Chapter 1059 A Hero in the Ordinary
After various international news reports came out, country T also decided not to pursue anything further. Therefore, the 6 maritime incident in country T, which caused a sensation in the international community, finally came to an end.

Then, on this day, a little later, an international sharp review was published by the Russian media...

"A Hero in the Ordinary - Li Chen, Captain of Huaguo"

After this international sharp review came out, it caused a lot of sensation again, and netizens from all over the world came to leave messages one after another...

Huaguo netizen: Li Chen, the pride of our Huaguo!A true hero in the ordinary!
Country F netizen: Li Chen, what a man!

Country H netizen: Li Chen... Although Xiao Qiao (Quan Hye Kyo) is gone, don't forget, you are still our son-in-law of H country.We are proud to have such a son-in-law!Also sincerely hope you find new happiness!If sister Xiaoqiao really has a spirit in heaven, I will bless you too!
Dongyangguo netizen: We will remember you for Sister Chuanxiang!Thank you also for Sister Chuanxiang!I wish you happiness for the rest of your life!Li Chenjun...Come on!
Country Y netizen: Thank you, Li Chen!Thank you for bringing the survivors on the Mir to life!
Netizen from country T: I apologize for all the unhappiness in country T!Li Chen, come on, you are the best!

Russian netizen: Xiao Qiao is gone, we still have Da Qiao in Russia, waiting for you, Li Chen!


However, Li Chen, the captain of Huaguo, who has been sincerely followed by netizens from all over the world, has been sluggishly standing in front of the window of the guest house room all afternoon...

Standing in front of the window, he has been smoking sullenly...

Like an old man with all his worries gone, his brows have been slightly furrowed...

Although his eyes were looking out the window, he actually saw nothing.

Because I still have something on my mind.

The past, bits and pieces, have been flashing back in my mind...

In short, the mood is ups and downs, extremely complicated.

It seems that everything has passed, but in his heart, it seems that it is still not the past...


At this moment, Sun Jiaying has been wandering around the door of his room, wondering whether to ring his doorbell?

In fact, this Huaguo Shanghai woman has been thinking, should there be some stories between herself and Captain Li Chen?

If everything really ended like this, she would still be a little bit unwilling.


However, just when Sun Jiaying suddenly decided to ring the doorbell of Captain Li Chen's room, unexpectedly, at this moment, Ambassador Xiang arrived...

Looking at the ambassador, he couldn't help but smiled and said slightly: "What? Are you hungry? Are you going to ask Li Chen to eat together?"

Hearing this suddenly, and looking at the ambassador again, Sun Jiaying could only be stunned in embarrassment——

Then, in desperation, she had no choice but to address respectfully, "Ambassador Xiang!"

After showing a smile to the ambassador, he said, "Okay. Call Li Chen, let's go have dinner together."

Hearing what Xiang Ambassador said, Sun Jiaying turned around and pressed the doorbell...

In fact, at this moment, Li Chen in the room actually heard the conversation at the door.

Therefore, after a while, the door opened with a 'click'...

Seeing Li Chen who had already opened the door, Xiang Ambassador couldn't help but smile happily...

Afterwards, Ambassador Xiang took out his mobile phone, and opened the sharp international review...

"A Hero in the Ordinary - Li Chen, Captain of Huaguo"

"Look at this."

While talking to Ambassador Xiang, he handed the phone to Li Chen...

To be honest, just at this moment, seeing Ambassador Xiang's actions, Li Chen was a little dazed.

But after looking at the ambassador, in order to show some kind of respect, he had to reach out and take the phone, and took a rough look...

It's just that after seeing the title of such a sharp review, he immediately expressed that he was not in the mood to read any more.

Because... In fact, in his opinion, he is not a hero.

Surviving on a deserted island for a year, all I have been thinking about is the word 'alive'.

That's it!

However, Ambassador Xiang happily patted Li Chen on the shoulder: "Proud! You are the pride of our country!"

However, Li Chen felt a little embarrassed and handed the phone back to Ambassador Xiang, and then replied: "Thank you!"

In fact, in the eyes of Sun Jiaying at the side, he was not pretending.

But this title of 'hero' is really mixed...

After all, she also witnessed it with her own eyes. Sister Hye Kyo... died in the end!
And those of them... To put it bluntly, the damned ones didn't die.

After taking the mobile phone from Ambassador Xiang, he said, "Okay. Let's go have dinner together."

After finishing speaking, Ambassador Xiang took out a pack of cigarettes and said, "By the way, Li Chen, this...take it."

Suddenly seeing a pack of cigarettes handed over, this captain Li Chen was not polite, so he reached out to take it...

"Thank you Ambassador Xiang!"

Ambassador Xiang said, "Why are you being polite?"


Later, I asked the ambassador for a single room at a Huaguo restaurant downstairs in the guest house.

The three of them sat around the round table in the private room, and then asked Ambassador Xiang to order a few special dishes from Huaguo.

It seemed that Ambassador Xiang also understood Li Chen's mood at the moment, so he asked, "How about... let's have another bottle of Erguotou?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, before Li Chen opened his mouth, Sun Jiaying hurriedly replied: "Okay, okay."

This made Ambassador Xiang stunned, and looked at the woman from Shanghai inexplicably...

In fact, the embassy has already learned some background information about Sun Jiaying.

This Shanghai woman... is actually not simple, and she can be regarded as the pride of Huaguo.

Absolutely intellectual young women.

Not only is it as simple as a double master's degree, but she has also contributed to Huaguo with her own academics.

It's just that he suddenly saw that she had such a temperament suddenly, and Xiang Ambassador was somewhat inexplicably surprised——

It is rare for a woman to have such a temperament, so she asked the ambassador for a bottle of Erguotou directly.

But, to be honest, for Li Chen at this moment, he doesn't really want to drink.

Instead, he wanted to stay awake all the time.

Afterwards, looking at Ambassador Xiang, Li Chen asked, "Ambassador Xiang, it allowed to smoke in the private room?"

Suddenly hearing such a question, Ambassador Xiang could only look at Sun Jiaying with an awkward smile...

"It's better to ask the lady's opinion."

Suddenly hearing Ambassador Xiang say this, before Li Chen could speak, Sun Jiaying gave him an inexplicably charming look...

"If you want to smoke, just smoke."

Suddenly seeing such a look, and then looking at Sun Jiaying's posture, Ambassador Xiang felt a little interesting...

I was thinking, these two... can be regarded as talented and beautiful.

It's just that Ambassador Xiang doesn't know exactly what's going on, so Ambassador Xiang doesn't dare to make a match easily.

Anyway, Ambassador Xiang felt that it was better for the young people to discuss this kind of thing by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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