Chapter 1051: About to be Rescued
In fact, at this moment, the hearts of the remaining two male policemen in country T are also extremely complicated...

It can be said that the complexity of the heart is hard to describe.

Originally, the two of them also experienced a subtle and drastic change in their hearts, and gradually developed a good impression and gratitude for that Captain Li Chen. However, the sudden forest fire, especially seeing that the fire was still raging The spread of the epidemic, regarding this, the two of them felt... more or less... quite critical.

After all, this fire is a catastrophic destruction to the primitive ecology of the jungle.

But think about it... The two of them actually understood in their hearts that if they didn't set fire, maybe what would happen tonight would be unpredictable.

So... this is actually an extremely complicated ambivalence.

But if it is simplified, it is actually a proposition... Is the original ecology important, or the lives of these people?
In fact, in their hearts, they couldn't find a definite answer for the time being.

It's just that the two of them still vaguely understand... Maybe this is survival in the extreme?

Maybe sometimes in order to save your life, you don't care so much?
Maybe there can only be a catastrophic destruction of this primitive ecology?

It's just... when the two of them looked at their top boss again, they still couldn't figure out what kind of mentality this female boss had.
In desperation, one of the male policemen had no choice but to reply in a smarter way, meaning...he didn't have any opinion on this forest fire, because it was survival in the extreme.

The other male policeman was stunned thoughtfully as he listened...

Then he looked at his immediate boss, and he replied in a more neutral manner: I think this is the only way to save my life.

Listening to their answers, to be honest, Delia was not too satisfied.

After comparing, she also noticed that these two guys... still didn't dare to tell the truth, they still had their own thoughts in their hearts.

Therefore, Delia looked at them inexplicably...

After that, she didn't say anything more.


Jessie thought that the police officers from country T were plotting something, so she couldn't help but whispered in Katerina's ear: "Uh, sister Linna, those guys from the country T police... Don’t you want to harm us again? Don’t you want to make a fuss about this bush fire again? Say we set the fire or something?”

However, Katerina said disapprovingly: "Hmph! Leave them alone! If they like to make fuss, they can make fuss! It's a big deal... Brother Li Chen and we will be in prison for a few more years at most La!"


Sun Jiaying seemed to have noticed something, so in desperation, she had no choice but to whisper in Ryder's ear: "Uh, big black, those police guys...are they thinking about how to frame us again?"

Ryder replied more optimistically: "Oh... maybe everything is not as bad as we thought?"


After a while, I saw the four female bailiffs whispering something to each other...

It seems that they also have some opinions on this forest fire...

Li Chen didn't pay too much attention to this, and still only cared about smoking in the depressed bar.

However, when Delia looked at the four female bailiffs, she was taken aback thoughtfully——

At this moment, there was a distinct displeasure in her eyes.

In fact, some things are completely under her inner control...

For this time, what kind of role she should play, in fact, everything is in her heart.


As for this moment, under the night sky, the forest fire on Dacong Island is still spreading around...

Moreover, the fire is becoming more and more raging and uncontrollable.

Under the night sky, it can be said to be full of flames...

As for the dozen or so people on the island, they can only rest on the edge of the lake in the center of the island, standing there in a daze...

After a long time, vaguely, when they suddenly heard the roar of an airplane from a distance, the dozen or so people on the island couldn't help being a little excited and stunned: "???"

After a while, when they suddenly saw a few beams of light coming from the sky, the dozen or so people on the island were inexplicably excited and stunned again...

However, in the next second, one of the female bailiffs couldn't help but ran with joy...

"Hey—look—the plane—"

Immediately, the two male police officers from Country T couldn't help getting excited...

After the two of them were ecstatic for a while, they were talking to each other...

It's just the language of country T, Li Chen and the others couldn't understand it at all.

Then, the other three female bailiffs couldn't help but run away happily...

Obviously, from their point of view, this is naturally salvageable.

But at this moment, Li Chen and the others were unusually calm.

Moreover, for them, there is even some inexplicable complexity in their hearts...

At this moment, seeing the three planes clearly approaching in the sky, Delia was also thoughtful...

It seems that she can't be happy either?
As for what she was thinking or pondering, no one knew for the time being?

After a while, suddenly, when two beams of strong lights projected from the plane suddenly illuminated more than ten people on the island, that guy Ryder couldn't help cursing: "Oh...Fuck -"

Suddenly, Katerina also felt something was wrong, and hurriedly whispered in Li Chen's ear: "Uh, Brother Li Chen... It's over! We... have no freedom again!"

The implication, obviously, is that...he didn't want to be rescued at all.

Immediately, Jessie couldn't help but leaned closer and said, "Brother Li Chen... what should we do now?"


And at this moment, in the sky, the people on the three planes were ecstatic...

They have been in various conversations with each other, which means... finally found it!

Some of them were even shouting excitedly, meaning...Look, those members of the self-rescue team at sea...

Immediately, one of them was busy reporting the good news to the search and rescue command center...

Then, one of the planes was shouting to more than ten people on the island...

It means that they are the search and rescue team of country T.The dozen or so people on this island don't need to panic.


Hearing that the three planes in the sky had indicated their intention to come, however, the members of the self-rescue and survival team at sea were not happy at all.

As for those officers in police uniforms, they were overjoyed and excited...

Especially those four female bailiffs were still thinking, should they be able to catch up with the International Court of Justice on the 22nd?
Because tomorrow is the 21st, if you are rescued now, it will be no problem to catch up with the hearing of the International Court of Justice the day after tomorrow.

As for the two male police officers from country T... In addition to being overjoyed, they looked at the sea self-rescue and survival team inexplicably...

He seemed to be thinking about... what crime would it be appropriate to add to them?
(End of this chapter)

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