving down at a very high speed...


The next second, it was the policewomen who screamed in horror.

As for the male policemen before and after, they all had expressions of panic...

Afterwards, two male policemen also suddenly vomited...

This made Ryder feel very dark.


At this moment, Officer Delia, who was sitting next to Li Chen, also suddenly had a panicked expression.

Only Li Chen and others remained motionless in their seats.

In fact, at this moment, Li Chen's heart is also very complicated...

I wanted to help something, but when I think about it, what can I help with my identity as a suspect?

Besides, my every move now is being watched by those pairs of eyes in uniform, which is very uncomfortable.

So think about it, just hold back.

Life or death, sometimes, maybe it's really God's decision?

Life and death are not terrible, it depends on whether it is meaningful?
At least at this moment, in Li Chen's opinion, it is very meaningful to understand life in this way.

Anyway, it passed with great vigor and vigor, at least it still shocked the world.

Although he was originally just a poor dick, but now he has already attracted the attention of the whole world.

Moreover, since he died at this time, he could just go to another world to find Hye Kyo.


Right now, in the cockpit.

As the plane stalled, the captain seemed a little helpless...

After breaking through the clouds, he saw a primitive jungle in front of him, and he had no choice but to let the plane dive towards the primitive forest...

At this moment, the captain and co-pilot are already risking their own death.

Besides, there is no other way.


It didn't take long, with a loud noise of 'Xihu', the whole plane has rushed into the primeval jungle...


The panicked screams of those policewomen exploded again.

As for Alice and the four women, there was no movement at all.

Then, inside the plane, it was suddenly dark...

On both sides, there were various sounds of 'Xi Xi Shua Shua' and 'Hoo Hoo Boom'...

In the end, with a sudden 'puff' sound from the nose and a heavy impact, all the people on the plane suddenly leaned forward, and then, everything finally came to a standstill...


Everyone was a little dazed, as if they were all thinking, are they still alive?

never mind?
The plane stopped?


In fact, at this moment, if one looks down from above, the plane is completely invisible.

Because the entire plane has long been submerged in the jungle...

It's just that some traces of the collision along the way are still there.

Trees or something... traces of breaking all the way.

It seems that this jungle has just experienced a violent rampage.


In the jungle, it was still dark on the plane that had crashed.

All the staff are still in a daze, unbelievable...

I don't know how long it took, but all of a sudden, those policewomen were already vomiting...

Several male policemen also vomited.

However, Ryder, who suddenly took off his oxygen mask, couldn't help laughing: "Haha... Oye... Is this really God's will... Ou Maiga... It seems that we have something to play again... Hahaha……"

Suddenly seeing the big guy in Hei, those police officers stared at him in panic and inexplicable annoyance...


(End of this chapter)

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