Chapter 1029 Sudden Confrontation

In fact, this Sergeant David has his own calculations.

It's just... Li Chen has already seen through his small thoughts.

So naturally it won't be so cooperative.

In fact, right now, on this plane, the sense of class is palpable.

For the uniformed police officers, Li Chen and the other six are a group of international suspects who are about to be sent to the International Court of Justice for trial.

But the people in police uniforms were divided into two groups, one group was the judicial police on the side of the International Court of Justice.

The other faction, of course, is the police officers assisted by country T.

And the group of people headed by Sergeant David, the judicial police on the side of the international court, and others naturally have a sense of superiority.

At this point, the police officers in country T also felt it.

Of course, the most humble ones are Li Chen and the other six.

On the surface, it seems that Sergeant David came to discuss a survival plan with Captain Li Chen, but in fact...he wanted to use these six people as slaves in a disguised form.

Because every word, deed, and every move is under the insight of Captain Li Chen.

Obviously, this Sergeant David is too sensitive.

If there is something slightly unpleasant, he will be impatient and sullen, which seems to have exposed {b} his true inner thoughts.

Especially the sentence he said, "Do you want to take the opportunity to negotiate terms with us?", but from this sentence, Li Chen has already seen through his true thoughts.

Because... In fact, his status was not online at the time, and he didn't think about negotiating any conditions with their police officers.

However, this reminder from Sergeant David made this Captain Li Chen have to start thinking active...

For the six of them, this kind of polar environment is not to say that they have long been used to it, at least they have already experienced it.

But for this group of guys in police uniforms, who seem to be mighty and dignified, they are actually very guilty.

After all, I have never experienced such a polar environment.

But now... wanting to bully others with power, counting on these six people to be used as slaves... it seems like a punch has been hit on a sponge again.

People don't confront you police officers.

Anyway, it's just one sentence - don't be afraid of death.

You are not even afraid of death, what else do you want to expect?

Suddenly, Sergeant David seemed to realize that maybe his own way was wrong?
But thinking about it, he was still a little inexplicably annoyed...

After all, the big black guy is still clamoring for him to apologize.

Just thinking about it makes me angry...

Looking at Captain Li Chen again, he suddenly said another sentence: "Be careful, we will execute you in the jungle!"

Hearing this sentence suddenly, and then looking at Sergeant David, Li Chen couldn't help but smile inexplicably...

Then he simply pointed to the center of his eyebrows and said, "Come on, Sergeant David, just shoot here!"

"???" Sergeant David panicked again, and Jon froze.

In fact, Li Chen had already noticed that Delia beside him was also ready to draw a gun at any time.

But in his mind, what he was thinking was that it would be best for the two groups of police officers to fight among themselves first and have conflicts first.

In this case, he actually doesn't mind having fewer people.

After all, resources are limited.

His experience is that if there are fewer people, he will share more food.

In fact, the police officers in Country T have been watching the every move of David and his group for a long time.

At the same time, they are also watching Delia's every move...

After all, Delia is their leader on this plane now, so if the leader decides to do it, they can't be ambiguous.

However, it can be seen that Sergeant David is trying hard to suppress his anger at this moment...

Obviously, he was also pondering and calculating in his heart, is it worthwhile to persist like this?

In the end, it was the Sergeant David who was persuaded.

He suddenly looked at Li Chen inexplicably, and then said: "I don't want to waste bullets yet."

However, what I didn't expect was that Ryder got angry and said to Sergeant David, "Fuck——you—"

"???" Sergeant David was taken aback for a moment, and then really angry.

Then, when he turned around, he drew his gun and pointed at Ryder angrily...

Unexpectedly, at this time, Delia also drew her gun at the same time, pointing the gun at the back of Sergeant David's head...

"Hey, Sheriff Davy, watch the back of your head!"


All of a sudden, the police officers on both sides were dumbfounded.

Don't understand what's going on?

However, the police officers in front all began to draw their guns, aiming at Delia...

Because the front is the judicial police on the side of the International Court of Justice.

However, the group of police officers near the tail of the plane also drew their guns, and the guns were aimed at the group of police officers at the front...

Because those near the tail of the plane are all police officers from country T.

Suddenly, such a scene was staged, which made Li Chen and others feel a little excited.

Although Ryder has been pointed at gunpoint, he still looks neither humble nor overbearing...

"Hey, Sheriff Davy, shoot."

"???" This time, Sergeant David was really a little bit stuck.

I saw that his forehead was starting to sweat...

Because he also knew that as soon as the gunshot rang out, the bullets in their respective hands would not be eye-catching.

So in the end... who lives and who dies, who knows?

Of course, he never expected that the police officers from country T would actually get involved.

In fact, in the face of Li Chen and the other six people, the police officers from country T still had some feelings.

After all, he has been under house arrest in country T for a month, and he has already become familiar with each other.

All of a sudden, there was nothing left. Near the front of the plane, another bailiff in his forties hurriedly said, "Hey, I said...let's put down our guns! I think really unnecessary! We still want to can we complete this task?"

Suddenly hearing what the guy said, Delia said: "I will sue you later! Because you represent the International Court of Justice! It is a serious violation of the rules of the International Court of Justice to draw a gun at the object of our protection like this! "

Hearing this again suddenly, Sergeant David felt a little guilty...

Because he is still aware of his irrationality.

It's just that now... it's a little bit hard to get off.

After a while, nothing happened, and the Sheriff David had no choice but to raise his hands in a panic...

"OK! My fault! It's all my fault!"

However, unexpectedly, Ryder said to him again: "Fuck—you—"

Sheriff David: "...???"

Seeing him like that, that bastard Ryder simply said: "Luzi—a coward—this way I will look down on you even more—"

Sheriff David: "...???"

(End of this chapter)

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