Chapter 1056 Interrogation of Delia

It can be seen that the Russian girl kissed Li Chen so passionately, wishing to become one with him, Sun Jiaying looked at her, feeling a little uncomfortable...

In fact, to a certain extent, she also fell in love with Captain Li Chen unknowingly.

It's just that due to a certain reserve of oriental women, she is ashamed to express so boldly.

Of course, in her heart, there is also a certain lack of self-confidence.

How should I put it specifically... After all, when she was on the island, she had taken the initiative and hinted, but... Captain Li Chen didn't seem to have that kind of feeling towards her.

As far as this moment is concerned, the officials of the embassies of the relevant countries present, the police personnel of the country T, and the media reporters on the scene were all overwhelmed by this shocking scene...

It seems that no one thought that the women in the captain of self-rescue and survival at sea are all in love with the captain of Huaguo.

But I have to admit that the Hua Guo captain is indeed a hero!

It seems to be human nature for beautiful women to love heroes, which is understandable.

After all, in the ocean, it was the Hua Guo captain who saved them all...

After Katerina's inseparable, infatuated and sorrowful kiss, she also looked at the captain of Huaguo with tears in her eyes...

"Brother Li Chen... you must remember me! And... I will go to Huaguo to find you!"


Afterwards, everyone thought it was finally over, but unexpectedly, suddenly, Jessie went crazy again...running wildly in tears...

Before Li Chen could react, Jessie suddenly threw herself into his arms...

This typical western girl couldn't help standing on her tiptoes, raised her noodles, and kissed Captain Hua.

All of a sudden, the enthusiasm and the sizzling sound of the kiss made the officials of the embassy on the side frown shyly...

I thought to myself that this incident made a lot of trouble... this Hua Guo captain really made a lot of money.

These can they really be inseparable from this Hua Guo captain?

This showed that Jessie also kissed suddenly, and Sun Jiaying, who was at the side, was also a little restless.


And at this moment, the headquarters of the T country police station.

An interrogation room...

I saw that Officer Delia had been brought here directly...

Everything about the epaulettes of her police uniform has been removed.

This also means that she is already a prisoner.

In the interrogation room at this moment, I saw the Director-General sitting face to face with her...

Looking at the deputy head of the special case team, the Director General didn't seem to know what to ask for a while?
I just feel that all of this... Maybe it wasn't Delia's original intention?

After all, this young policewoman still has a bright future.

To be honest, before the 6 maritime incident, this young policewoman was absolutely conscientious.

It's just all of a sudden... why did she become like this? The chief director is also very puzzled, very puzzled!

But at this moment, facing the Director General's eyes, Delia looked calm and composed.

It was as if she was telling the director general that she had no excuse left.

In desperation, there was nothing to do, and the Director-General had no choice but to ask, which meant: Why did you do this?

Delia listened, and didn't answer in a hurry, but just looked calm and self-satisfied...

But, somewhat thoughtful...

After a long time, she looked at the Director General and said, "Isn't it already like this?"
Seeing her like this, no way, the Director-General frowned for a while, then asked: Do you know the consequences?

Delia: Yes.Sit in prison and wear it.

The reason why it is said to be in prison is because there is no death penalty in T country, only life imprisonment.

The Director-General seemed to have lost his mind, and asked again: Don't you want to make an excuse?

Delia: It's all true. Is there anything else to justify?

Seeing her like this again, the Director-General frowned in distress, and then suddenly asked: Actually, your real just to save the self-rescue team at sea, and you don't want to see them go to jail, right?
Delia: I didn't think so.I just can't understand... the actions of certain politicians in our country T.

Director General: It's really that simple! ?

Delia: How complicated can it be?

The Director-General smiled bitterly: I think you are not telling the truth.

Delia: So what do you want to hear?
Director General: We are all police officers, you should know that.Just want to hear the truth.

Delia: I've told the truth.

Director-General: That's good.Then let me tell you, now our country T has withdrawn the case from the International Court of Justice.It has also been announced that the sea self-rescue survival team will no longer be held should be satisfied, right?

Delia: I don't care whether I am satisfied or not.I just think...the sea self-rescue team...could have been innocent.

Director General: What do you think...! ?

Delia: Any questions?

Director General: Then do you think you are a good policeman?
Delia: I don't know?I just feel that... we sometimes... are both evil and good.

Director General: ...

In the end, the director-general was a little speechless, and he didn't know what to say?

It's just that the director-general feels sorry for this young policewoman...

Finally, looking at Delia again, the Director-General asked: Do you need a lawyer?
Delia: No need.


At this moment, on a minibus heading to the Chinese embassy in country T...

I saw Li Chen sitting in the last row by the window, turning his head and looking out the window...

As for what he was thinking, no one knew?

Even Sun Jiaying who was sitting next to him didn't know?
In the front seat, Ambassador Xiang was sitting, turning his head back from time to time, looking at Li Chen...

I wanted to talk to him about something, but seeing that he was so depressed and silent, Ambassador Xiang seemed to be unable to find a topic for a while?
At this moment, suddenly, Ambassador Xiang's cell phone rang...

So, Ambassador Xiang had no choice but to answer the phone. After a while, Ambassador Xiang said 'wait' to the person on the other end of the phone, then turned his head back and looked at Li Chen...

"Uh, Li Chen...your phone number!"

Hearing this sentence suddenly, Li Chen hurriedly turned his head to look at Ambassador Xiang...

But he was inexplicably stunned, and then he asked: "Who is it?"

Ambassador Xiang smiled: "Go ahead and pick it up. After you pick it up, don't you know who it is?"

Hearing what Xiang Ambassador said, he also handed the phone to him, but he had no choice but to take the phone...


"Are you okay?" Su Qian'er on the other end of the phone smiled happily and excitedly.

It's just that Li Chen at this moment is a little dazed, and his mind is a little blank...

"You are……"

"Sick! Who am don't know?"


(End of this chapter)

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