Chapter 1032: Early Morning Gunshots

The next day, early in the morning, a faint light came in from the windows on both sides of the plane, but unexpectedly, there was such a sudden gunshot in the cabin...

With the sound of '嘡', all the personnel in the entire cabin were all shocked and woke up...

Then I saw a guy standing at the front of the aisle of the plane, holding a pistol in his hand...

However, the muzzle was aimed at the roof of the cabin.

Obviously, that guy should have fired a shot at the top of the cabin just now?
Perhaps he is used to shooting into the sky, is this already a warning?
At this moment, Li Chen just glanced at that guy roughly, and then didn't say anything, pretending to be nonchalant...

In fact, he woke up early.

To be precise, it was woken up by the smell of excrement and urine in the restroom on the plane.

Therefore, he has long noticed that guy's every move...

The guy was also in his forties, a bailiff from the International Court of Justice.

After waking up early in the morning, seeing Sergeant David still lying on the aisle after being shot and killed last night, that guy was inexplicably angry...

It's just that after the anger passed, he panicked again, and after a moment of inexplicable madness, he also had no choice but to go crazy, drew his gun and fired at the top of the cabin.

It can be seen that after the shot was fired, all the people in the cabin were awakened, and he was about to burst into a thunderstorm, but unexpectedly, a drop of blood dripped from his head...

'Clap! '

Right or wrong, that drop of blood just hit the bridge of his nose...

"???" The guy suddenly panicked.

Then, when he raised his hand tremblingly and tremblingly, he touched his nose bridge with a finger, and then saw that it was a drop of bright red blood. Panic is a violent shake...


Seeing that guy suddenly looked like a woman, screaming in panic and peeing his pants at the same time, Li Chen couldn't help but chuckle secretly.

Then, I only heard a loud bang suddenly from the top of the plane...

The whole plane trembled violently...


The policewomen screamed in panic again...

It was as if something was slapping the top of the plane angrily.

At this moment, Alice and the other four women also trembled inexplicably...

Then, I saw that forty-year-old bailiff completely crazy...

I saw him in the aisle, suddenly turned around, and ran towards the front of the plane in an 'ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

At the same time, I still don't forget the random shooting of '嘡嘡'...

Seeing such a scene suddenly, all the staff were stunned: "???"

Then, I saw the bailiff in his forties leaping out from the opening of the windshield at the front...


Everyone in the cabin was dumbfounded again.

Some of the police officers were also struggling on the verge of collapse...

Anyway, quite a few police officers are trembling in cold sweat...

This is so... so supernatural!
The forty-year-old bailiff just jumped into the jungle with a 'poof', and suddenly there was a tiger roar...

Then I saw a big tiger rushing out, and with a bang, it rushed towards the forty-year-old bailiff...

Then, the bailiff in his forties was completely silent.


Those policewomen also went completely crazy and collapsed, and the screams of ah ah kept going.

At the same time, I saw them scratching their hair like crazy...

It's not over yet, because next, there was a sudden 'squeak', and a giant python rolled down from the top of the plane...

Then with a 'poof' sound, it fell heavily into the jungle on the left...


The screams of those policewomen startled again and exploded.

Those male policemen are almost on the verge of collapse...

Only Delia, who was sitting beside Li Chen, remained calm.

But, in fact, Delia's heart was also trembling, up and down...

As for Li Chen and the other six...they kept an inexplicable calm all the time and didn't make a sound.

Only Ryder seemed to be watching the fun, grinning happily...

For these police officers, this is the first time they have truly felt the horrors of falling into such a wilderness...

Obviously, for Li Chen and the other six people, there was a somewhat gloating mentality.

After a long time, Delia turned her head to look at Li Chen beside her, and saw that he was still as calm as a calming needle, but she suddenly felt stunned: "???"

Afterwards, there was nothing left to do, so she could only whisper in his ear tremblingly, "Uh, you... aren't you afraid?"

Only then did Li Chen turn his head to look at Delia beside him...

After inexplicably looking at the policewoman thoughtfully, he whispered back in her ear: "I'm used to it."


Delia almost vomited blood.

Although, on this plane, there were at least twenty police officers in total, but next...they really don't know what to do?

I really don't know how to break this situation?
What the hell... It doesn't seem like an option to stay in this plane all the time?
Although there was some food and water on the plane, it was prepared in advance according to the number of people, and it was only enough for two days at most.


As for Li Chen always choosing to pretend to be a grandson, there are naturally various considerations.

After all, it is too high-profile, and will encounter the red eyes of these police officers.

Besides, if this reminded them of the importance of food and water, it would be strange if they didn't kill the six of them!

After all, the current identities of the six of them are nothing more than international suspects.

Even if you are killed, just find an excuse.

Besides, falling into this kind of jungle and dying, who doesn't know what happened?

Therefore, while these police officers have not yet realized the importance of survival, they still have a sense of responsibility for the time being, and are still thinking about how to complete the task and how to escort the six of them to HY. Therefore, Li Chen's decision, Naturally... Just play the role of your own international suspect for the time being.


After staying for a long time, the police of country T and the judicial police of the international court began to stare at each other...

You look at me and I look at you.

It seems that they also realized something together?
But now, no one knows how to break the situation?

If this situation cannot be resolved, and this jungle cannot be exited, naturally no one can be rescued.

Moreover, they were unable to complete this arduous task.

(End of this chapter)

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