The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1050 Out of Control Forest Fire

Chapter 1050 Out of Control Forest Fire

At this moment, under the dispatch of the T country search and rescue command center, three planes have already taken off overnight, preparing to go to Dacong Island to investigate the situation of the night fire, etc.

Of course, the ultimate goal is to go and see if there are signs of survival, etc.


Some international public opinion and some real-time reports have also been disclosed in time, saying that a certain country has detected the Dacong Island in the ocean, showing signs of night fires, or signs of survival?

For the international community, this can be regarded as a very shocking news...

Netizens from all over the world began to leave messages...

Netizens from Huaguo: Be wary of shameless politicians in country T secretly issuing killing orders.

Country H netizen: I hope Captain Hua and others are still alive!

Netizens from Toyoko: Let’s pray together!

Russian netizen: Be careful that politicians in country T have impure motives.

Netizens from Country Y: Strongly request Country T to disclose all kinds of information!


In fact, as far as this time is concerned, country T also attaches great importance to the information disclosure of various links.

For example, the search and rescue command center of country T has disclosed information in a timely manner.

To be honest, as far as country T is concerned, the attitude is still correct.

Moreover, regarding the HT3304 air crash again, in fact, there is no secret intention of politicians behind the scenes.

Moreover, as far as the headquarters of the National Police Department of T is concerned, the real cause of the HT3304 crash has also been investigated.


As for the headquarters of the T State Police Department, it still failed to withstand the pressure in the end, and the international investigation team has been arranged to meet the suspect Tasiya...

However, in the face of the interrogation by the international investigation team, Tasiya did not explain anything, let alone admit anything.

As a psychiatrist, I still have a strong ability to withstand stress.

Especially in the face of various interrogations, her answers are always wise.

In fact, she also understands that without any evidence, no one can do anything against her.

In the end, the person who should be released still has to be released.

Moreover, at present, regarding the interrogation of the psychiatrist Tasiya, etc., nothing has been disclosed to the media yet.

After all... Whether it is the headquarters of the T-country police department or the international investigation team, it is not yet certain that the crash of HT3304 is directly related to this psychiatrist.

It is only in the investigation stage now.

The only thing that is certain is that the HT3304 definitely has human factors.


Dacong Island at night.

About the bushfires still raging...

Obviously, once this kind of primitive forest catches fire, it is naturally uncontrollable for a while.

As for when it will burn, no one knows?

Especially now, seeing that the forests around the lake have been ablaze, and the flames are overwhelming, this makes everyone standing in the sand by the lake... feel a little inexplicably frightened...

Especially those in police uniforms, looking at those members of the self-rescue and survival team at sea, they seem to have no idea what to say for a while?

I just feel... to some extent, this is also a kind of criminal act.

However, for those members of the sea self-rescue and survival team, they simply didn't bother to care about the various reactions of those police officers at the moment.

Because a few of them also knew in their hearts that those police officers couldn't understand all this at all.

Suddenly, the female bailiff named Jones couldn't help but move closer to Delia...

"The fire is out of control, what should I do?"

Hearing this sentence suddenly, Delia was thoughtful for a while, and then she didn't rush to answer.

After waiting for a while, Delia asked next to her ear: "What do you want to express?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, the female bailiff named Jones was a little confused: "???"

It seems that at this moment, she doesn't know what she wants to express?
After thinking about it, she whispered in Delia's ear: "Don't you think... this is seriously destroying the ecology?"

Delia listened, and was taken aback thoughtfully again...

Then, she whispered in the ear of the female law enforcement officer named Jones: "In this polar environment, is ecology more important, or our lives more important?"

Next, Delia said again: "If you want to extinguish the fire, you can go now. But once the forest fire is extinguished, no one knows what will happen tonight?"

Then, she said: "Don't forget, our bullets are limited. Only a big fire can drive away those ferocious animals in the jungle. Tonight we can stay safe by this lake. Also, if the jungle is not burned down, we will We will not be able to really get out of the jungle tomorrow. As you can see, we are still surrounded by the jungle."

Suddenly hearing what the female police officer from country T said, the female bailiff named Jones didn't seem to know what to say?

It's just that she was thinking, in this situation, who can put out the bush fire?
Thinking about it, even if all of them waited for the whole group, it would be impossible to put out the forest fire...

Standing by the lake, they were sweating from the fire, and their cheeks were flushed.

For now, I can only watch the forest fire continue to spread wantonly around...

Suddenly, Ryder couldn't help but handed another cigarette to Li Chen...

In fact, watching the bushfires spread, Ryder was very happy in his heart.

After receiving the cigarette, Li Chen didn't say anything, he just turned around and went to the fire to light the cigarette...

In fact, he had already noticed that for this sudden forest fire, it seemed that those police officers were quite critical of it?

Alice suddenly turned around and approached Li Chen, and couldn't help but whispered: "Hey, Captain. say...will you add another crime to us, saying that we set fire?"

Hearing what Alice said suddenly, Li Chen was not in a hurry to reply to her, but just continued to take a puff of cigarette in deep thought...

After it was over, he whispered in her ear: "It's okay. I'm the captain. Just say that I started the fire."

Suddenly hearing this, Alice hurriedly said, "Hey! Captain. Li, what are you talking about? Do you think I'm afraid of something?"


At this moment, Delia suddenly turned towards her two subordinates and said a few words...

However, they suddenly spoke the language of country T, and Li Chen and the others did not understand it.

Actually, there was nothing plotting, Delia was just asking, what did the two policemen think about the bushfire?
Hearing this question from his immediate superior, the two male police officers were suddenly a little confused...

It seems that at this moment, the two of them don't know how to answer?

Although I have some complaints in my heart, after all, I can't figure out what the female boss means?
After all, when he was in the jungle, he had already watched the female boss kill so many colleagues. If the answer was not good, maybe he would end up being shot dead on the spot again?
(End of this chapter)

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