Chapter 1052 Fake news, right?

At this moment of the night, in country T, due to the shocking news, the survivors on HT3304 have been found on Dacong Island. As a result, there has been a sensation in country T...

Especially those international media reporters who followed up the report rushed over after hearing the news.

In fact, country T also adopted an open and transparent attitude towards this rescue operation.

Because country T is also worried that something will go wrong.

After all...From the beginning to the end, those politicians and leaders at the national level of T country did not engage in any shady things.

Therefore, in the face of accusations from international public opinion, the politicians and leaders at the national level of T country also feel very wronged.

Moreover, regarding the disappearance of HT3304, there is really no political figure from country T behind the scenes.

At that time, when they heard the news that HT3304 had lost contact, the politicians and leaders at the national level of T country were indeed confused.

So in this big rescue operation, country T also invited international media reporters to participate.

And allowed them to follow up and report the whole process.

Since T country also needs about 4 hours of flight time from Dacong Island, T country also arranged planes for those international media reporters.

Soon, about six or seven planes took off from T country overnight.

The destination is naturally Dacong Island.

Due to the distance, Country T also contacted several ships cruising in the direction of Dacong Island to facilitate the landing of helicopters and provide timely refueling services.

After all, in the end, helicopters have to be used to launch rescue operations on the island.


Due to the time difference, at Huaguo Yanjing International Airport in the early morning, six women, including Tan Jixia and Su Qianer, had landed in China and were about to get off the plane.

Originally, the six women were a little desperate this time, and felt that their captain might have died this time, but unexpectedly, just after getting off the plane, the second child, Su Qianer, just turned on her mobile phone and casually browsed the international news or something. , but suddenly saw a shocking news push...

"Six members of the sea self-rescue and survival team have been found on Dacong Island"

When the cute girl came closer and took a glance, she immediately expressed doubts and said, "Fake news?"

Qiong'er was a little excited: "What news!?"

The cute girl replied: "Turn on your phone and watch."

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Qin Xiaowan was the first to pull out her phone excitedly...

Afterwards, after they all knew the news, one by one... On the contrary, they were a little skeptical.

"Uh, second child, tell me... is this news true or not?" Qin Xiaowan couldn't help asking.

At this moment, the second child, Su Qian'er, also frowns beautifully...

True or false, it seems that she is also a little hard to tell.

In desperation, she could only say: "I hope it's true!"

In fact, as far as the six women are concerned, they are a little tired.

I always feel being played around by these international news.

However, right away, the older Tan Jixia couldn't help but say, "How about...we just go and buy a ticket to country T?"

Qiong'er hurriedly reminded: "Now we have returned to China, we need to apply for a new visa."

Afterwards, the second child, Su Qian'er, said insightfully, "It's okay. There's no rush. If it's true, the Chinese embassy in country T will come forward. Besides, we're assholes, and we can't negotiate with you about this kind of thing." I can only watch the news or something."

This is true.

Even if they rush to country T, they really won't feel any sense of participation.

After a while, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but said, "Why do I feel...the news might be fake?"


Dacong Island in the early morning.

As the morning light appeared, several rescue planes had already flown over Dacong Island...

Looking down from the sky, when I suddenly saw that there were more than a dozen people on the sofa by the lake in the center of the island, the international media reporters who followed the live report were very excited...

However, it is understandable, after all, they have witnessed another miracle.

Among other things, it can at least prove that the six members of the self-rescue and survival team at sea are indeed fate.


But at this moment, for Li Chen and the others, seeing that several rescue planes had already arrived in the sky, they still couldn't seem to be happy.

After all, what will happen to them next is still unknown?
Perhaps it would be a relief to stay here all the time.

Once rescued, what awaits them...maybe still an unknown fate?

Due to the jungle on the island, there was a fire last night, so at this moment, for the rescue team, there are some unique conveniences.

Because looking down now, everything around the lake is bare, so there is no need to worry too much.

Three of the rescue planes were ready to find a place to land in the golden sand by the lake.


For the four female bailiffs, and for the remaining two male police officers in country T, it is naturally exciting at the moment...

What they didn't expect was that when the three rescue planes had successfully landed in the sand by the lake, and the rescue team members had quickly disembarked, unexpectedly, there were a few sounds suddenly. Gunshots...

'嘡, 嘡, 嘡...'

On the island in the early morning, the sudden gunshots were especially ear-piercing!
It's just that all the staff were stunned for an instant: "???"

Like they don't understand what's going on?
Have no idea what happened all of a sudden?
As far as Li Chen and others were concerned, they were suddenly stunned...

Only the remaining two male policemen in Country T suddenly understood, but when they were about to turn around and look at their immediate superiors, they suddenly fell down with a 'poof'...

That's right, it was their immediate boss, Delia, who fired the shot suddenly.

When the four female bailiffs suddenly realized something, they all fell down with a sudden 'poof'...

In the next second, the rescue team finally saw who fired the shot.

But at this moment, Delia looked calm...

She suddenly dropped the gun in her hand without haste, and then raised her hands to express her surrender...

Taking advantage of the opportunity, several rescuers rushed over in a panic, whistling and swishing, and then immediately restrained Officer Delia.

As for why she suddenly shot, no one knows?

Anyway, at this moment, Li Chen and others are also confused...

However, Delia, who was already under control, turned her head and looked at Li Chen inexplicably...

Seeing her gaze suddenly, Li Chen was stunned for a while, and seemed to understand something.

As a result, he suddenly felt an inexplicable anxiety...

Then, Delia suddenly pretended to be fierce and said to him: "What are you looking at, look again, I will kill you all, hmph!"


(End of this chapter)

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