The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1057 Let's Listen to Your Arrangements

Chapter 1057 Let's Listen to Your Arrangements
At this moment, on a minibus heading to the embassy of country Y in country T...

"Hey, I said... girl, what's wrong with you? Aren't we supposed to be happy now?"

The Ryder guy was blah, blah, blah.

However, Alice and Jessie didn't care about him, and let him chatter non-stop.

In fact, at this moment, Alice and Jessie were in no mood to speak.

Both of them just turned their heads and looked out of the car window feeling lost...

It seems that since then, both of them have lost something.

Survival on a deserted island, drifting in the ocean... At that time, they were all looking forward to when it would end.

But now, when everything is over, it feels so sad...


Should be happy?
In the hearts of the two women, it seems that they are still looking for the answer...

However, Ryder turned his head to look at Alice again, and then couldn't help saying: "Hey, I said, girl, remember what you said...considering having a drink with me?"

Alice remained silent.

It seems that at this moment, she has no idea what the big black man is talking about.

After a while, Jessie suddenly turned her head to look at Alice, and said inexplicably with tears in her eyes, "Hey... Sister Alice, all of this... is it really over like this?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Alice turned her head to look at Jessie...

Then, she replied, "Aren't you still speaking Chinese?"

Jessie couldn't help being taken aback, and then said: "I've decided...I'm going to Huaguo."


After a while, the Chinese embassy in country T, in a lounge.

Under the arrangement of Ambassador Xiang, at this moment, Li Chen and Sun Jiaying have sat down on the sofa in the lounge...

Even though they knew that this was the Chinese embassy in country T, the two of them... still seemed a little inexplicably awkward.

Especially Sun Jiaying, she was afraid that she would be too far away from Li Chen, so she sat next to him.

The ambassador wanted them to rest here for a while, and he was going to arrange some affairs.

After Xiang Ambassador went out, Sun Jiaying turned to look at Li Chen inexplicably...

But at this moment, Li Chen was looking at the window of the lounge thoughtfully...

"Uh, Captain..."

Suddenly hearing Sun Jiaying whispering in his ear, Li Chen couldn't help turning his head to look at her...

After taking a rough look at her, he asked, "What's the matter?"

"We...can we really go back to our country?"

Suddenly hearing Sun Jiaying's question, it seemed that she was still worried, so Li Chen said, "That's right. We can really go back to China now."

Hearing such an affirmative answer, Sun Jiaying took the opportunity to ask, "Then what are you thinking?"

When she asked this question, Li Chen became thoughtful again...

After thinking about it, he looked at her again, and said, "Go back to your country first."

"What about you?" Sun Jiaying asked hurriedly.

Li Chen said: "I still have some things to do. After finishing, I will return home."

Sun Jiaying couldn't help being inexplicably stunned...

Then, she suddenly said, "But I want to be with you."

Hearing what she said suddenly, Li Chen was also taken aback for a moment——

Looking at her again, he said, "You should go back to China first."

"???" Sun Jiaying could only furrow her beautiful eyes slightly, as if she didn't know what to say next?

It's just that she feels...he should understand her thoughts?
But he wanted her to go back to the country first, which seemed to mean...he was already tactfully rejecting her.

After thinking about it, an inexplicable embarrassment appeared on her face...

But in the end, she still couldn't help but said: "Actually, I know... I'm not as good as Sister Huiqiao."

Hearing her suddenly say such a sentence, Li Chen was stunned again...

Then he looked at her again, and he said: "I don't have the heart to talk to you about this now."

"Then..." Sun Jiaying looked at him inexplicably.

Seeing her like this, Li Chen said bluntly: "Frankly speaking, I understand your thoughts. But I believe you will find better ones that are more suitable for you."

Then, he said again: "Didn't it be said... that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have future blessings?"

Hearing what he said, Sun Jiaying didn't seem to know what to say?

It's just that she felt a little inexplicably uncomfortable...

At the same time, in her heart... she didn't have much confidence.

Although we are already in an era of talking about exes, as a Chinese woman, when it comes to the relationship between men and women, when I think that I have had an ex, I still don’t feel so confident.

In fact, she might be overthinking it.

Because for the current Captain Li Chen, he doesn't care about these things anymore.

But, to be honest, he really didn't feel that way about her.

What's more, he is not in the mood to talk about the love between his children now.

Maybe... the relationship between a man and a woman is ultimately like that.

However, some things still linger in his heart.


After a while, Ambassador Xiang returned to the lounge, looked at the two of them, and said with a slight smile, "Okay. Everything has been arranged. You two will be able to return home around ten o'clock tomorrow. "

However, when he heard this suddenly, Li Chen was secretly startled——

Looking at Ambassador Xiang again, he finally couldn't help but said, "I'm sorry, Ambassador Xiang, what... can I stay in country T for a few more days?"

Hearing this suddenly, Ambassador Xiang couldn't help being taken aback, and then looked at him in puzzlement...

After waiting for a while, Ambassador Xiang seemed to understand something, so he said, "The remains of Ms. Quan Huiqiao and Ms. Ito Chuanxiang have been brought back to the country of H and Dongyang respectively. These funerals... are no longer necessary. You're in charge."

But Li Chen suddenly said: "It's not because of this."

"That's..." Ambassador Xiang was a little puzzled.

"I want...I want to see Officer Delia again."

Hearing this suddenly, Ambassador Xiang couldn't help being startled——

Obviously, this matter is a bit difficult now.

After all, the international community is aware of what happened to Officer Delia, so it is indeed a bit difficult to see her now.

Furthermore, it is now an internal matter of T country.

How can a foreign embassy in country T get involved in this matter?

After thinking about it, Xiang Ambassador said, "This matter... is a bit sensitive right now."

Looking at Li Chen again, the ambassador thought about it again, and then said to the ambassador: "Even to is not appropriate. You should know that Officer Delia has not been sentenced yet, and has not yet arrived to visit the prison." when."

Then, he said to the ambassador: "Why don't you come to country T after a while, and then I can find a way to arrange it?"

Hearing that Ambassador Xiang had said that all of a sudden, Li Chen didn't seem to know what to say anymore?

After thinking about it, he had no choice but to say: "Then I'll follow your arrangement, thank you!"


(End of this chapter)

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