Chapter 1031
Next, in the pitch-black cabin, there were only a few faint match flames moving along the aisle, heading for the bathroom at the end of the cabin...

Although the smell near the bathroom at the end is unpleasant, at this moment, Li Chen has nothing to do, so he can only patiently accompany Linna there...

After all, people can't call "brother" for nothing.

In fact, for now, the closest person to him was this Russian girl.

Of course, to a certain extent, he really treats her as his younger sister.

Although Linna took the initiative N times during the one month in the safe house, he never really had any relationship with her.

In fact, right now, maybe he also feels that... the relationship between a man and a woman is just that, but he still has a bottom line.

Just that time, he had sex with Delia inexplicably, and this matter has always been a sticking point in his heart.

Anyway, whenever he thought of this, he felt a little inexplicable self-blame.

But things happened after all, so just this... In his heart, he never knew what to do?
When they finally reached the door of the bathroom, the match in hand was out, so Li Chen had no choice but to strike another match, and then said softly to Linna: "Okay, you go in."

At this moment, everyone in the cabin is looking at the man and the woman...

I always feel that there is something special about the man and the woman.

Anyway... Delia looked at it with inexplicable jealousy.

Because she has never understood, what is the relationship between Li Chen and that Russian girl?

Then, in the dark and silent cabin, just as everyone was staring at the man and woman at the end of the cabin, suddenly, there was a tiger roar from outside the plane...


The screams of several policewomen suddenly exploded.

However, Katerina, who was in the bathroom at the moment, was so calm, still just untied her little hands.

As for Li Chen who was waiting at the door of the bathroom, he was also calm.

On the contrary, the police officers became nervous...

Especially when I heard another rustling sound coming from the jungle on the left...

Suddenly a male policeman said in a trembling voice: "Oh...fuck..."

This made Ryder secretly laugh...

Alice, Jessie, and Sun Jiaying also suddenly felt a little inexplicably happy...

In short, such a scene was already a bit common to them.

It's just that for those police officers, one by one... But the heart trembles.

After all, this is the first time I have experienced such a polar environment and a terrifying world...

It was pitch black everywhere, and nothing could be seen.

I only know that I am in the depths of the jungle.

All around is pitch black...a bottomless jungle.

Especially in this quiet night, listening to the roar of the tiger and the rustling noise, I always feel that the tiger is about to launch an attack on the plane.

Sure enough, suddenly, there was a 'peng' sound, as if there was really a big tiger, and its feet were suddenly put on the plane...


Those policewomen screamed again.

And now, those male policemen don't know what to do?
Just one heart trembling...


Suddenly, the Ryder guy reached out and patted the window glass: "Hey, buddy, don't bother. You're so big, you can't get in."

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the nose of the plane suddenly shook...


The screams of those policewomen exploded again.

Immediately, the male police officers all became nervous...

Because the windshield at the front of the plane is missing, there is a big {d} hole there.

It's really not ruled out that there will be ferocious beasts scurrying in from somewhere?

Then, there was nothing left to do, and some of the guilty and timid policemen had no choice but to draw their guns and point them at the front of the plane...

'嘡, 嘡...'

Suddenly two gunshots sounded.

And then I just heard a guy at the front of the plane say, "Fuck..."

But he only said half a sentence, and then there was a sudden 'poof', it seemed that the person had been knocked down in the aisle...


Suddenly, everyone in the cabin was dumbfounded!
A few seconds later, there was a sudden 'squeak', and a guy struck a match...

Then, under the faint light of matches, several officers in police uniform tremblingly walked towards the front...

But when they squatted down to see who had fallen, unexpectedly, the match went out.

Nothing to do, so I had to make a 'squeak' again and strike a match...

Afterwards, under the faint light of the match, it was Sergeant David who had fallen in the aisle in a pool of blood...

Who the hell didn't expect that Sergeant David would just hang up like an oolong!

Then there was a guy yelling and asking who fired the shot! ?

Everyone is stupid.

Next, no one dares to admit that you look at each other and look at you.

This made Ryder laugh all the time...

Alice, Jessie, and Sun Jiaying couldn't help secretly laughing...

This oolong mess is really interesting.

In fact, at this very moment, Delia was also secretly gloating...

Because in fact, she has long been displeased with that Sergeant David.

It's just that now, who fired the gun, I don't know! ?

After Katerina came out of the bathroom, she hurriedly asked in Li Chen's ear, "Brother Li Chen, just now... what's wrong?"

Li Chen said in Linna's ear: "Don't worry about it so much. Let's go back to our seats."


In fact, for Li Chen, he knew very well that they were the suspects now, why should they take care of other people's police affairs?

Now they are all consuming each other on this plane, let's see who consumes more energy than whom?
All in all, now that so many police officers are in sight, keep a low profile and pretend to be a grandson.

As for the relationship between them and the police, whoever killed who was only their business.


At this moment, at the front of the plane, the bailiffs from the International Court of Justice are still questioning each other, who fired the shot?

But no one dared to admit it.

But now, the entire cabin is pitch black, and for a while, it is impossible to confront the police officers of country T.

However, in Li Chen's view, all of this is actually meaningless.

Because this is just the beginning.

In the future, those police officers must understand that the most important thing is not who can kill who, but who can really get out of this jungle?
The final victory must belong to the person who survived in the end.

Winning or losing now is not called winning or losing.

As for choosing the low-key way of pretending to be a grandson, it is just to live longer. other words...the thousand-year king, the 8-year tortoise, and the century-old rabbit are not chased by anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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