Chapter 1034 Failed to send a signal!

On this day... around noon, I saw several rescue planes approaching the unnamed primeval jungle...

In fact, if you look down from above, you will find that this huge primeval jungle... is actually just an island in the ocean.

It's just huge.

Moreover, here, this location, seems to be in the high seas.

That is, maybe it doesn't belong to a particular country?

In fact, all of a sudden, these rescue planes were also confused...

According to the geographical location, this place is called Dacong Island.

However, there is no specific indication of which country Dacong Island belongs to.

These rescue planes flew all the way, and saw an endless primitive jungle below...


Apart from these sights, it seems that nothing has been discovered for the time being.


And now, deep in the jungle, on the crashed HT3304...

I saw the anxious police officers in the cabin...

Because I could clearly hear the roar of the plane above, booming, rattling, clearly like the movement of a rescue plane, but...they shouted and broke their throats, but it seemed to be of no avail, no one heard them.

Especially the bailiffs of the International Court of Justice, shouting anxiously, their throats were full of muscles...

In the end, I could only hear clearly that those planes were gradually moving away...

"Omega - Fuck -"

Seeing the behavior of those bailiffs, Li Chen and the others couldn't help but want to laugh.

After a while, one of the bailiffs got anxious and couldn't help but took out his mobile phone...

Just shaking the phone left and right, there is still no signal display anywhere.


Annoyed, the bailiff suddenly slammed the mobile phone down the aisle...

With a sound of '嗙', the phone fell apart.

Just looking at that guy going crazy and going crazy, Li Chen and the others couldn't help but want to laugh...

Obviously, it seems that without expert guidance, this group of guys can't think of any good way?

But... Although there is an expert in the cabin, that expert is not in a hurry right now.


In fact, for Li Chen and others, they were really not in a hurry to get out of this jungle.

Anyway, in the current situation, it's a big deal for everyone to stay in the cabin and spend time together.

Consuming and depleting, there will always be times when someone can't afford it.

Didn't two police officers die from last night to this morning?


Ryder, who used to be very bluffing, has learned to be good now, and he doesn't bluff, just quietly watching jokes there.

Obviously, Ryder knew very well in his heart that there was no way to come up with this jungle with these idiots!

Especially one by one... the execution is not strong.

It seems that he intends to spend time in the cabin, waiting to die, so it's no wonder he can get out of this jungle like this!

Especially just now, there was obviously a rescue plane flying over the sky, but they just couldn't send out a signal.


After waiting for a while, I saw the six or seven bailiffs began to get together again, discussing something again.

Suddenly, they called four of the policewomen over.

Because those four policewomen also belonged to the judicial police on the side of the International Court of Justice.

That is...the four policewomen who accompanied Alice and the other four women belonged to the judicial police of the International Court of Justice.

It can be seen that the dozen or so bailiffs seem to want to choose a leader temporarily.

Because their sheriff and deputy sheriff have both died.

Last night, Sergeant David was killed by an oolong, and he didn't know who fired the shot?

This morning, after the deputy sheriff suddenly jumped out of the plane madly, he was immediately eaten by the tiger.

So now, they have to temporarily choose a leader.


At this moment, Li Chen and the others were still sitting calmly in their respective seats, and no one said anything.

Just looking at the dozen or so bailiffs...I always feel...they can't figure out anything?

Maybe... They are all confused about the route out of the jungle?


Delia, who was sitting next to Li Chen, suddenly turned her head and looked back, only to see that the people on her side had all stayed behind.

On her side, that is, on the side of the T country police, there are also seven or eight people.

She is naturally the leader of these seven or eight people.

At this moment, those seven or eight people looked at her, as if they didn't know what to say?
It's just one by one... now they are all a little listless, as if they have lost their energy.

After a while, there was nothing to do, and Delia had no choice but to turn her head and look at Li Chen beside her...

In fact, Delia is not stupid, and seems to know what Li Chen is thinking.

After thinking about it, she finally couldn't help but whisper in Li Chen's ear: "Uh, what on earth are you thinking?"

Suddenly hearing her question, Li Chen stared thoughtfully for a moment...

Then, he also turned to look at her...

To be honest, in his heart, the relationship between him and this a bit complicated.

According to the mentality of the suspect, he could only regard her as a member of the police.

But... the personal relationship between the two is still a little bit.

After all...the two met a few years ago.

What's more, plus this time...the two had such an inexplicable sex again.

So... Li Chen doesn't know... Should he regard her as his girlfriend?

After thinking about it, there was nothing he could do. He still had no choice but to whisper in Delia's ear: "We are international suspects now, so we don't have any ideas. We don't dare to have any ideas. We can only follow your police's arrangement now. You said get off the plane , we will get off the plane. If you say to stay on the plane, we will stay on the plane.”

Suddenly hearing what he said, Delia frowned somewhat gloomily...

As a woman, she is naturally sensitive in her heart, as if she still hasn't entered his heart.

After thinking about it again, she frowned again in dissatisfaction...

Then, she whispered in his ear: "Are you talking to me like this?"

Hearing what she said, Li Chen was somewhat stunned——

But, after frowning, he didn't know what to say to her?
After much deliberation, there was no other way, so he could only honestly whisper in her ear: "Actually, I don't know us both... What the hell is this?"

So Delia said, "I don't meet your standards?"

This made Li Chen frown again...

After thinking about it, he said, "I admit, you are beautiful. But in this world... there are many beautiful women. But... maybe there is only one who really belongs to me?"

"You still can't forget Hye Kyo?"

"How did you forget?"

So, Delia said: "I understand, because I'm beginning to understand that feeling now, because I'm experiencing it now, maybe I also need your care."

"But... you are a police officer."

"But I'm also a woman."


(End of this chapter)

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