Chapter 1060 Sun Jiaying After Drunk

In fact, the ambassador just thought too much, because the current Li Chen didn't have the heart to talk about the love between his son and daughter at all.

And all this time, he has always been so depressed, no one knows what is going on in his heart?
After a while, after drinking a cup of Erguotou, he suddenly saw that Sun Jiaying was already talking nonsense, and Li Chen frowned inexplicably...

But at this point, he didn't know what to say to her?
I just find her embarrassing.

If you are not good at drinking, you don't need to drink.

But this way... At least the ambassador would feel bad if he looked at it.

Originally, Ambassador Xiang wanted Li Chen to go and take care of Sun Jiaying, but unexpectedly, Li Chen suddenly said to Ambassador Xiang: "Excuse me, Ambassador Xiang, what... can I borrow your mobile phone?"

Hearing this suddenly, Ambassador Xiang was a little puzzled...

Seeing that Ambassador Xiang was puzzled, Li Chen said again: "That's right, I want to call my family."

Suddenly, it was such a thing. After Xiang Ambassador understood it, he immediately took out his mobile phone and handed it to Li Chen...

However, after Li Chen called home, he didn't say much, he just said: "Mom, maybe I can go back to see you in two days?"

The reason why I have to talk about it for two days is because I have to go to Yanjing for a transit.

Not a direct flight to Qingchuan Province.

On the other end of the phone, his mother suddenly became happy and said, "Really? Then it seems... what Qian'er said is true?"

It's just that when he heard his mother say this, he was a little stunned: "Mom, you just said... Qian'er?"

So, his mother said: "That's right. Qian'er. Isn't there Ke Ke, Xia'er, Wan'er, and Qiong'er? Yes, isn't there a foreign girl... Lena? What? Don't you?" Do you know?"

Hearing this again suddenly, Captain Li Chen was a little stunned again...

Next, his mother said: "Oh, by the way, Chen'er, then she really your daughter-in-law?"

"???" In an instant, Captain Li Chen was also dumbfounded.

I thought... Ke Ke... when will she become my daughter-in-law?

For a while, he didn't know how to tell his mother, so he had no choice but to say: "Mom, these things...let's talk about it when I go back."


But after hanging up the phone, Captain Li Chen was completely stunned...

Although he doesn't know anything now, he can already imagine...the six women...should be quite familiar with his parents?

Maybe... last year... those six women have been taking care of his parents since they returned to China?

Thinking of this, Captain Li Chen was moved, but at the same time, he suddenly felt... maybe he owed those six women something...

In fact, from beginning to end, he really didn't want them to return anything.

But they did this, which made him feel... that he owed them something...

Suddenly, Ambassador Xiang couldn't help stretching out his hand in front of his eyes: "Li Chen... what's wrong?"

Only then did Li Chen come to his senses, and then he hurriedly glanced at Ambassador Xiang, and then he handed the phone back to Ambassador Xiang in panic and gratitude...

"Thank you!"

Seeing that he is always so polite, Ambassador Xiang just smiled: "Don't always look at laymen like this? In fact, we Hua people... are all one family!"

To be honest, Ambassador Xiang is really good!

Afterwards, Sun Jiaying, who was a little drunk, got up staggeringly, seemingly wanting to go to the bathroom, so Ambassador Xiang hurriedly patted Li Chen's arm and said, "Go and take care of her."

Seeing it, Li Chen frowned...

It was... quite embarrassing.

After all, it's not my girlfriend, this thing... how embarrassing it is to take her to the bathroom!

But thinking about it, I feel... No matter what, she is a member of his team. Thinking of this, he got up and went over to help Sun Jiaying...

At the same time, he rushed to the ambassador without forgetting to apologize: "Sorry, Ambassador! I made you laugh!"


Sun Jiaying, who had drunk too much, was talking nonsense all the time, which made Li Chen somewhat feel pity.

In fact, as a member of the self-rescue and survival team at sea, Li Chen has always felt that... she is actually quite pitiful.

Because in the team, in the early stage, they have always rejected her a little bit.

It wasn't until later that they slowly accepted her.

In fact, generally speaking, she actually performed pretty well among the captains.

Now everything is over, so, as the captain, Li Chen also feels... There is no need to worry so much anymore.

In fact, time... can still dilute some things.

Maybe I felt that I couldn't get through the hurdle at the time, but as time goes by, when I look back, I might just smile lightly.

Of course, as the captain, Li Chen still understood that Sun Jiaying still had something in her heart.

Fortunately, the single-room design of this restaurant has a separate toilet at the door.

Therefore, seeing that there was no one in the bathroom, Li Chen walked in with Sun Jiaying's arm...

It's just that just before the squatting pit, Sun Jiaying suddenly let out a 'wow', vomited all over the pit...

Li Chen watched, his brows furrowed tightly: "???"

The smell was really unpleasant, so he had no choice but to quickly reach out and press the water tank to flush...

After vomiting for a while, the wobbly Sun Jiaying couldn't help but say, "I want to urinate."

"???" Li Chen frowned again.

After thinking about it, he didn't know what to do, so he hurriedly said: "Then you support me a little bit. I'll go out first."

Unexpectedly, Sun Jiaying hurriedly said: "Don't! Don't let go! I can't stand still!"

Li Chen: "...???"

This incident has caused a lot of trouble... He really doesn't know what to do?

In desperation, he had no choice but to help her and stand on the pit...

It seemed that she was about to loosen her trousers, so he had no choice but to hurriedly say: "Wait a minute, I'd better go out first."

But just as he was about to let go, Sun Jiaying suddenly leaned back...

Seeing what happened, there was nothing to do, so he had no choice but to hold her by the arm.

Afterwards, there was nothing to do, and he could only show no evil, and helped her squat down on the pit.

It's just that after hearing that barking sound, he frowned again...

To be honest, this is indeed a bit too ambiguous.

Afterwards, Sun Jiaying couldn't help but said again: "Please, just give me two tissues."

I saw the word 'Chuan' directly squeezed out between Li Chen's eyebrows.

Although Hui Qiao asked him to pass water to her when she was on the island, but... Hui Qiao is his wife after all, isn't she?
(End of this chapter)

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