Chapter 1041 Grumpy Delia
Afterwards, after Li Chen threw a woven rattan back pocket over there, and that bastard Ryder put two pieces of cut off tiger meat into the rattan back pocket, he turned his head and rushed at one of the male policemen hehe smile...

"Hey buddy, what are you still doing?"

When the male policeman realized that he was going to carry the tiger meat in the rattan back pocket, he was somewhat displeased for a moment...

I thought to myself, dare to order him?
In fact, that guy Ryder was trying to order him on purpose.

Of course, there is also a bit of a mentality of wanting revenge.

After all, he was under house arrest in country T for more than a month, and he felt somewhat uncomfortable.

It can be seen that the male policeman is still indecisive, as if he doesn't want to be controlled, so Ryder said again: "Hey, buddy, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing this, immediately, Delia couldn't help but speak fiercely at the male policeman...

Suddenly seeing that his immediate superior was also annoyed, there was nothing wrong with that, so the male policeman reluctantly turned around...

It's just that when he was about to carry the tiger meat in the rattan back pocket, he didn't forget to give Ryder an inexplicable look...

Seeing that buddy's eyes, Ryder was even more upset: "Hey! Dude! What do you mean? Are you upset?"

Unexpectedly, I don't know which nerve of that buddy is wrong, and at the same time with a sudden burst of anger, he drew his gun and turned towards Ryder...

"Fucking... Shut, up..."

Seeing this in shock, all of them were suddenly a little dumbfounded——

It seems that no one expected that such a scene would suddenly take place in the jungle.

Because the buddy was suddenly emotional, and worried that he would actually shoot, there was no way out. Suddenly, two of the female bailiffs had no choice but to draw their guns...

The muzzles of the two of them naturally aimed at that buddy...


One of the female bailiffs yelled in panic.

But, what no one expected was that Delia suddenly drew out her gun in a rage, and it was a shot of '嘡'...

"???" Suddenly, he was completely stupid again.

Because no one expected that Officer Delia would kill that guy with a single shot.

Just that buddy... he still seemed to be dying, and wanted to turn around to see what was going on, but before he could turn his head around, he suddenly fell down with a 'poof'...

This made the remaining two male policemen tremble violently and almost peed.

Frankly speaking, Li Chen is also a little silly right now...

Because he felt that he suddenly couldn't understand Delia?

I don't know what caused the policewoman's temperament to change drastically?

And Delia didn't care too much, she just looked at the remaining two male policemen with her eyes spitting fire...

The two buddies suddenly saw what happened, and were frightened and trembled——

It seems that the two of them didn't understand why their immediate boss was suddenly so irritable?

Then, Delia spoke T country dialect to them...

It means... I have already emphasized to you that now we are a team, whoever wants to fight among themselves will end up like this, there is nothing to say.

Then, she said: Remember, there are no policemen or prisoners in our team now.Right now we're just a survival team.That's all.If you want to get out alive, you must be a good player in this team.Discipline, you know it!
Finally, Delia asked: Are you two fully enlightened now?

It's gone, the two buddies panicked and nodded vigorously: Mmmm!Understood!Enlightened!

So, Delia also said: Now that you understand, then go and carry the tiger meat!
Before the words were finished, I saw the two buddies scrambling to turn around in a panic...

But right now, frankly speaking, even Ryder looked a little timidly at Officer Delia...

He was also thinking, what happened to this little girl?
Why is he suddenly so irritable?

In fact, at this moment, the four female bailiffs also couldn't understand the female police officer from country T.

They also had to secretly keep a distance from her.

After Li Chen glanced at Delia inexplicably, he didn't say anything, but was busy weaving another rattan back pocket...

The four women, including Alice, have been staring blankly at the female police officer from Country T...

Suddenly, Jessie couldn't help but whispered in Katerina's ear: "Uh, sister Linna, what happened to the female police officer from Country T?"

Katerina whispered in her ear: "Who knows what's going on with her?"

Sun Jiaying couldn't help but whisper in Alice's ear: "Hey, Alice, next... Should we guard against that female police officer from Country T?"

Alice continued to be stunned, and then said in Sun Jiaying's ear: "Remember what Captain. Li said, just play by ear."


Next, the remaining two male policemen had no choice but to behave obediently to each other, each carrying a rattan back pocket of tiger meat.

As for Li Chen, he was busy breaking off a few thick branches with his bare hands...

Then the branches and leaves on the branches were removed with bare hands, leaving a bare branch.

When Ryder came over, he threw one to Ryder.

Then threw another one to Katerina.

Then, another one was thrown to Delia.

After finishing the work, he took one by himself and said, "Okay. Let's clear the way ahead with the branches."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and used the branch in hand to aim at the grass in front of him, whipping or whipping, while clearing the way...

That bastard Ryder hurried to catch up, and while clearing the way in front of him side by side, he couldn't help turning his head and whispering in his ear: "Hey, brother, what's wrong with that beautiful police officer from country T? Why is it suddenly... so temperamental?" impatient?"

Suddenly hearing that bastard Ryder ask such a question, Li Chen himself frowned a little inexplicably...

After thinking about it, he whispered in Ryder's ear, "Okay. Just be careful. Be careful of the cold-blooded beasts in the jungle. Others...don't worry about that much for now."

Just as the voice was falling, unexpectedly, a cobra's head suddenly popped out from the grass in front of it...


The policewoman who was following behind screamed in panic and backed away again and again.

Even the two male police officers were frightened——

At the same time, they finally understood why they used the branches to whip or beat in front of them...

It turned out that what Captain Li said about clearing the way was to drive away snakes and insects.

Ryder is also very afraid of this kind of cobra, so he hurriedly said: "Hey, brother, how do you fix it?"

Li Chen didn't say a word, just clenched the branch in his hand, aimed at the seven-inch position of the cobra, and then with a 'hoo', he whipped it over...

Immediately, the cobra was whipped and flew up, hitting a big tree in the distance...

With a 'poof' sound, Immortal was also knocked unconscious.

After finishing the matter, Captain Li continued to open the way...

This made the female policemen and the two male policemen watch, and finally appreciate the extraordinary qualities of Captain Li...

It is indeed bullish!
(End of this chapter)

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