Chapter 1055 Is this the end?

In fact, at this moment, those media reporters, officials from the embassies of the relevant countries, and all the people present were all dumbfounded. They didn't know what country T was doing.
Especially for the behavior of the police in country T, are they all ignorant?

Because, Delia... After all, it represents the behavior of the police in country T.

In short, all of this, for a while, cannot be understood with normal thinking.

The only thing that is certain now is... Since the 6 maritime incident in country T, there are indeed many problems in country T.

You must also be responsible for all of this!
In other words, country T must have a clear account of all this to the international community!

After a while, when the six members of the sea self-rescue and survival team got off the rescue plane, facing the Wuyang Wuyang crowd, the six of them were a little dazed for a while...

It's like you don't even know what happened.

Although those media reporters were all excited, but the police in country T are maintaining the current order, and have not yet allowed any media reporters to surround them for interviews.

In desperation, those media reporters could only take pictures on the spot...

It can be regarded as witnessing all this.

In fact, at this moment, even if those media reporters surrounded them to interview, the six members of the sea self-rescue and survival team didn't know what to answer?
Regarding the man-made crash of HT3304, the six of them are currently also in a daze, and they don't know what happened?

It's just that each of them has a vague understanding in their hearts that what the police officer Delia in country T did, in fact...maybe to make the final rescue of their sea self-rescue and survival team?

Maybe she didn't want to send the six of them to the International Court of Justice?

So... she wants to end it all in her own way...

Ryder, who was always very funny, felt a little inexplicably heavy in his heart at the moment...

At this moment, he could only turn his head and stare blankly at Li Chen...

In fact, to a certain extent, Ryder still understood in his heart that maybe what the beautiful police officer really wanted to save... was only this Captain.Li...

As for the relationship between the beautiful police officer and this Captain Li, Ryder is actually not very clear, but he has seen the beautiful police officer kiss him...

Then, wait and see, under the protection of the T country police, when the embassy officials of the relevant countries came to pick up the people, suddenly, Alice and the other four women felt a little inexplicably flustered...

Immediately, the four women turned their heads to look at the international captain Li Chen in a panic...

Jessie suddenly whispered in Katerina's ear: "Sister Linna, is this... over?"

However, in the next second, I don't know what happened, I saw Alice turned around, put her arms around Li Chen, who was in no state for the time being, and kissed him passionately...

Li Chen, who was almost out of breath from being kissed by those delicate thin lips and sweet tongue, directly looked bewildered: "???"

At the same time, Ryder on the side was also confused: "???"

Especially watching Alice's sizzling kiss, Ryder was even more jealous and felt some inexplicable liver pain...

But you must know that Ryder has always had a crush on this young foreign woman.

I even had various poses of YY with her in my mind countless times.

But now, this little bitch...? ? ?
She also likes Captain. Li...! ?

After a burst of intense kisses, Alice looked at Li Chen reluctantly and sadly...

Apparently, she had realized that maybe this was when they waved goodbye?

But she... really couldn't bear to be separated from this Hua Guo captain.

She even felt that the story between herself and the captain of Huaguo was not over yet.

However, Li Chen is still offline at this moment.

However, looking at the reluctance and sorrow in the eyes of this young foreign woman, he was still a little inexplicably startled...

"! Captain. Li..."

Seeing this young foreign woman's eyes twinkling with tears, Li Chen couldn't help being startled again——

Before he could react, suddenly, this young foreign woman kissed him passionately...

At this moment, this young foreign woman really wished she could become one with this Hua Guo captain.

Suddenly seeing the young foreign woman kissing so passionately, Ryder beside him felt a pain in his liver again...

To be honest, Li Chen did not expect this sudden scene at all.

Afterwards, the young foreign woman looked at him with tears in her eyes again, that was inseparable...

This made the embassy officials from the relevant countries who were about to approach all stop in a daze, as if they were a little ashamed to disturb those two.

As for the media reporters outside the cordon, it was naturally a frantic snap...

Because this scene is really touching!
In other words...there is no banquet in the world that lasts forever.

So, there is always a difference.

When Alice looked at Li Chen again with tears in her eyes, Li Chen also realized that she was about to say goodbye.

"Can we... see each other again?" Alice asked tearfully.

Li Chen frowned inexplicably and sadly...

Then, look at this young foreign woman again, he doesn't know what to say?
After thinking about it, he could only reply: "I hope!"


Then, in order to end all this as soon as possible, officials from the embassies of the relevant countries had no choice but to come forward with an awkward smile...

Officials from the Russian embassy in country T came forward first and expressed their sincere thanks to Captain Li Chen of China.

Then, officials from the country Y's embassy in country T also came to express their sincere thanks to Captain Li Chen of the country of China.

At this moment, for the six members of the self-rescue and survival team at sea, they all understood that maybe all this is really coming to an end?
It's just that at this moment, no one knows what Huaguo captain Li Chen is thinking in his heart?

Then, just as they were about to say goodbye, Katerina suddenly turned around and ran over in tears...

"Brother Li Chen..."

Suddenly, all the staff were dumbfounded again: "???"

However, this Russian girl didn't care about it, she just rushed over and threw herself into the arms of Captain Hua Guo, Li Chen...

Next, she stood on tiptoe passionately, raised her noodles, and kissed Captain Huaguo fiercely...

For Li Chen at this moment, he is still a little dazed...

Even frowning...

Although he understood this reluctance in his heart, but as far as he was concerned at the moment, he was really in no mood.

Because too many things happened in this period of time, he needs to be quiet and digest all this...

Even, he was thinking in his heart... This is really the end of it all! ?

(End of this chapter)

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