The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1039 The Suddenly Strange Delia

Chapter 1039 The Suddenly Strange Delia

The next day, July 7, was only two days before the International Court of Justice.

However, suddenly, early in the morning, the country T official announced: After our decision, regarding the 6 maritime incident, we will immediately apply to the International Court of Justice to withdraw the case, and will no longer pursue any responsibility for the self-rescue and survival team at sea.At the same time, after a thorough internal investigation by our side, we do have serious internal problems. Here, we would like to express our deep apologies to the international community.In addition, we will bear all the responsibilities for the loss of HT11!
This morning, as soon as the official announcement from country T came out, it was like a thunderbolt from a blue sky. With a bang, it shocked the international community...

Although the attitude is correct, this matter... has caused trouble back and forth, and it seems that it cannot be forgiven by the international community.

I always feel disgusted by country T.

Because now HT3304 has lost all contact, and all the people on the plane are missing. Now Nit is withdrawing the lawsuit?

Now, what the hell is Nite saying that the self-rescue and survival team at sea will no longer be held accountable?
Grass, what's going on?

Maybe everyone is so fucking dead, why are you still chasing a dick?

Therefore, netizens from all over the world came to leave messages online one after another...

Netizens from Huaguo: Strongly demand that country T be prosecuted for war crimes.

Netizen from country H: Do all politicians in country T like to play house games for children?

Netizen from the Eastern Kingdom: Country T is a group of idiot politicians, plus a idiot head of state.

Country Y netizen: I am strongly dissatisfied and angry with the actions of country T!Strongly urge country T to be responsible for the loss of Mir!
Russian netizen: This shameless practice of country T is unacceptable.Find our country Linna first, and then announce the withdrawal of the lawsuit.

Netizen from Country F: Country T, return the captain of Hua Country!Give me back Captain.Li!


Not only netizens from various countries are angry, but also politicians from relevant countries are also very angry.

Especially the president of Russia, speaking publicly, means... Now that the self-rescue team at sea does not know whether they are dead or alive, country T suddenly chooses to withdraw the lawsuit and choose not to pursue it. Is this doubting the IQ of all of us?

The chairman of Huaguo said publicly: We are not in the mood to play such a game with country T, please respect yourself in country T!
There are also heads of countries such as H country, Dongyang country, Y country, etc., who have all made harsh speeches in public.

They are already condemning this behavior of T country.

Even the International Court of Justice has posted on social media, to the effect that it feels like the International Court of Justice has also been played by country T this time.


This morning, the headquarters of the T-country police department began to be busy with various tasks.

The purpose, of course, is to investigate the truth of HT3304's artificial loss of contact!
Because now, a clear explanation must be given to the international community!


At this moment in the morning, Dacong Island, deep in the jungle...

'嘡, 嘡, 嘡...'

The first thing that came was these crisp gunshots...

After the gunshot, everyone was dumbfounded!
Then, I saw a pair of eyes, staring at that police officer Delia inexplicably in a daze, but also feeling terrified...

That's right, the few shots just now were fired by the police officer Delia.

Four of her men were killed by her on the spot.

As for what the reason is, no one knows yet?

It's just that at this moment... the police officer Delia suddenly gave off a subversive feeling...

As if she was the murderer hiding in the team!
Even at this moment, Li Chen looked at her in puzzlement...

However, Delia still didn't explain anything to them.

She just looked at her remaining three male policemen with inexplicable sullenness...

After a while, she suddenly said: "Yesterday, I already emphasized that whoever dares to make trouble with Captain Li Chen, I will make trouble with them! This is their end! I don't want to hear any more voices muttering behind my back, understand? "

The remaining three male policemen, who were sweating profusely, had no choice but to hurriedly nod to the female boss...


Apparently, they were also afraid of death.

Just now... this morning, the sudden shots were so frankly neat.

The remaining three male policemen were indeed shocked.

At this moment, Li Chen was also shocked when he understood why the policewoman killed her...

Even straight to the heart!

At this moment, he was staring at Delia in a daze...

Although my heart is full of emotion, I am also worried about her!

She... As a police officer, she knows how to break the law!

He actually openly shot and killed his own men!
At this moment, Ryder was also staring blankly at this beautiful police officer...

As for Alice and the other four women, did they suddenly feel that the policewoman suddenly seemed to have some inexplicable psychological changes?

The remaining four female bailiffs are also looking at the female police officer from country T as if they were looking at a monster...

However, Delia suddenly turned her head to look at Li Chen, seeing Li Chen's eyes, she couldn't help but smile inexplicably: "Why, am I weird?"

It can be seen that she doesn't care about other people's feelings, but only cares about Li Chen's feelings.

Li Chen stared at her in a daze again, then nodded in a daze but sincerely: "It's really a bit strange."

However, in his heart, he seemed to realize something.

Just not sure yet.

As a person with normal thinking in all aspects, every thing he does naturally has its purpose.

But in Li Chen's view, maybe Delia didn't just want to impress him?
Suddenly, Ryder couldn't help whispering in Alice's ear: "Omaiga...I think this little girl must be crazy."

However, Delia smiled at Li Chen inexplicably, and said, "Okay. Let's think about it, how can we lead us out of this jungle?"

It's just that Li Chen couldn't help frowning again, thinking, this sudden scene disrupted his original plan a bit.

But, now that the matter has come to this point, Li Chen still couldn't help but look at those male policemen who were shot and killed by Delia just now...

Seeing his eyes suddenly, Delia seemed to understand immediately that the guns of those dead guys should not be wasted.

So, she turned around directly, then squatted down, and took out all the guns on those guys.

It's just that when watching her actions, Li Chen suddenly felt that he couldn't understand Delia.

I even feel... Who would dare to marry such a woman?

Thinking about it, if you fell ill in the middle of the night, wouldn't you be stabbed to death by her?
But... think about it carefully, she doesn't seem to be the kind of woman who is prone to illness...

At this time, Delia handed him a pistol and said, "Here. I'll give you another gun."

Li Chen was a little dazed again, but in the end, he still couldn't help reaching out to take the pistol...

After all, if you want to get out of this jungle, gunfire is really important...

(End of this chapter)

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