Chapter 1038

On this afternoon, after five o'clock, the personnel of the international investigation team finally obtained the video surveillance data of the international airport of T country, etc.

HT3304 arrived at the international airport of country T at about ten o'clock on the night of July 7.

Then, the plane has been parked on the tarmac of the airport.

After the crew got off the plane, they went to the hotel to rest.

Then, at 7:18 a.m. on July 9, he flew away from the international airport of country T.

After repeated inspections of video surveillance and other image data by the international investigation team, they finally found a suspicious point...


Also, the guy who entered the tarmac was heavily armed and looked like he had premeditated.

As for how to enter the apron, it has not been found yet.

In the video data of the video surveillance, I saw the guy wearing a mask, a pair of sunglasses, and a black raincoat...

The rain hood of the raincoat is fastened on the head.

The brim of the hat covers almost the entire face.

Obviously, from the video data of this video surveillance, that guy... still looks cool.

It's just that who is that person is still unknown for the time being?

Anyway, video data... That guy did stay at the front end of the HT3304...

Also, that guy sprayed something on the windshield at the front of the HT3304...

It can be learned from this that HT3304 is indeed still a premeditated man-made air crash.


In fact, the special case investigation team at the headquarters of the National Police Department of T has also seen the video data of this video surveillance.

Moreover, I have read it N times over and over again.

It's just... still clueless.

Still can't figure out how the guy got onto the tarmac?
Obviously, the security at the airport is also quite tight.

The T country police and the international investigation team, of course, successively contacted the airport security department to find out about the situation.

It's just that the airport security department doesn't give an answer for the time being.

To put it bluntly, the airport doesn't know what's going on?

In fact, if the HT3304 hadn't lost contact and caused an international storm, the airport security department...wouldn't have noticed this abnormal video surveillance.


Around seven o'clock in the evening, the capital of country T.

Office of the Head of State.

At this moment, there are only two people in the office, one is the head of state, and the other is the director general of country T.

According to the situation reported by the director general, the head of country T is really having a headache right now...

In desperation, the head of state couldn't help but lit a cigarette again...

After puffing on the frowning bar for a while, and then looking at the chief director, he opened his mouth and said...

Meaning: Was it true that someone had tampered with it?

The Director-General could only nod his head sincerely: Indeed.

The Führer's head got bigger again, and he took another puff of cigarette...

If it wasn't for his status as the head of state, he would definitely want to be rude...

At least he was thinking in his heart, shit, what the hell!How come this happens?
Think about it, too, now based on the actual evidence, country T can't tell the truth.

Moreover, the international investigation team...has also grasped these situations.

If you want to clean up this, it will be difficult!

For country T, this will definitely be a political public relations crisis!
At this moment, the head of country T is even regretting...

Because if it was a generous decision not to pursue any responsibility for the self-rescue and survival team at sea, then...the six of them would have been picked up by the embassies of their countries long ago and sent back to their country, right?

Then there's nothing special about it, right?
Now that it is so organized, such a moth has appeared, it is indeed a headache for T country, and it is also difficult to ride a tiger...

The head of state of country T couldn't help but speak again after looking at the Director-General after swallowing his clouds for a while...

Meaning: Do you have any good suggestions or ideas now?
Hearing the head of state's question, the Director-General considered it for a while, and then replied, meaning: It is best to withdraw the case to the International Court of Justice immediately.And immediately and decisively decided that for the 6 maritime incident, the sea self-rescue and survival team will no longer be held accountable.Moreover, it must be admitted to the international community that there are indeed problems within country T, and it will be thoroughly investigated to give the international community an explanation.Also, we must promise to be responsible for the loss of HT11 to the end.

It's just that after hearing this, the head of state T frowned again...

I was thinking in my heart, what the hell... really lost my wife and lost my army!
Looking at the director-general again, the head of state asked again: Is there no other better way?

The Director-General shook his head and replied: No more.At this time... it is also a matter of reflecting our attitude.Presumably you also know... this is already a PR crisis in our country's politics.If this matter is not handled properly, it will affect our national destiny.

In order to persuade the head of state, the Director-General said: In fact, the 6 maritime incident, the responsibility of our Coast Guard personnel is also serious.Presumably you also know that the 11 maritime incident actually took place not in my country's sovereign waters, but on the high seas.In other words, our Coast Guard officers are law enforcement on the high seas and killing innocent people indiscriminately.On this point, even if the trial is held at the International Court of Justice on the 6nd, the opposing lawyer will insist on this point.So... just think about it!

A little later, the international investigation team has begun to announce the progress of the investigation to the international community...

And the suspicious video surveillance image data on that end has been released.

This seems to be another shocking thunderstorm, making the international community extremely anxious...

Netizens from all over the world came to leave messages online one after another...

Country Y netizen: T-Dog really has a problem.

Netizen from Dongyang Country: Let's see, what is country T doing?Still have the nerve to appeal to the International Court of Justice?Wipe your butt clean first!

Huaguo Netizen: Conspiracy!Absolute conspiracy!From the very beginning, it was a conspiracy between GT countries!
Country H netizens: shameful politicians of country T!Treat me and other people like ants!

Country F netizen: I guessed it from the very beginning, it’s all the tricks of those shameless politicians!

Russian netizen: Do politicians in country T still have humanity?How did the sea self-rescue and survival team provoke you?Do they have to die?Extremely shameless!

What's more serious, overnight, the embassies of relevant countries in country T called the capital of country T one after another...

In short, all kinds of accusations and questions.

Obviously, this matter is naturally big.

The image of country T collapsed almost overnight.

Especially the head of Russia was very angry.

And the heads of state concerned are also very angry.

Obviously, country T is completely treating everyone like monkeys.

Because, no matter which country it is, it is cooperating with country T's investigation in the early stage.

Country T decided to file a lawsuit with the International Court of Justice, and the relevant countries also went to respond to the lawsuit.

It's obviously immoral to do so now!
(End of this chapter)

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