The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1040 My marksmanship is really bad

Chapter 1040 My marksmanship is really bad
Just this morning, the search and rescue work for HT3304 was almost at a standstill.

The reason, of course, is that the international investigation team has announced the progress of the investigation. Regarding the loss of HT3304, it is indeed suspected of a man-made air crash.

The second reason is that country T has officially announced that country T will be responsible for the loss of HT3304.

Therefore, it also led to HY's reluctance to continue to carry out search and rescue work.

In terms of international rescue, I don't know what to do now?

Because they are temporarily suspended.

Next, search and rescue in T country.

Country T's search and rescue command center has been in meetings this morning...

Naturally, a more precise search and rescue plan is being studied.


In the morning, Dacong Island, deep in the jungle.On the lost HT3304...

After some state adjustments, Li Chen, who was temporarily appointed as the captain, was ready to formally lead them out of the plane.

If you stay in this plane any longer, you won't be able to stay there any longer.

Regarding the current team, there are still 14 people in total.

As for the International Court of Justice, there are still four female judicial officers left.

In country T, there are only four police officers left.

Then naturally it was the six members of the sea self-rescue and survival team.

Before preparing to take off the plane, Li Chen took another rough look at each of them...

"Do you have any questions?"

Unexpectedly, the four female bailiffs suddenly seemed to be a bit of a nympho, and hurriedly shook their heads: "No more."

To be honest, these four female bailiffs look pretty good.

It's just that now, everyone is a little embarrassed.

Afterwards, Delia said: "If you say go, we will go."

Suddenly seeing them one by one... Now they are all counting on Li Chen, that bastard Ryder can't help but laugh...

"Hey, Captain. Li, let me lead the way."

While talking, this guy took out his gun...

Bearing the brunt while walking towards the front of the plane, he did not forget to fire two shots at the top of the plane...

To be honest, I was also afraid of being attacked by a python.

This shows that Ryder acted when he said to act, so Li Chen also said: "Okay, let's follow one by one."

Then, after it was confirmed that it was safe, Ryder was the first to jump down from the front of the plane and jumped into the jungle...

However, as soon as it landed, there was a sudden whistling sound from above the jungle beside it...

A big tiger leaps forward...

That guy Ryder yelled 'Fuck', swung his gun and shot...

'嘡, 嘡...'

However, this guy's marksmanship is really a bit bad.

Several shots failed to hit the big tiger.

Fortunately, Li Chen, who was following behind him, panicked and aimed at him...

When the big tiger leaped up again, he shot decisively with a '嘡'...

Then, finally, with a bang, the tiger fell down.

Ryder frowned in confusion: "Oh... Fucking... It seems that my marksmanship is really bad."

And at this moment, Li Chen didn't seem to be bothered to talk nonsense with you, he couldn't help but jumped into the jungle...

After falling into the jungle, he did not forget to look back at the team members behind him.

Seeing that Katerina was about to jump down, he hastily shifted a step to get out of the way.

Next, what made those police officers dumbfounded was that the four women in the sea self-rescue and survival team were all tough and brave, and they jumped down with ease...

Afterwards, after everyone got off the plane, he took a look at the team. As the captain, Li Chen had to frown again...

The key is the issue of food and water.

Such people naturally need enough food and water.

As for the food and water on the plane, they have already run out.

So now, a decision is needed, and the big tiger that was shot just now cannot be wasted.

But, now, Caodan's is that there is no knife.

Thinking about it, and looking at those police officers, he couldn't help but ask, "You...who has a knife?"

Immediately afterwards, he hurriedly said, "Daggers and the like are fine!"

It's just that the eight police officers looked at each other in blank dismay...

Seeing this, Li Chen frowned in depression, and then he could only say: "It's done. It's done. If you don't have it, forget it."

While talking, he panickedly glanced at the nose of the plane...

Because the entire nose of the plane was smashed to pieces, and some metal pieces are sticking out...

So, while turning around to get the metal sheet, he said, "Ryder, Lina, Alice... you guys go get the rattan first."

Seeing this, Ryder and the others understood that the captain wanted to pack some tiger meat and leave.

It's just that the eight police officers were watching, but they were stunned...

It seems that they don't understand what they want to do?
But, afterward, Delia still understood.

After all, she used to be a special soldier and lived in a polar environment.

So, afterward, she hurriedly turned around and worked with Li Chen on the metal pieces...

One of the female bailiffs couldn't help turning around in a daze, and asked, "What are we going to do?"

While Li Chen was busy, he replied: "If we don't pack some tiger meat, how can we solve our lunch?"

The female bailiff was inexplicably taken aback when she heard this: "Tigers are...protected animals."

Suddenly, Delia finally couldn't help but said: "At this it important to protect animals, or is it important for us humans to survive?"

This finally made the female bailiff stunned for a while...

However, subconsciously, she still realized that what happened next might be extremely crazy?
Due to the urgency of time, next, Li Chen didn't care so much. After getting off a piece of metal, he squatted down and polished it on a stone...

The remaining three male policemen suddenly saw a series of survival skills that the sea self-rescue and survival team has practiced, and they finally felt a little shocked...

It seems that only then did they understand how they survived during the nearly one year in the ocean.

While being shocked, they now truly realized the difficulty of surviving.

After a while, when the metal sheet is almost polished, it can be seen that Ryder and others are almost done with the rattan, so... as the captain, Li Chen said: "Ryder, take the metal first. slice to cut tiger meat."

"OK." Ryder responded with some jubilation.

Then, when these police officers watched Captain Li Chen weaving the rattan back pocket on the spot, they were shocked again...

It seems that only then did I realize that there is such a divine operation...

I even felt that... this sea self-rescue and survival team... might be born to survive in this kind of wilderness?

(End of this chapter)

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