The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1028 It seems that it is not easy to die

Chapter 1028 It seems that it is not easy to die

At this moment, the ground of country T and the ground of HY have been calling HT3304 all the time...

Regarding HT3304, it is naturally the chartered plane that Li Chen and others took.

HT3304, please call back... I am the control tower of HY.

HT3304, please call back... I am the control tower of country T.

At this moment, all kinds of calls, but there has been no response.

What's going on, no one knows?

It's just that the command center was staring at the trajectory of HT3304's flight, and suddenly saw that HT3304 was no longer flying.

At this moment, all parties are holding a heart...

After a while, HY called Country T again to inquire about the situation...

As for the country T side, they can only tell the other party that HT3304 departed from the country T international airport four hours ago.

Anyway, it is all kinds of calls now, and HT3304 cannot be contacted.


In fact, the country T and HY have realized that something happened to HT3304?

It's just that for all parties, they dare not release this news to the public yet.

Because once this news was released, it would be a real blast.

Think about it, a plane escorting a suspect lost contact in the end. What kind of rhythm is this?

This time... it was really lively.


At this moment, in that unknown forest, the HT3304 that has fallen into the depths of the forest...

Now, all the personnel on the plane have finally come to their senses completely.

Realized, what a fucking total crash.

Some of the police officers are still in charge.

At least they have found that the captain and co-pilot died on the spot.

Several other police officers were injured to varying degrees.

How exactly did it hurt? I can't figure it out.

Anyway, some foreheads are not scratched.

Some have bloodstains at the corners of their eyes.

The two most serious police officers, one with a broken leg and one with an arm...

On the contrary, it was the six members of the self-rescue and survival team at sea. The six suspects were all unharmed.

And after taking off the oxygen masks one by one, they are all in high spirits...

This made those police officers very dumbfounded: "???"

Even doubting... This is the conspiracy of these six people?

In order to dispel their doubts, Li Chen gave them a look...

Ryder and the others seemed to understand the meaning of the captain's eyes, so seeing that the captain was still motionless in his seat, they were also motionless.

In short, at this moment, the six of them are very calm, very calm.

In fact, for Li Chen, he was a little puzzled...

He even frowned, as if thinking, he's not dead! ?

It's not dead like this! ?
It seems... It's not easy to want to die!

Grass, what the hell!

Next, for the police officers on the plane, they were confused: "???"

Because they don't know what to do next?
It is naturally unrealistic not to get out of this plane.

Because if they don't go out... In the end, they will probably all die on this plane?

But go out...there are deep jungles all around.

That deep, eerie feeling...

Anyway... the lush jungle, with staggered branches and leaves above, feels opaque...

All in all, the current light is very dim.

Especially when staying on a plane.

About six or seven uninjured police officers gathered together at this moment...

I saw what they were talking about...

But as we talked, we were staring at each other, staring at each other...


After a long time, nothing happened, suddenly a male policeman in his forties came over...

The male policeman is the judicial police of the International Court of Justice.

When he came forward, he suddenly looked at Li Chen humbly...

"Hello, Captain Li Chen, may I ask... do you have any experience in this kind of environment?"

Suddenly I heard that this guy was speaking not-so-fluent Chinese, and he was actually asking Li Chen, that bastard Ryder couldn't help but burst out laughing...

Suddenly hearing Big Hei's laughter, this male policeman in his forties suddenly looked embarrassed——

In fact, at this moment, Alice and the other four women couldn't help but want to laugh...

They also suddenly felt that this was really fun.

Seeing that Li Chen hadn't said anything, Delia saw Sergeant David was a little embarrassed, so she had no choice but to say: "Hey, Sergeant David, let me communicate with him."

Hearing Delia's words suddenly, Li Chen knew that guy's name was David.Still some kind of bastard sheriff.

In fact, looking at the uniform, Li Chen already knew in his heart that the guy with the highest official rank was the only one on this plane.

It's just that at this moment, he is still not online yet, so he doesn't want to say anything for a while.

But after thinking about it, suddenly, Captain Li Chen finally spoke: "I'm sorry, Sergeant David, we are just suspects, and we will follow your arrangements."

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Sergeant David was stunned again: "???"

But thinking about it, Sergeant David was a little inexplicably annoyed, and then looked at Li Chen sullenly...

"Hey, Captain Li Chen, do you want to take this opportunity to negotiate terms with us?"

Suddenly seeing this Sergeant David speaking like this, Delia suddenly became anxious: "Hehehe! Sergeant David! Please pay attention to your attitude, OK?"

However, this Sergeant David looked at Delia inexplicably, and said: "Officer Delia, don't forget, you are only a police officer from country T. Now... this matter... you are just helping us, OK ?”

Delia said: "But, Sergeant David, don't forget, you haven't arrived at HY yet."

And Li Chen saw that Delia might not have the upper hand, so he couldn't help but said: "I should resolve the conflict between the two sides first, and then we can talk about survival."

Suddenly hearing this, Sergeant David looked at Li Chen inexplicably sullenly, and said, "Are you posing with me?"

Li Chen said: "You can think what you want. Anyway, our lives are worthless now. I was thinking just now, the plane crashed like this, why am I still alive?"

Hearing this suddenly, Sergeant David was a little stunned: "???"

It seems that some don't quite understand the meaning of what Captain Li Chen said?
But think about it, but there is something in the words.

Thinking about it suddenly, it seems to be the case. It is estimated that the six of them... must have broken their cans too?
Thinking of this, Sergeant David began to feel a little inexplicably afraid...

At this moment, Ryder suddenly yelled: "Hey, Sergeant David, you have to apologize to Captain Li Chen! Otherwise... at worst, we'll all die in this jungle!"

Immediately, Alice also said: "It's okay, we're worth it if we die anyway, it's no big deal."

Katerina said: "Brother Li Chen, I suddenly thought, we can still die together, this is also a kind of happiness!"

"???" Sergeant David panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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