Chapter 1045 Victory in the first stage!
In fact, Li Chen, as the team leader, was not sure whether he could walk out of this opaque jungle before dark.

Now I can only lead the team and walk down the mountain road all the way...

Looking up, except for the intricately intertwined branches and leaves of the towering trees, which are impenetrable to light, for the time being... nothing else can be observed.

The only thing I can feel is that the light in the jungle is getting weaker and dimmer...

What's more, walking through this jungle all the time feels very depressing.

Sometimes, it feels like I can't even breathe...

Although the air in the jungle is good, very clear, and all kinds of vegetation are rich in fragrance, but after all, it has always been opaque, and it feels particularly depressing.

If he can't get out of this jungle before dark, then... what will happen next, frankly speaking, as the captain, he has no idea!
It's just a vague feeling... In the jungle, a group of ferocious beasts have been following...

Finally, arson and the like are obviously not advisable now.

After all, the team is still in the jungle.

Arson now is tantamount to suicide.


In this way, in the jungle, I continued to walk down the mountain road for about an hour. When it was around five o'clock in the afternoon, I looked out of the jungle and finally saw a slanting afterglow...

"Hey... Captain.Li... seems to have hope..."

Following the excitement of Ryder, in an instant, the entire team finally couldn't help showing a very excited smile...

At this moment, Li Chen, the captain, became very excited...

"Grass, I finally saw Yuhui f---ingly!"

As he said that, when he got excited, he couldn't help saying: "Okay, let's continue!"


So, he and Ryder continued to clear the way ahead...

At this moment, Katerina was very excited and quickened her pace, rushing to Li Chen's side...

"Uh, brother Li Chen...look...the water...the surface of the water..."

In fact, without her being so excited, Li Chen had already vaguely seen a pool of clear blue water...

At this moment, Alice and the other three women also became excited.

Of course, they have always believed in Captain Hua Guo.

Afterwards, I saw that the four female bailiffs were also very excited...

At this moment, Delia gave the remaining two male policemen an inexplicable look, as if to say, believe Captain Li right?
As far as this moment is concerned, the remaining two male police officers in country T, besides being inexplicably excited, also feel a little embarrassed...

After all, it turned out that Captain Li was indeed leading the team out of the jungle.

Hope is indeed within reach.


Then, Katerina, who was the first to emerge from the jungle, was so excited...

"Yeah - we're finally out of this ghost jungle - oh yeah -"

However, after Li Chen walked out of the jungle with a smile, his brows immediately frowned again...


Because here... the terrain, is still a little bit out of place?
It's like a pot-shaped bottom, with just a clear blue lake in the middle...

Surrounded by green forests...

This is obviously just a central area surrounded by jungle.

However, afterward, Alice rushed to the sandy land by the lake, that ecstatic...

"Wow - oh - it's beautiful here -"

In fact, in terms of beauty, it is definitely a lot of beauty!
Just by imagining it, you can feel the beauty of the picture...

In the central area surrounded by the jungle, such a clear, translucent and extremely blue lake suddenly appeared, like the source of life between heaven and earth.

That kind of beauty... really hard to describe in words.

Especially looking up at the incomparably blue sky again, that feeling is... wonderful{m}exciting!
Especially that kind of state of mind... as if seeing all the hope in the earth.

What's more worth mentioning is that the lake is surrounded by golden sand that has never been visited by anyone...

The four female bailiffs who finally came out of the jungle were instantly amazed by all of this...

"Wow—this is... so beautiful—"

Even the two remaining male police officers from country T were shocked when they came out of the jungle——

Because everything here, at that moment, is so beautiful, so beautiful!
Especially after staying in the dense jungle for two or three days, when he suddenly came out of the jungle, his mood was instantly wonderful...

Suddenly, Ryder came to Li Chen's side...

"Hey bro, are we in heaven yet?"

However, Li Chen frowned. For a moment, he didn't know what to say?
Beauty is beauty, but... not out of the jungle yet.

It can only be said that the victory of the first stage.

However, tonight, if you want to spend the night by the lake surrounded by the jungle, it is still difficult to rule out some uncontrollable dangers.

After a while, Delia couldn't help coming to Li Chen's side...

After she turned her head to look at him, she saw that he was frowning inexplicably, but she was a little puzzled...

"Li Chen..."

Hearing Delia whisper in his ear suddenly, Li Chen continued to be stunned, and then turned to look at her...

It's just that at the moment when the four eyes met, although he could see the tenderness in the policewoman's eyes, Li Chen didn't know what to say to her?
But at this moment, those of them... didn't seem to realize anything, they just ran towards the lake in a burst of excitement...

After washing her face with a handful of water, Alice felt excited again: "Wow...the so cold..."

However, the sudden feeling was really refreshing.

The remaining two male policemen in Country T couldn't help running towards the lake in ecstasy after putting down their rattan back pockets respectively...

But at this moment, Delia looked at Li Chen again, and couldn't help but ask, "What... are you thinking?"

However, Li Chen suddenly said: "Let's hurry up and get them to collect firewood. It will be dark in a while."

Hearing this suddenly, before Delia could say anything, that bastard Ryder was busy talking: "Hey, hey! I said...women, men, let's hurry up and pick up firewood! The sky will be over in a while. It's dark! Let's think about it first... how should we spend here tonight, OK?"

Suddenly hearing what Ryder said, those of them who were squatting by the lake turned their heads to look at Ryder in a somewhat unsatisfied manner...

At this moment, Li Chen, who is the captain, took a look and couldn't help but said: "Okay. Let's prepare enough firewood first. Others... Let's talk about it later. We must focus on the key points first, understand?"


(End of this chapter)

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