Chapter 1049 Fire Attack
However, Ryder, Alice and the others have almost understood Captain.Li's intentions...

Later, it was seen that Captain. Li was already squatting beside the fire and began to tie the torches, so Ryder and the others hurriedly squatted over.

Then I saw that they also began to tie torches together.

After all, each of them has limited ammunition, and besides, it's this big night, fighting recklessly with the wolves, what are the chances of winning? In fact, no one has a clue?
So why don't you just start a big fire...

After a while, when they suddenly saw that each of them was holding a burning torch in their hands, they were still a little dazed...

Still don't know what the intentions of those members of the self-rescue and survival team at sea are?
Just suddenly, with Captain Li Chen's '嘡' shot, the others also fired...

'嘡, 嘡, 嘡...'

Following the burst of intense gunfire, after several of the wolves were killed on the spot, the other wolves turned around in a panic and rushed back to the jungle...

And at this time, I saw the members of the self-rescue and survival team at sea, each holding a burning torch in their hands, rushing towards the jungle in pursuit of victory...

Then I saw that they each threw the torches in their hands into the jungle, and soon, the thick withered yellow leaves in the jungle started to burn...

In other words, a single spark can start a prairie fire.

With the assistance of Xi Yefeng, a forest fire spread...

When the sea of ​​flames gradually turned red in the sky, suddenly, the four female bailiffs and the two male police officers began to feel terrified and dumbfounded——

Including Delia, who suddenly became a little dumbfounded in horror——

However, in their hearts, they gradually understood that if they wanted to ensure their safety tonight, they had to do so.

In the raging flames, Li Chen and Ryder dragged the two wolves that had been killed...

It was only when they saw this scene that they realized that this was the only barbaric law of survival.

Actually, right now, Li Chen and the others didn't want to explain anything to those guys in uniforms.

Anyway, if you want to live, there is only this barbaric act.

Otherwise, there will be no peace tonight.

Of course, arson also had another purpose.

That will be beneficial to get out of this jungle tomorrow.

Presumably after the fire tonight, the jungle is at least completely burned?
What's more... This is also a distress signal.


This time, at night, the burning of the jungle was a mistake, because it happened to send out a distress signal.

Because a certain country has detected signs of a nighttime fire on Dacong Island through satellite monitoring...

Soon, country T also received the information.

Especially the Search and Rescue Command Center of Country T was instantly excited...

Because this at least proves that Da Cong Island is still alive.


However, at this moment, the four female bailiffs and the remaining two male policemen in Country T didn't seem to have thought that... burning the jungle was also sending a distress signal to the outside world.

In fact, in terms of heart, for Li Chen, this kind of extreme survival, he really felt that it was enough...

Therefore, if there is a shortcut, he also wants to end all this as soon as possible.

To be honest, he really felt that enough was enough for this plane crash.

Therefore, he was actually thinking in his mind that this air crash...should be different from the previous ones. After all, the whole world was paying attention to this plane before it took off...

So, presumably, in terms of search and rescue, they should also be monitoring some movements in the ocean 24 hours a day?
Furthermore... this flight and voyage should be clear?

If all this can be discovered by the search and rescue team, then perhaps they will be rescued tomorrow?

All in all, he actually has no fear of going to international courts at all.

So, next... do what you want.

Just hope this ends as soon as possible.


Just for a while, seeing that the jungle was already in flames, Ryder couldn't help but approached Li Chen...

"Hey, buddy, isn't that... maybe a little bit wrong?"

Hearing what Ryder said suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but startled, then turned his head and looked at him inexplicably...

Then he asked, "You mean..."

Ryder whispered in his ear: "Hey, brother, think about it... If we are rescued tomorrow, does that mean... the people in our sea self-rescue team...will lose their freedom again?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen whispered in his ear: "Fuck. What should come will always come. You can't hide. It's better to end all this as soon as possible."

However, Ryder whispered in his ear: ", do you really hope... Prison situation?"


Suddenly, Katerina couldn't help but leaned closer: "Uh, brother Li Chen, this fire...does it also mean that we have sent out a distress signal?"

Hearing this girl's question suddenly, Li Chen was in no mood to think about it...

After a while, after thinking about it again, he couldn't help but whisper in her ear: "Why? Do you still want to continue to survive here?"

Katerina said: "Brother Li Chen, are you stupid? Staying here now, how free we are."

Then, the girl said: "Besides, this is our strength, isn't it?"

Hearing what this girl said, Li Chen stared thoughtfully again...

Next, he didn't seem to know what to say?

It's just that he was already tired of all this in his heart.

Originally, he also thought that... returning to this kind of environment would make him feel a little different, but now it seems... without Hye Kyo by his side, it seems to be the same everywhere?
It's an unrequited feeling...

The Russian chick is nice, but still doesn't feel that way.

Delia...Although she is also beautiful, she also has the exotic style that she should have, but she just can't find that feeling.

What seems to be lost... will always be a pity!
Now, the idea in his heart is very simple, that is, to go to the international court as soon as possible, and the sentence should be pronounced as it should be.

I hope to get out of the prison for a few years and return to China as soon as possible to see my parents.

Then... back to Pecking Island, the job will work, in short... I hope everything will return to normal!
Perhaps only in this way can I gradually forget something...

Although I know that I can't forget it, but I just feel... It's very uncomfortable for me to go on like this!
In my memory, to be honest, when I saw Hye Kyo for the first time, she didn't give him a very exciting feeling...

Maybe at that time... because the second child was always by my side, right?
But then...he himself did not expect that he had fallen into Hye Kyo's world.

Now without her, he seems to be in a state of nothing?
Even sometimes, I don't know what I am thinking?
I don't even know what I want?
maybe...just maybe...

(End of this chapter)

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