Chapter 1036 Like a Horror Movie

As the screams of those policewomen exploded, the remaining five or six male bailiffs panicked in an instant...

Especially the colleague who was looking at the front of the plane, his whole head was swallowed by the python, panicked and at the same time at a loss?
What the hell... For them, this kind of scene has only been seen in blockbuster movies.

Have you ever seen this in real life?

Immediately afterwards, one of the male bailiffs finally stood up, pulled out his gun in panic and anger, and then shot at the top of the plane...

'嘡, 嘡, 嘡...'

The other four or five male bailiffs suddenly saw that this trick worked, so... they all pulled out their guns in a panic, and then shot violently at the top of the plane...

'嘡, 嘡 嘡 嘡, 嘡...'

Then, a stream of bright red blood began to drip down along the bullet holes on the top of the plane...

Just at this moment, suddenly seeing such a scene, the police officers in country T, who have not changed their expressions for the time being, are all panicked and flustered...

This is so... like a real-life horror movie!

Even as police officers, they have never experienced such a scene.

He thought that if he killed the golden python on the top of the plane, that colleague would be saved. Unexpectedly, with the sound of 'hucha', the golden python slid down from the top of the plane, and at the same time With a sudden 'hoo', that colleague was brought down...

"???" Suddenly, the bailiffs panicked again.

This seems... completely beyond their imagination.

In fact, since the big mouth of the golden python has already swallowed that colleague's head, how easy is it to let go and get out?

Those five or six male bailiffs, all holding guns, were standing at the front of the plane at a loss. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden "whoosh" from nowhere...

Then I saw a long bamboo shuttle gun flying towards...

With a sudden "pur" sound, this long bamboo spear, like a string of fish, pierced through three male bailiffs at once...

Surprised to see it again, those policewomen went completely crazy and collapsed, screaming 'Ahh' and 'Aww'...

"???" The last three male bailiffs were completely stunned, and they didn't understand what was going on at all?

I don't know where this long bamboo shuttle gun came from?

At this moment, the police officers in country T panicked and collapsed...

Because they didn't understand, where did the long bamboo shuttle gun come from?

In fact, at this moment, Li Chen also looked serious.

Because all this is not as simple as imagined.

Ryder and the others were also a little confused at the moment, and their hearts were trembling.

However, Li Chen still understood in his heart that the long bamboo shuttle spear must have been made by a savage...

Because last year, on the first island, I met savages.

That kind of guy... is indeed ferocious.

Sure enough, when the last three remaining male bailiffs suddenly saw a tall, furry figure appearing from the jungle ahead, they immediately fired fire...

'嘡, 嘡, 嘡...'

Seeing that those three guys dared to shoot at the savage, Li Chen thought in his heart, it's over.

Sure enough, there was another 'hu' sound, and a bamboo shuttle spear flew towards him again...

With a sound of 'purine', another male bailiff was penetrated from the abdomen.

"???" The remaining two male bailiffs panicked even more stupidly.

Both of them were trembling with shock and trembling, and at the same time, they were sweating in cold sweat...

Right now, the nose of the plane is full of corpses.

But in this situation, to be honest, no one can stop it.

Li Chen also understood that if he went out now, he would also choke his fart.

Then, there were two more 'huhu' sounds, and the two bamboo shuttle guns flew at the same time...

This time it was a joy, and the last two male bailiffs were completely defeated.

And at this moment, a male policeman from Country T seemed to have spotted the furry guy in the jungle...

So... I saw him rushing up with his gun as if he had followed suit...

'嘡, 嘡, 嘡...'

Then, two more male police officers from Country T rushed up...

'嘡, 嘡, 嘡...'

This time, it seemed that the savage in the jungle had been shot, and suddenly there was a loud bang, and he seemed to have fallen down.

After the incident, the three male police officers from country T let out a 'hoo' and let out a long breath...

But then, the atmosphere inside the plane was still frozen and dead.

Their respective heartbeats are still beating...

The rest...the four female bailiffs seemed useless.

After a long time, Delia finally couldn't help but came to Li Chen's side with a dark face...

It seems that in the future, we still have to count on the former Captain.Li.

Hearing his movements, Li Chen turned his head and looked at Delia...

But at this moment, he still didn't know what to say to her?
In desperation, Delia had no choice but to get straight to the point: "Next... you will lead us! We will do what you say we will do!"

Suddenly hearing such a sentence, Li Chen was really flattered and startled: "???"

But looking at the policewoman in front of him, he couldn't help but feel moved after thinking about it for a while. After all, the policewoman's name was Delia.

After thinking about it, he didn't want to be a fool anymore, and just said directly: "We don't have guns."

I don't know what happened, as soon as his words fell, one of the female bailiffs hurriedly took out her own gun and offered it with both hands...

"I have it here! Here! You can use it!"

This made Li Chen stunned again: "???"

In fact, it's not hard to see that they had no choice but to pin their hopes on Captain Li Chen...

After all, everyone knew that he was the captain of Hua Guo in the self-rescue and survival team at sea.

It was he who saved so many people in the ocean after the plane crash.

Presumably this guy's ability must be very strong.

This showed that the female bailiff was already like that, Li Chen was not polite anymore, and reached out and took her gun.

Then, he suddenly disassembled the gun with two 'clicks', and suddenly, everyone was dumbfounded...

Including those male police officers, they were all dumbfounded for an instant...

It seems that this is the time to see what is the real hidden master.

Although they usually use guns, they really don't know much about guns.

In fact, Li Chen didn't do the comparison for the sake of comparison, he just wanted to check the performance of the gun, that's all.

After all, it will definitely be a tough battle to get out of this jungle!
(End of this chapter)

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