The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1061 What are you trying to do?

Chapter 1061 What are you trying to do?

Afterwards, after Captain Li Chen helped Sun Jiaying back to the private room, Ambassador Xiang looked at Sun Jiaying as if he was a little drunk and his complexion was a little pale, so he asked Ambassador Xiang worriedly: "Jiaying, is she... all right? ?”

At this moment, Li Chen didn't know how to answer?

After thinking about it, he could only reply with some uncertainty: "It should be all right?"

In fact, he really didn't know much about her drinking capacity.

Although she is also a member of the self-rescue and survival team at sea, little is known about her.

Right now Sun Jiaying, after being drunk, is indeed groggy, the aisles are wobbly, always shaking from time to time...

Fortunately, Captain Li Chen had her by his side all the time.

After helping her back to the seat and sitting down, she buried her head directly on the table, and then fell asleep on the edge of the table.

It seems... She was indeed quite drunk.

It is estimated that she does not have a lot of alcohol, it is just a whim, or she is not very happy, so she drank more than one cup of Erguotou...

From the nonsense she was talking about after she was drunk just now, it is not difficult to see that she should still be unhappy?

However, I also understand that, after all, everyone has their own concerns or unhappiness.

Now, although everything is over, maybe there is something in my heart... not over yet?


Next, Ambassador Xiang chatted with Li Chen for a while.

For Captain Li Chen, who used to be a Chinese soldier, Ambassador Xiang is still very pleased...

Because, in the life of surviving on a deserted island, this Captain Li Chen is worthy of being a soldier of Huaguo!

In short, it is indeed the pride of China.

Because no matter where he is or where he is, he embodies the quality of a Chinese soldier.

This time, he is worthy of the name... a hero in the ordinary!
Afterwards, he expressed concern to the ambassador and asked, "Is there enough cigarettes?"

Li Chen smiled shyly with some embarrassment: "Enough! Thank you!"

Seeing this, Xiang Ambassador said: "Why are you so polite!"

In fact, Ambassador Xiang also noticed that Captain Li Chen, who had just come ashore from the ocean, seemed a little inexplicably cautious...

It seems that in the face of all this now, he is still a little unconfident.

Of course, it is also completely conceivable that he has had bad encounters this year...

For a long time, I spent in that gloomy world.

For a while, some are not used to all this, which is really normal.

Looking at him again, Ambassador Xiang said with a slight smile: "Everything is over. Next...after returning to China...go back and see your parents first. Then you should live a good life."

Hearing what Xiang Ambassador said, Li Chen nodded hurriedly: "Yeah!"

Then, he asked the ambassador, "Are there any other requirements?"

"No." Li Chen hurriedly shook his head.

"Is there anything else we need to do for you?"

"No. That's enough. Thank you!"

This shows that Captain Li Chen is like this, so, next, Ambassador Xiang said: "That's it. Then... please take care of Jiaying. The car from the embassy will pick you up tomorrow and take you to the airport. .”


Afterwards, Ambassador Xiang didn't go upstairs again, and let Li Chen take care of Sun Jiaying, helping her to go back to the guest house's room.

This drunken person is really like a dead pig.

Fortunately, Captain Li Chen has good physical strength.

After bringing Sun Jiaying back to the guest house's room, he just hugged her and threw her on the bed.

It's just that Sun Jiaying, who was lying on the bed just now, suddenly let out another 'vomit' sound, wanting to vomit...

It can be seen that Li Chen is so depressed...

After frowning for a while, it was okay, he had no choice but to help her up again, and then helped her hurriedly walked to the bathroom...

When we arrived in the bathroom, Sun Jiaying, whose legs were so weak, simply sat down in front of the toilet, and then buried her head in the toilet, vomiting straight...

He vomited... Tears and snot all came down.

And his complexion turned white for a while.

This made Li Chen stare, his brows squeezed into a word 'Chuan' again...

But there was nothing to do, so he had no choice but to squat down and pat her on the back with his hand...

"Are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

However, Sun Jiaying, who buried her head in the toilet, shook her head for a while...

"It's okay. After vomiting... it will be fine."

Hearing what she said, Li Chen frowned again: " can't hold alcohol, so don't drink it. You're like feel bad too, don't you?"

Suddenly hearing what he said, Sun Jiaying didn't make a sound.

Because she was unhappy, how could he know?

After a while, she, who was still buried her head in the toilet, suddenly confided: "I said... I fell in love with you, do you believe it?"

Hearing her suddenly say such a sentence, Li Chen couldn't help but startled——

After thinking about it, he had no choice but to say: "Okay. Don't talk about it. We will return to China tomorrow."

However, Sun Jiaying asked with some low self-esteem: " despise me?"

Li Chen was so depressed, and frowned again: "No...why are you talking about this? Then what...Hui Qiao...she just left! I don't even have the heart to think about it!"

Unexpectedly, Sun Jiaying said: "But it's been more than a month. Could it be... this more than a month... don't you want to?"

Li Chen had no choice but to reply: "Of course I miss her."

Sun Jiaying said: "That's not what I said. I know you miss her. But what I said is... don't you miss that?"

Li Chen had no choice but to pretend to be stupid again: "I don't know what you're talking about. So what... have you finished vomiting?"

"Yes." Sun Jiaying responded.

Then, she said, "help me up. I can't get up."

"Isn't this the only way you can drink?" Li Chen was really puzzled.

Sun Jiaying said: "I never drank before."

Li Chen listened, but there was nothing to do, so he had to help her up...

After getting up, Sun Jiaying gestured for him to help her to the sink...

Li Chen had no choice but to follow suit.

Next, Sun Jiaying washed her face and rinsed her mouth...

Afterwards, I saw that she finally calmed down a little bit.

However, Li Chen still didn't dare to leave her, because her legs were still dangling.

After a while, Sun Jiaying suddenly turned to look at him, and said, "I want to take a bath."

Li Chen really doesn't know what to do?

After thinking about it, he had no choice but to say: "Then you wash it slowly. I'm going back to my room."

However, Sun Jiaying said: "Are you at ease?"

Li Chen: "...???"

Apart from being speechless and depressed, he didn't know what to do?
After thinking about it again, there was no way out, so he had no choice but to ask: "What do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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