The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1037 Are you sure to follow my command?

Chapter 1037 Are you sure to follow my command?

Afterwards, after watching Captain Li Chen make another two clicks, he put the whole pistol back, and all of a sudden, the four female bailiffs seemed to be shocked by their idols As if, staring at Li Chen in a daze...

As a matter of fact, for them, the team leader Li Chen is really the No.
Afterwards, after Li Chen expressed his inexplicable daze, he unceremoniously put the pistol into his trouser pocket, and glanced at them roughly...

"Are you sure... you will follow my command from now on?"

Obviously, this time, he naturally became mighty and airy.

The four female bailiffs hurriedly nodded again and again: "Sure!"

Delia looked at him with an inexplicable look, and then gave him an annoyed look like a daughter-in-law...

"Nonsense! Why are you still looking at me like that? It's just you still need to ask?"

This is also true, the person is his, so do you still need to ask this?

But looking at the seven or eight male policemen under Delia, Li Chen still couldn't help but said: "It's better to ask."

And at this moment, those seven or eight male policemen naturally understood what it meant.

So... one of the guys stated: "Our boss has already listened to you, how dare we not listen to you?"

This is true.

After all, Delia is their leader now.

Then, Li Chen took a rough look at them, and then said: "That's it."

It seems that he still seems a little reluctant.

But after that, he didn't say anything, he just turned around and walked towards the dead male bailiffs...

Then he squatted down, reached out and picked up a pistol from the side, and roughly checked the remaining bullets.

Seeing that there were only two bullets left, he couldn't help frowning...

Afterwards, he still didn't make a sound. He was squatting there, gathering all the guns that fell aside...

Then all the remaining bullets are taken out first.

When finished, reload the gun.

After loading one of the pistols, he turned his head and gestured to Ryder...

"Hey Ryder, yours!"

Seeing him talking suddenly, he threw the gun over, that bastard Ryder was so happy, he was busy catching the gun happily...

"Thanks, Captain Li!"

Next, after loading a gun with bullets, he turned his head and looked at Katerina again...


Seeing this, Katerina hurriedly walked over cheerfully: "Thank you brother Li Chen! Heh!"


After that, after loading the bullets for the three guns, they were given to Alice, Jessie, and Sun Jiaying respectively.

All of a sudden, in their self-rescue and survival team at sea, everyone got their guns and began to have weapons, one by one... Naturally, they couldn't help grinning with joy...

Li Chen looked at them and said, "I don't need to teach you how to use guns anymore?"

The lively and lovely Katerina immediately gave a standard salute: "Go back to Captain Li Chen, you don't need to teach us how to use guns!"


After finishing the work, Li Chen looked at Delia, her seven or eight subordinates, and the remaining four female bailiffs, and then said: "I will give them a gun, Do you have any comments?"

Obviously, this is already the case, who dares to say that there is an opinion?

Therefore, next, Delia said: "Okay. Stop talking nonsense. Just say... what shall we do next?"

Li Chen looked at them again, and then said: "Of course we can't move today. It's getting dark."

"And then?" Delia asked.

Li Chen said: "Under my command tomorrow. But, you all remember, in this jungle, everyone must be more careful. Because no one can absolutely protect anyone. Everyone must use their own weapons. At the critical moment, we must display the spirit of teamwork. Also, don’t shoot indiscriminately. Presumably everyone knows that bullets are limited.”

Then, he continued: "Also, everyone must have seen that there are all kinds of ferocious beasts in this jungle. However, you must overcome psychological obstacles. Because the more you are afraid, the faster you die. Only by keeping calm and calm can you win with one move. If you fail to do this, you will lose your position first, and you will definitely die. This is not my alarmist talk."

After a pause, he said again: "That's all for now. What I said just now, you should think about it carefully. Then... each of you should do your own psychological construction. However, there is one more important point, that It is... we must unite now to get out of this jungle."

But Delia hurriedly said again: "How will we get out of this jungle tomorrow, you haven't said yet?"

Li Chen couldn't help but looked at her inexplicably, and then said: "Silly girl, do you still need to ask? Of course it's going down the mountain road. Let's go down the mountain first, understand?"


As for what happened next, Delia's seven or eight subordinates were really thinking about what Captain Li said...

It seems to make sense.

In fact, they have always noticed that this self-rescue and survival team at sea seems to be very calm no matter what the situation is.

Although some other guys still dissatisfied with Captain Li Chen, he was still shocked the moment Captain Li Chen dismantled the gun.

It can be seen that Captain Li Chen must have good marksmanship.


As far as this moment is concerned, Jessie is very happy, and she couldn't help saying in Katerina's ear: "Hee hee! It's all right now! Brother Li Chen has the final say again, ha! It seems Are we free again?"

And Katerina couldn't help but whisper in her ear: "Uh, have you ever thought that we are still free on the island or in the ocean?"

Hearing this suddenly, Jessie was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help but whisper in Katerina's ear: "Uh, sister Linna, why don't we just discuss it with Brother Li Chen and stay in the jungle?" , huh. Anyway, as long as we go out, as long as we are successfully rescued, we still cannot escape the punishment of the law."

Katerina said: "Sanctions ass? We are not guilty, okay? What are you afraid of?"


After a while, Delia thought about it for a while, but couldn't help but walked towards her seven or eight subordinates...

Then, they were speaking T country dialect.

However, there is nothing else.

It's just that Delia is telling them that only Li Chen can lead everyone out of the jungle now.

Naturally, Delia also said some harsh words, that is... whoever dares to make trouble with Li Chen, she will make trouble with anyone...

What's more, Delia also said that whoever doesn't want to be with the team can leave the team now.

(End of this chapter)

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