Chapter 1035 No Discovery
In fact, at this moment, there are several rescue planes that have not yet flown away.

I saw that several rescue planes were still working together, flying and searching around Dacong Island...

But regarding the size of this island, it is really huge.

Located in the center of the island, there is also an island lake...

Among them were two rescue planes, which flew over the lake in the center of the island...

Looking down from above, an absolutely beautiful island.

Especially the lake in the center of the island, the water quality is blue, so beautiful...

Surrounding the lake are incomparably exquisite sandy beaches, like a virgin land that no one has ever been to.

Perhaps this is an island with disputed sovereignty, which has led to no one coming to develop it?


At this moment, there are about six or seven rescue planes in the sky above Dacong Island.

Flying around the island lasted for almost an hour.

But in the end, six or seven rescue planes had all flown away.

Obviously... nothing has been found yet.


In fact, as far as the wrecked HT3304 is concerned, it has already fled into the depths of the jungle and was buried by the dense jungle. Looking down from the sky, it is difficult to detect the slightest sign at all.

Although the search and rescue team suspects that it may be the place where HT3304 lost contact, it is simply not realistic to conduct a blanket search for such a huge jungle.

Just looking down from above, I was so confused that I didn't know where to land from?

An hour later, HY's search and rescue command center received information, but nothing was found yet.

Then the search and rescue command center of country T received the information, but nothing was found yet.

Next, the search and rescue aircraft has suspended sea flights.

The search and rescue command centers of both sides have begun to hold emergency meetings to study the next search and rescue plan.

All in all, for the search and rescue work of HT3304, every second must be raced against.

We must find out all the truth before the International Court of Justice.


For now, Country T has also set up an investigation team to investigate the disappearance of HT3304.

Then the international investigation team also began to investigate.

All in all, not only the HY side attaches great importance to the HT3304's loss of contact, but the T country side also attaches great importance to it.

Whether it was a conspiracy or not is yet to be determined.

It's just that international public opinion is oriented towards conspiracy theories.


After noon, in the depths of the jungle on Dacong Island, the light began to gradually weaken again...

As for those personnel, they are still staying on the lost HT3304 for the time being.

At noon, after the judicial police from the International Court of Justice distributed some food and water, they gradually realized the importance of food and water.

Because now, there is not much food and water left on the plane.

But, seeing how many people are still on the plane, each of them is a headache...

There are nearly twenty police officers from both sides.

Including the six members of the Shanghai self-rescue and survival team, this is more than 20 people.

With so many people, it is indeed a difficult problem to solve the problem of food and water.


Now, in a predicament, these police officers are also relaxed about the care of the six members of the sea self-rescue and survival team.

There is no longer one-on-one care by police officers.

For now, there are clearly three factions.

A group of judicial police officers, a group of police officers from country T, and Li Chen and the other six.

For these three factions... the subtle formation was actually within Li Chen's expectation.

In fact, these police officers just can't let go of their airs.

But in Li Chen's view, everyone is equal now.

To put it bluntly, it is to see who has the ability to get out of this jungle?
Now for the six of them, the only disadvantage is...they don't have guns.

Those police officers all carry guns.

Of course, whether it is Li Chen, Ryder, or Alice and the other four women, each of them understands in their hearts that they may have to beware of these guys shooting at the six of them...

When Ryder approached Li Chen, the eyes of the group of bailiffs were clearly staring at him...

As if afraid of what tricks they would do?
In fact, those bailiffs have been wondering whether this air crash is related to those six people?

Therefore, they are also very worried about this self-rescue and survival team at sea, thinking that it is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

As for this moment, Delia and a group of police officers from country T are paying attention to the group of bailiffs...

They were worried about what conspiracy the bailiffs would have?
Of course, what Delia was most worried about was Li Chen's safety.

Because... Now Li Chen is a part of her life.

Based on her understanding of Li Chen, perhaps after a certain period of time, he will slowly develop the kind of relationship between a man and a woman with her.

So now, no matter how desperate she is, she has to swear to the death to protect Li Chen and the other six people.

Of course, that's her job as a police officer.

As a police officer, she has a strong sense of justice in her bones.

As for the political situation of some leaders at the national level of their T country, she will not care about it.

Ryder glanced roughly at the group of bailiffs, and then still couldn't help but whisper in Li Chen's ear: "Hey, brother, next... how do we fix it?"

Li Chen whispered in his ear: "Why are you in a hurry? Let's spend it first."

Ryder said: "But the situation is not good."

Li Chen replied: "I know."

Then, Li Chen whispered in Ryder's ear: "I already woke up the four women last night, be smart."


Just when Ryder and Li Chen were whispering, the group of bailiffs were about to explode, but unexpectedly, there was another roar of a tiger from the side...

It seems that the big tiger in the jungle has not gone far, and has been guarding the prey on the plane.

Suddenly hearing the roar of the tiger, the group of bailiffs began to lose their balance...

One of the guys suddenly said 'Fucking', then drew his gun, turned around and walked towards the front of the plane...

Because there is a big hole at the front of the plane.

But due to the height of the plane, generally speaking, some ferocious beasts still cannot jump up.

Next, I saw that guy walking to the big hole at the front, shooting at the jungle in front of him angrily...

'嘡, 嘡, 嘡...'

Originally, he wanted to scare the big tiger in the jungle, but he never expected that on the top of the plane, there was a golden python lying quietly...

Seeing a human head protruding from that big hole, I saw the golden python suddenly 'hiss', and a bloody mouth swallowed that head directly...



The screams of those policewomen exploded again...

(End of this chapter)

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