Chapter 1047 Interrogation of Tasiya!
Right now, country T, the headquarters of the General Administration.

The investigation into the disappearance of HT3304 seems to have made some new progress...

After the full cooperation of all parties and the various efforts of the police, finally, some clues were found at the location where HT3304 stopped...

For example, some footprints that have appeared, etc.

After repeated technical analysis, it was finally confirmed again that the suspect was indeed a woman.

However, in the end, the portrait of the suspect drawn by means of technology is unacceptable to the personnel at the headquarters of country T...

Because the final portrait of the suspect was a bit like the psychiatrist Tasiya!


However, at this moment, the psychological clinic has been blocked by the police.

The psychiatrist Tasiya has also been controlled by the police.

At this moment, an interrogation room of the General Administration of State T...

Facing various interrogations by several police officers, Tasiya remained calm...

After asking and asking, Tasiya's most frequent answer is... I don't know, I don't know.


Although no interrogation results have yet come out, some politicians at the national level in country T have begun to feel a little restless.

After all... Regarding the psychiatrist Tasiya, she is actually a T-country nationality.

If the disappearance of HT3304 is really related to Tasiya, then this matter... Country T is indeed a bit troublesome.

Among other things, country T must at least bear this responsibility.

Furthermore, with regard to the previous 6 maritime incidents, it will be reversed...and held accountable by the international community.


After a while, the headquarters of the State General Administration of T.

I saw that the personnel of the international investigation team also rushed here after hearing the news...

Now, members of the international investigation team have requested to see the suspect.

It's just that the General Administration of State T... is still trying to evade all kinds of excuses.

Anyway, I dare not arrange for the members of the international investigation team to meet the psychiatrist Tasiya.


However, in the interrogation room, the various interrogations of Tasiya by the T country police are still going on.

Finally, Tasiya said something that meant: I'm going to apply to see my lawyer.

This is so angry that the police slapped the table and scolded their mother...

The chief director who personally participated in the interrogation, stared at her sullenly but sharply, said, meaning: Do you know what this means?
Tasiya: I don't know what you're talking about?

Director General: HT3304.

Tasiya: I don't know what HT3304 is?
Director-General: Didn’t you read the news?
Tasiya: I see.

Director-General: Then tell don't know what HT3304 is?
Tasiya: I didn't pay attention.In my impression... it looks like an airplane.

Director General: Do you have any other impressions?
Tasiya: Nope.

Director-General: Then think again!
Tasiya: What exactly do you want to know?
Director General: Are you playing mind games with us?
Tasiya: I'm a psychiatrist, but I don't know mind games.

Director General: Then have you met Li Chen, a man of Chinese nationality?
Tasiya: Does this have anything to do with the HT3304?
Director-General: Of course.Do you want to save Li Chen, a man of Chinese nationality?
Tasiya: I'm not the savior.I'm just a psychiatrist.I can only solve his psychological problems.

Director-General: So does he have any psychological problems?
Tasiya: Because of the death of his wife Jeon Hye Kyo, he was slightly depressed, but it's not a big problem.Later, it was also proved that he had no mental illness.Just because of his wife Jeon Hye Kyo's death, some mild psychological trauma, that's all.

Director-General: Then why did he go to see a psychiatrist?

Tasiya: Officer Delia arranged.I'm just a psychiatrist.If someone arranges for a patient to come over, I will naturally receive it.That's all.As for why he wants to see a psychiatrist, you can ask Officer Delia.

Director General: Has anyone ever sympathized with the Chinese man Li Chen?

Tasiya: He doesn't need sympathy.Because he is a hero.He should have been sympathizing with you all the time.

Director General: What! ?
Tasiya: He sympathizes with you politicians who are trying so hard, but there is nothing you can do.

Director General: You...

Tasiya: Did I say something wrong?
Director-General: Watch your words.

Tasiya: So can I apply to see my lawyer now?
Director-General: Not yet.Because you are dishonest.

Tasiya: How can I be honest?Want me to admit something I haven't done?

Director General: But we think you did.

Tasiya: Evidence?


In the end, after going round and round, the chief director did not interrogate anything.

Just based on Dr. Tasiya's various answers, the police began to speculate on her psychology...

Obviously, as a psychologist, it is normal to be able to guess some psychological intentions of the police, so she is very wise when answering various questions.

Therefore, in this regard, it created an illusion for the police that it still seemed to have something to do with her, but they couldn't find any flaws, and there was no conclusive evidence for the time being.


At this moment, the search and rescue command center of country T...

There are still various discussions on various search and rescue plans after the HT3304 lost contact.

As far as HY is concerned, it seems that all kinds of search and rescue have been stopped.

Because the current responsibility is on the side of country T, so HY just wants to wait for the result.

After all, this kind of search and rescue work in the ocean consumes a lot of financial, manpower, material resources, and so on.

Therefore, being able to sit and wait for the result naturally also wants to sit and wait for the result.

Anyway, the entire incident, after the official announcement of the withdrawal of the case by country T, the international community has also begun to condemn country T...

However, the international community is still making various efforts regarding the loss of HT3304.

According to the satellite monitoring images of some countries, the approximate location where the HT3304 lost contact was also drawn...

The final search and rescue area was still locked in the Dacong Island area.

Now, the T country search and rescue command center is discussing how to conduct a carpet search on Dacong Island?
Because if HT3304 really fell into the jungle of Dacong Island, it would be difficult to find for a while, and a blanket search must be carried out.

There must be a blanket search of the entire island.

However, the key point is that Dacong Island has a huge area, especially the jungle area, so now... this is a big test.

Some marine academic experts in country T also said that Dacong Island is full of dangers.

Because of the huge area of ​​the jungle, there are many ferocious animals on the island.

Moreover, the terrain of Dacong Island is also extremely complicated.

Therefore, a carpet search for Dacong Island is no less than a small-scale island battle.

In other words... the troops from country T are required to be dispatched.

However, the dispatch of troops from the T country needs to be decided by the top level.

Now, the search and rescue command center can only make a plan and submit it, waiting for the decision of the top level...

In short, if the real thing is not taken, and no troops are dispatched, the search for Dacong Island can only be a theory for the time being...

(End of this chapter)

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