Chapter 1048 Don't rush to shoot

This night, Dacong Island under the darkness, in the center of the island, in the sand by the lake...

The raging bonfire reflects tired faces...

But more or less with a sense of joy...

As for Xinran, it was naturally because the meal of roasted tiger meat just now finally solved the problem of hunger.

And aftertaste, it seems that the taste is not bad.

Therefore, looking at that Captain Li Chen again, now, each and every one of them felt somewhat grateful.

Especially for those four female bailiffs, now I am very grateful to Captain Li Chen...

At the same time, they have also realized that this Captain Li Chen... really deserves his reputation!

After all, they have really felt and experienced it now.

This kind of extreme survival is really not easy!
In fact, for them... Actually, they don't know where they are at the moment?
In other words, that is... They don't know yet whether they are on an island or a primitive jungle on a certain land?
I only know where I am now, which is by a lake surrounded by jungle.

For now, the two remaining male policemen in country T are beginning to be a little convinced by the extreme survival...

The two of them looked at Captain Li Chen again, and they began to feel a sense of inexplicable gratitude in their hearts.

Because they also realized that without this Captain Li Chen, maybe everyone would still be in the jungle now?
Although I don't know what will happen next, at least I have a general idea of ​​what kind of environment I am in.

Moreover, in fact, each of them knew in their hearts that they had opinions on Captain Li Chen before, but it was only because of personal emotions...

Thinking about it now, and looking at Captain Li Chen again, it seems that some emotional things have quietly disappeared.

If it is true, then, we can only count on Captain Li Chen...


Suddenly, the atmosphere in front of the bonfire was a bit dull, and suddenly, Ryder took out half a pack of cigarettes as if by magic...

"Hey...Captain Li..."

Seeing that guy suddenly took out half a pack of cigarettes, Li Chen suddenly felt his eyes light up...

"Damn! still have private goods?"

Ryder laughed aloud, then handed him a cigarette...

Suddenly, they looked at Captain Li Chen who seemed to be quite addicted to cigarettes, and they all couldn't help being inexplicably stunned...

At this moment, Delia also turned her head to look at Li Chen inexplicably...

Seeing him impatiently lighting his cigarette, she didn't seem to know what to say?
It's just that she has been thinking in her heart, how can she really get out of this jungle?
After all, it is still surrounded by jungle.

Dinner is settled, and breakfast tomorrow will not be a big problem, after all, there is still some tiger meat left.

But after breakfast tomorrow, food for what appears to be a crowd will be an issue again?
So how long it will last in the end, no one has any idea.

After a while, the four female bailiffs couldn't help whispering...

However, the four of them didn't say anything, they just said suddenly that this Captain Li Chen is really powerful.

It's just that Captain Li Chen doesn't seem to talk much, and they don't seem to know how to communicate?

After a while, when those women suddenly saw Katerina turned around and squatted aside to relieve her little hands, they were all stunned for a moment...

Especially looking at the four men in front of the fire, they were even more inexplicably embarrassed——

However, for Katerina, this has long since stopped paying attention to this.

After waiting for a while, I saw Alice, Jessie, and Sun Jiaying, and the three of them also turned around and solved it on the spot...

This made the two male policemen suddenly feel a little inexplicably embarrassed...

Especially when they heard the squeaking sound, they were both embarrassed, but at the same time they felt a little inexplicably jelly-like.

Because where have you ever seen such a spectacular scene?

Suddenly, the four female bailiffs couldn't help it anymore. After thinking about it in shame, the four of them also turned around and squatted over...

Seeing the two male policemen frowning suddenly, that bastard Ryder couldn't help laughing.

Afterwards, even Delia couldn't help turning around and squatting over...

Then, that bastard Ryder said cheerfully: "Oh...beautiful police officer, do you also pee like this?"

This made Li Chen couldn't help but inexplicably sniggered...

However, at this moment, I suddenly heard a whistling sound coming from the nearby jungle...

This made Li Chen panic, his face darkened, and he immediately drew his gun...

At the same time, he hurriedly reminded: "Everyone pay attention, wolves!"

Obviously, based on his experience and hearing, it should be that the wolves are about to attack...

Those bastards are the best at timing!

Seeing this, immediately, Ryder was busy drawing his gun...

Immediately afterwards, after the two male policemen took a look, they also drew their guns vigilantly...

As for this moment, in the jungle, there are already several wolves staring at these guys...

Especially those women seem to be their focus.

At this moment, I was startled and realized that the situation was not good. I saw those women pulled up their pants one by one in a panic, and then immediately drew their guns, ready to fight...

After a while, when they suddenly saw more than a dozen pairs of sharp eyes with blue light emerging from the jungle, each of them became nervous.

Especially for those four female bailiffs, their hearts were trembling...

After all, it was the first time to experience such a scene.

Just when the female bailiff named Jones was about to shoot, Li Chen hurriedly said: "Don't rush to shoot!"

Suddenly hearing such a sound, all of them couldn't help being stunned: "???"

In fact, in terms of tactics, it is indeed not appropriate to shoot at this time.

It's just that they don't understand this tactic yet.

To fight against wolves, one must have some intelligence.

Now as long as the gunshot is fired, it may scare the wolves away, but it cannot defeat their morale.

This kind of beast is very surly, and it also knows how to advance by retreating.

It's no use just scaring them away.

Because they are still thinking about it in their hearts, and when they go around, they will turn back again.

Therefore, either you don't fight, or you must poke your spirit if you want to fight.

In fact, the dozen or so wolves in the jungle were not rushing to attack, but were observing...

Although it was not very clear under the night, the sharp blue eyes were still vivid in my memory.

At this moment, Li Chen was not in a hurry to shoot, but was desperately adding firewood to the fire...

In the upcoming World War I, fire is very important.

Suddenly, the two male policemen still noticed Captain Li Chen's every move...

It's just that they haven't understood what it means yet...

In other words, the two of them still haven't understood what Captain Li Chen's intention is?
(End of this chapter)

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