The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1053 I want to be quiet for a while, thank you

Chapter 1053 I want to be quiet for a while, thank you

Suddenly, the beautiful police officer from Country T said something in a pretentious manner. Suddenly, it seemed that Ryder and the others understood something in an instant...

As a result, they couldn't help but stare blankly at her who had been controlled by the rescuers.

At this moment... It seems that for a while, they can't say anything.

It's just that they already understand the good intentions of the beautiful police officer from T country in their hearts.


As for this moment, the members of the rescue team are already reporting the emergency.

It means... for some unknown reason, Officer Delia suddenly became emotional and shot and killed all the surviving police officers.

He also threatened to kill all members of the self-rescue and survival team at sea.

In fact, the rescue team can't control this situation, they can only report the situation realistically.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that Officer Delia had been completely controlled by the rescue team that two international public opinion reporters dared to rush to report on the scene...

Reporter: Hello, Captain Li Chen, just now...why did Officer Delia shoot and kill those police officers?

Faced with such a sudden question from a reporter, Li Chen was completely dumbfounded at the moment...

Although the inner emotions are complicated, but I feel that there is an inexplicable blank in my head...

To be honest, at this moment, he seemed to be completely out of shape.

In fact, regarding everything that happened suddenly, he really didn't know why it happened?

Except for something he already understood in his heart, the others... It seemed that he couldn't express it in words for a while.


Then, an international public opinion reporter couldn't help but turned around and asked Delia...

Reporter: Hello, Officer Delia, may I ask... just now... why did you shoot and kill the surviving police officers?

At this moment, Delia has a ruthless attitude...

Looking at the reporter, she replied indiscriminately: Because they have too many things to do.


The other reporter, seeing that Captain Li Chen was silent, was very embarrassed, so, in desperation, he had no choice but to turn around and ask Ryder...

Reporter: Hello, Mr. Ryder, may I ask...was the bushfire last night a distress call from you?
Ryder, who was still a little confused at first, was about to answer something, but unexpectedly, Delia was rushing to answer...

She said: That's right!I was the one who ordered the fire to send out the distress signal last night!

Seeing that Police Officer Delia was eager to show something, Li Chen and the others were stunned again...


At this moment, some messages have been received from the T country police headquarters.

It has been learned that Delia suddenly lost control of her emotions on Dacong Island and shot and killed all the surviving police officers.

This astonishing news made the headquarters of the T country police station a little confused...

It seemed that she hadn't expected Delia's abnormal behavior at all.


A little later, a piece of international news was like a shocking thunder...

"Delia, the deputy head of the special case team of the T country police station, lost control of her emotions on Dacong Island, and shot and killed all the surviving police officers of HT3304"

This is absolutely shocking...

The international community is in an uproar...

In particular, netizens from various countries began to leave messages on the Internet...

Hua country netizen: Look at it, this is the police officer of country T!How can we believe that the 6 maritime incident in country T will be notarized?
Netizen from Toyoko: Now we should have seen the true face of country T!
Netizen from country H: It turns out that the police officers in country T are like this, I can’t imagine it!

Russian netizen: Presumably everyone now understands that there was a reason for the 6 maritime incident in country T, right?
Country Y netizen: Oh my god... Oumaiga... so it turns out that the police officers in country T are so crazy?

Netizen from country F: Are the members of the sea self-rescue and survival team all right?


At this moment, the head of State T was so angry that he personally called the Chief Director of the Police Department of State T...

Führer: Can you explain Delia's question?
The Director-General also looked bewildered, faltering, and didn't answer for a while.

In fact, regarding this matter, the Director-General did not expect it at all.

Didn't even understand why Delia did this all of a sudden?

What the hell is this all about?

If it is possible to be rude, at this moment, the chief director really wants to be rude.


At this moment, over the ocean, one of the rescue planes...

Reporter: Hello, Captain Li Chen, may I you already know that country T has withdrawn its case from the International Court of Justice?
Li Chen:? ? ?
Reporter: Don't you know?

Right now, Li Chen really wanted to be rough, thinking where the hell would we know?

In fact, for the moment, he just wanted to be quiet for a while.

But he just followed such a media reporter.

However, for this media reporter, it was quite embarrassing.

Because no matter what was asked, Captain Li Chen remained silent.

And how could this media reporter know...At this moment, Captain Li Chen needs to calm down and digest some things...

To be honest, facing everything that happened suddenly, he was really ignorant, completely ignorant.

Especially Delia's last abnormal behavior.

However, he is not stupid, he already understands, perhaps Delia has saved the entire sea rescue team?
From the reporter's question just now, he also understood something.

It should be because of some reasons in country T, which led to... Country T has withdrawn the case to the international court?
Afterwards, the media reporter asked: Captain Li Chen, may I have been pardoned by country T, how do you feel?

Li Chen: ...

Reporter: Do you have any thoughts?

At this moment, Li Chen frowned helplessly, and finally replied: I want to be quiet for a while, thank you!
reporter:? ? ?

In fact, as the captain of the international team, Li Chen was already polite enough.

With his temper, I really want to say something to this reporter, can you just shut up?


Right now, on another rescue plane...

"Uh, Elder Sister Linna, if we're fine...does that mean...we're about to wave goodbye to Brother Li Chen?"


About this moment, a rescue base in country T, the apron...

I saw that the ambassadors of the embassies of relevant countries in country T were already waiting.

There are also various media reporters, etc., who are already waiting.

For these media reporters from all walks of life, it is natural to wait and grab news reports.

The ambassadors of the relevant countries will pick up the personnel of their respective countries as soon as they get off the plane.

Because country T has officially announced that it will no longer pursue the self-rescue and survival teams at sea.

In other words, innocent.

Naturally they are innocent, so after a while, they will be picked up immediately after they get off the plane.

In this way, it will also avoid long nights and dreams.

(End of this chapter)

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