Chapter 1030 HT3304 lost contact!

Regarding the loss of contact with HT3304, whether it is HY or T country, they dare not release the news for the time being.

It seems that they are still waiting for a miracle to happen.

Just counting the time now, an hour passed, and then before I knew it...another hour passed...

The towers on both sides called HT3304 again.

Naturally, there was still no response.

In the end, before I knew it, it was eight o'clock in the evening...

At this time, both sides became a little anxious.

But you must know that at HY's airport, there are still many international media reporters waiting...

If you think about it, you will know that the 6 maritime incident in country T, which caused a global sensation, could not have continued to pay close attention to it by the international media?
Moreover, as a self-rescue and survival team at sea, it is itself an international hotspot.

What is even more newsworthy is that the International Court of Justice will hold a trial regarding the 6 maritime incident in country T...

Naturally, everyone wants to know, how will the international court decide against the self-rescue and survival team at sea?

Anyway, with the ferment of international public opinion, no matter which country's citizens believe that the self-rescue and survival team at sea should be acquitted!
Of course, this is just a sentimental view.

As for the ruling of the law... of course it still depends on the judge.

But now, the crux of the problem, the chartered flight HT3304 to pick up the self-rescue and survival team at sea has passed for more than ten hours, and it has not yet arrived at HY Airport.


At this moment, HY is on the phone with Country T again.

It's just talking to each other, but in the end there is still no result.

Anyway, I have been unable to contact the HT3304.

But now, it seems that the loss of HT3304 is not announced to the outside world, and it is a bit overwhelming.

After all, the international media reporters waiting at HY airport began to have doubts, and even started to complain, or make a fuss...

This is not a child's play house thing.

Every word and deed, every action, ultimately cannot escape the eyes of the international media.

In the end, nothing happened. Under the decision of HY, it finally announced to the outside world that HT3304 has lost contact for the time being...

As soon as this official announcement came out, there was an uproar all over the world...

Citizens from all over the world have come to leave messages online one after another...

Huaguo netizen: This must be a conspiracy by country T.

H Country Netizen: Who will give justice to the self-rescue and survival team at sea?
Toyo netizen: HY must also be involved!
Country G netizen: Country T will not be bolder than our country G, right?

The grievances of netizens from all over the world are secondary, but the more important thing is that Aviana's lawyer team is all angry...

Aviana's legal team immediately posted a post on social media, meaning that if this is really a conspiracy by country T, the Modery Law Firm will accompany it to the end, and will definitely sue country T for bankruptcy.

The International Court of Justice is also afraid that it will not be able to bear this responsibility, and it is also the first time to clarify the ins and outs of this matter on social media...

In short, the general idea is that it has nothing to do with the International Court of Justice for the time being.

Then, the relevant countries have already rang the phone number of the head of state T...


At this moment, as the head of State T, he is also jumping up and down, and is in a hurry...

He has also been on the phone, asking the relevant departments for details.

Country T really can't afford this matter!

In fact, it's really unfair.

As soon as the head of state of country T got angry, he immediately issued a death order, requiring the police headquarters of country T to find out what happened to HT24 before it took off at the airport of country T within 3304 hours.


This time, it was really exciting.

Especially the Russian president was very angry about this incident.

He even made a televised speech, which means... If it is really a conspiracy by country T, country T will pay a heavy price.

The chairman of the country of Hua has also spoken out, meaning that Li Chen, a citizen of our country, has always been law-abiding and has been cooperating with various investigations of country T. It should not have happened now!

Although Hua Guo's voice was more tactful and reserved, his attitude was clear, that is, it was impossible to treat this incident as if it hadn't happened.

Next, Hua Guo's diplomats and other officials also strongly condemned.

Then the head of State Y also posted a post on social media, condemning the incident.

Successively, there are Toyo Country, H Country, and so on.


At this moment, in a hotel in HY.

Tan Jixia, Su Qianer and other six women are so worried...

Originally, the six of them had won the auditorium seats in the International Court of Justice, but now, this happened suddenly again!
"Hmph! It won't crash again, will it?"

Suddenly I heard the cute girls talking like this, one by one... It's not easy to say anything casually.

Qiong'er also stomped her feet in anxiety...

"Hmph! Our captain...can't be so unlucky?"

Qin Xiaowan's beautiful eyes wrinkled: "What's the matter?"

Lena the babe said: "Oh... this is torture! I've had enough!"

Only the eldest Tan Jixia and the second child Su Qianer remained silent.

The two of them looked at each other, as if they understood each other...

What the two of them meant...wasn't the captain and the others intentionally creating an air crash?
In fact, based on what the two of them knew about the captain, this possibility couldn't be ruled out?

Overnight, HY has appealed to the international community to participate in this search and rescue operation.

At the same time, HY has quickly set up a search and rescue team.

As for country T, a search and rescue team was also set up overnight.


As for this moment at night, in the depths of the unknown jungle, on the crashed HT3304...

In the entire plane, except for the darkness, it was still pitch black.

No one can see anyone.

Although it's pitch black, it's vaguely... the atmosphere in the entire plane doesn't seem to be very good?
Those officers in police uniform who were still showing off their power suddenly seemed to be a little helpless in this silent and dark night...

One by one... not even a sound came out.

Just suddenly... Katerina made a voice: "Uh, Brother Li Chen, I want to pee."

Such a sudden voice seemed to have finally broken the silence in the entire plane...

After a while, there was a sudden '歘' sound, and someone lit a match...

With the faint light of the fire, it can be roughly discerned that it is the match lit by Captain Li Chen...

Then I only heard the captain Li Chen say to the Russian girl: "Let's go, I'll accompany you there."

It's just that when they saw this scene suddenly, those police officers frowned...

Because the restroom on the plane is full of feces and urine now, and there is no water to flush it. The smell, once the door is opened, is really unbearable.

But it's okay, one by one... shit has to be solved!
I really don't know what to do?
They are just thinking that they must leave this plane tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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