Chapter 1058 Depressed Ryder!
After that, under the arrangement of Ambassador Xiang, Li Chen and Sun Jiaying temporarily stayed in the guest house of the embassy.

Because the two of them don't have any identity certificates now, everything can only be arranged by the embassy.

In short, the two of them also understood that they could not add chaos to the embassy, ​​and everything had to follow the arrangements.

At a time like this, it would be a bit of an act to add extra problems.

However, Captain Li Chen... still couldn't help asking Ambassador Xiang to borrow money to buy a pack of cigarettes.

Seeing this, Xiang Ambassador didn't say a word, and directly took out most of his remaining pack of cigarettes to him...

"Look... is this enough for you?"

Seeing this suddenly, Captain Li Chen felt a little embarrassed and shyly smiled, and hurriedly nodded and said: "Enough! Enough, enough!"

Afterwards, Ambassador Xiang even took out the lighter that he was carrying on his body...

"Here, lighter."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Ambassador Xiang!"


Afterwards, as soon as the ambassador left and closed the door, he couldn't help but light up a cigarette in depression...

At this moment, he looks a bit like a decadent old man, frowning, just puffing on his cigarette...

Like at this moment, I can only find a little solace from the smoke.

Although it seems that everything is over, in fact, in his heart, some things are still not over...

Maybe it can't end?
For example: Delia...

Especially after listening to the ambassador give a general introduction to the situation, he couldn't forget Delia.

Of course, besides Delia, there are also Hye Kyo and Chuan Xiang who cannot be forgotten...

And the dead Nina, and Nina's brothers and sisters...

And Xiao Cao...

There are also sunspots...

After all, it has been a year since Survival on a deserted island, how could it be possible to suddenly turn the page?


As for Sun Jiaying in the next room, she couldn't change everything all at once.

Because those bits and pieces are memories...

Just at this moment, Sun Jiaying, after shutting herself in the room, immediately rushed into the bathroom, stripped off her entire body, and then turned on the shower to rinse thoroughly...

It seems that he wants to get rid of all the bad luck on his body.

Moreover, she was also thinking in her heart, I hope there will not be a third time to survive on a deserted island!
But, to be honest, she did have a deep crush on Captain Li Chen...

It's just that due to a certain reserve of oriental women, she can't express it unscrupulously.

At this moment, she can only secretly think that if Captain Li Chen doesn't dislike him, she will be willing to serve him for the rest of her life.

She has already removed the label of intellectual young women and the like.

Because now she naturally and thoroughly understands that some things cannot be solved by double master's degrees.


Just this afternoon, with regard to Ryder, Alice, and Jessie, the three of them have also temporarily stayed in a hotel under the arrangement of the Y country embassy.

After all, the three of them were survivors on the Mir, so everything was arranged by Country Y.

Ryder was bored, so he couldn't help coming, and rang the doorbell of Alice's room...

Alice, who just took a shower in the room, just wrapped in a bath towel, came to open the door, and took a look with her head...

Seeing that it was a big black man, she looked a little gloomy...

Frankly speaking, she didn't fall in love with the big black guy.

If it was the Hua Guo captain, maybe she would have opened the door right away.

But, Big Hei... She still has to think about it.

After taking a rough look at the big man, she asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

Ryder is the usual hey hey: "Can I go in?"

Unexpectedly, Alice replied directly: "No."

"???" Ryder frowned depressedly...

And Alice said again: "I have something to say. It's okay... I'm going to close the door."

In desperation, Ryder had no choice but to hurriedly say: "Oh... wait... girl, I said..."

However, before he finished speaking, Alice said: "Wait a minute. Let me make it clear. You can call me a bitch, I have no problem. However, although I am a twice-divorced woman, it does not mean that I It's a casual woman, OK?"

Ryder: "...???"

Then, Alice said: "You should know that no matter what kind of woman, there is love first, and then sex."

"...???" Ryder choked again.

Then, looking at him again, Alice asked: "Is there anything else?"

After Ryder frowned sullenly, he had no choice but to say: " more. Good luck! Take a good nap!"

So, after Alice replied "good luck to you too", she slammed into the door with a "bang".

This kind of feeling of being rejected by the door is very unpleasant for Ryder...



What's wrong with these girls?
Why are you saying everything so bluntly?

Wouldn't it be nice to stay a little hazy?

Afterwards, the guy turned around and originally wanted to ring Jessie's doorbell, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

A woman who has been divorced twice won't let him in the room, let alone Jessie is just a girl?

As for Jessie at this moment, staying in her room, she was standing blankly in front of the window, looking at the sky...

At this moment, she doesn't know what she is thinking?
I'm just trying to figure out some scenarios of going to Huaguo to find Brother Li Chen in the future...

At the same time, this western girl was also thinking shyly... She is still a real girl, she has never had that with a boy yet.

But his first kiss seemed to be given to that Hua Guo captain in such a muddle.

But thinking about it, she had an inexplicably sweet smile...

It seems that it is actually a kind of happiness.

Especially when she thought back, every time she took the initiative to kiss Captain Hua, he always looked so stupid, and she couldn't help but want to laugh...

It felt like I had fallen for that Huaguo captain.

The more she thinks about it now, the more she thinks that Captain Hua is super cute.

I just don't know if he is still in country T?

Regarding the Russian girl Katerina, under the arrangement of the Russian embassy in T country, she has already left T country first.

At this moment, she was already on a plane bound for Russia.

It's just...she was a little unhappy.

I kept turning my head and looking out of the plane window...

The bits and pieces of being in the ocean are always lingering in her mind...

What impressed her the most was that every time she wanted to urinate, she didn't seem to deliberately shy away from Brother Li Chen.

In short, she felt...that she had no more secrets in front of Brother Li Chen.

Including some things she had with her boyfriend, she also told brother Li Chen without hesitation...

However, the only thing she doesn't know is... How does brother Li Chen feel about her?
Or... Did he ever think about sleeping with her?

(End of this chapter)

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