Chapter 1046 My name is Jones
Afterwards, under the help of Captain Li Chen, Ryder, and Delia, the group of people went to the nearby jungle to collect firewood...

In primitive jungles like this, there are naturally a lot of things like collecting firewood.

It can be said that there are dead branches everywhere...

Coupled with the large number of people, it is naturally quick to pick up firewood.

After a while, there was a large pile of firewood piled up in the golden sand by the lake...

It's just that, for the four female bailiffs, they are still noobs in this kind of extreme survival.

As for the remaining two male police officers in Country T, they were also very idiots.

If it weren't for Li Chen, Ryder, and Delia's Zhang Luo, they wouldn't even know what the point of this extreme survival is.

In fact, when they were collecting firewood, there were always some rustling noises in the jungle...

It was obviously being targeted by a group of ferocious beasts and the like.

It's just that now, the sun is setting, and it's about to be twilight, so I want to temporarily build a protective tent or a protective fence... In terms of time, naturally I can't rush.

But, tonight, sleeping in the open like this, the potential danger... is also uncontrollable.

As a result, thinking about this problem, Li Chen, as the captain, also had a headache...

Frankly speaking, I have been walking through the jungle for a day, and I am already exhausted this time, and I don't want to move much.

It can be said to be... sleepy, hungry and tired.

After thinking about it, it didn't matter, as the captain, he had no choice but to take out the matchbox first, and was going to light the fire first.

As for the matchbox, there are only two matches left.

As for whether any of them still have matches or the like, he is not too clear yet.

Afterwards, while lighting the fire, he said to Ryder, meaning that Ryder asked them to wash the tiger meat in the rattan back pocket first, and prepare for barbecue...

For the twilight is coming quietly.

Wait a while, wait until it's completely dark, but nothing will be convenient.

As for those women, they haven't washed for two or three days, and they haven't done anything like sweat and sweat. At this moment... they all want to wash themselves.

However, in the current situation, they are sleepy, hungry and tired...

So for the time being, I don't want to move.

Seeing Captain Li Chen igniting the fire, they couldn't help but gather around the fire one by one...

As for their Captain Li Chen, after the fire was lit, he turned around and went to get firewood again, preparing to use the tiger meat on a skewer for a while to barbecue.

Ryder led the two male policemen to the lake to wash the tiger meat.

Wait for a while, when everything is ready for the barbecue, suddenly, Alice couldn't help but said: "Hey... Captain. Li, we... It seems that there is no salt, and there is no taste for a while, how can we eat it?"

Hearing what the young foreign woman said, Li Chen didn't say anything, but couldn't help but took out a few packets of tomato paste from his trouser pocket...

When they saw this suddenly, their eyes lit up one by one...

I thought the captain actually had this?

However, they quickly realized that the captain should have brought the tomato down from the plane.

In fact, regarding these Tomatoes, Captain Li Chen brought them down from the plane.

Now seasoning, you can only use these tomato sauces.

Although it is a bit far-fetched, but there are still a few packets of tomato sauce seasoning, which is not bad.

Looking at Captain Li Chen again, I saw that the four female bailiffs and the two male police officers had to start silently admiring this Chinese man...

It turns out that this is survival in the extreme, as long as you can use something, never waste it.

Of course, as far as they are concerned, secretly, they also feel a little ashamed.

Because at the time, they didn't care about these small packets of tomato sauce.

Because this is the plane with food, there is a surplus of tomato sauce.

As dusk fell, at this moment, a group of people could only gather around the fire and roast tiger meat...

More importantly, each of them... was indeed hungry.

Come to think of it, after all a day of walking through the jungle.

After staying for a while, I suddenly heard the aroma of barbecue, and I saw one by one... They all began to swallow their saliva...

At the same time, they silently watched Captain Li Chen arrange everything in an orderly manner, and they had to admire him from the bottom of their hearts...

Because if it weren't for him, maybe this dinner wouldn't have happened?Maybe one by one... can only starve?
At this moment, Delia didn't know what she was thinking, but her expression was a little gloomy...

She squatted beside Li Chen the whole time, and didn't say anything.

That bastard Ryder suddenly laughed, stirring up the atmosphere...

"Hey...Captain.Li, can we start enjoying a delicious dinner?"

Immediately, Katerina couldn't help but said, "Brother Li Chen, should you be fine? Are you ready to eat? I'm so hungry!"

Alice said: "Oh... Captain. Li, I think you are the magician in this extreme survival. You can always conjure delicious food for us when we don't expect it."

Jessie said: "Brother Li Chen, I like you more and more, what should I do?"

As for Sun Jiaying at this moment, she looked at him a little reservedly...

Although she is becoming more and more in love, she still maintains the reserve of an oriental woman, shy of expressing too bluntly.

Suddenly, one of the female bailiffs finally couldn't hold back and said: "Captain. Li, you were in the ocean for nearly a year, and that's how you came here?"

At this time, Li Chen finally couldn't help taking a rough look at the female bailiff...

A female bailiff of the Royal Sister type.

It has the charm of a western woman.

Chinese is still so-so.

Laughing...and charming too.

After just looking at her, Li Chen didn't know what to communicate with her for a moment.
After all, she is a policeman and he is an international suspect.

It seemed that he was hesitant to speak, so the female bailiff hurriedly smiled: "Oh... sorry, Captain. Li! I forgot to introduce myself, my name is...Jones! You will call me later Jones will be fine!"

Hearing what she said suddenly again, before Li Chen could say anything, that bastard Ryder hurriedly said: "Hey, I said... Officer Jones, it seems inappropriate for us to approach like this? Because you are police , and we suspects, so..."

Taking the opportunity, Katerina couldn't help but said, "Yes! We are international suspects!"

I saw that police officer Jones smiled a little embarrassingly: "Oh... sorry! Didn't Officer Delia already said that? We are in this team now. There are no policemen or prisoners. We... are all friends. OK?"


(End of this chapter)

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