Chapter 1062 Declining Sun Jiaying!
In fact, when he asked the question 'what do you want to do', this captain Li Chen's eyes... were somewhat confused.

She didn't even dare to look Sun Jiaying in the eye.

Because the look in her eyes at the moment is too ambiguous.

To be honest, it is human nature, this Captain Li Chen is not a saint, so it is naturally impossible to say that he has no ideas at all.

Besides, he had had some wine tonight, too.

Therefore, at this moment, Sun Jiaying seems to have captured something...

So, she also said: "Why don't you look at me?"

Hearing such a sentence from her suddenly, Captain Li Chen felt somewhat guilty...

After thinking about it, there was nothing to do, so he suddenly lit a cigarette in a daze...


After exhaling such a long breath along with the smoke, he finally calmed down a little.

Then, he just looked at her...

"Okay. It's getting late. Let's go to bed early. Tomorrow... we will return home."

As he said that, he couldn't help but took a deep breath of the cigarette again to keep himself calm as soon as possible.

Although he knew that he could sleep with her as long as he wanted at this moment, but in his's actually not interesting.

It can't be said to be a comparison.

Because after all, as a soldier, he always thinks about responsibility and consequences in everything.

To be honest, he couldn't guarantee that he would marry her in the future.

Sun Jiaying also seemed to see what he was thinking.

As an oriental woman, I also understand a truth, that is... a twisted melon is not sweet.

So seeing that he didn't have that impulsiveness, she was somewhat embarrassed.

Just looking at this man... She was still very unwilling.

It is true that although she had an ex, she has never loved a man so deeply like she is now.

After a while, Captain Li Chen took another puff of cigarette and said, "Good night!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around resolutely, ready to go back to his room.

At this moment, Sun Jiaying was watching, and suddenly felt an impulse, so she rushed over in a panic, and hugged him tightly from behind...

Then, she begged in his ear: "Don't go, okay?"

Li Chen was taken aback for a moment, then frowned...

After thinking about it, he said, "I didn't leave. I'm right next door, right?"

However, Sun Jiaying just whispered in his ear: "Just once, okay?"

There was nothing left to do, so Li Chen had no choice but to say: "Then do you this interesting?"

Sun Jiaying said, "Of course. At least...something happened to us."

In desperation, Li Chen said: "I'm sorry. I'm not in the mood tonight. Let's do it later."

"You..." At this moment, Sun Jiaying was so angry.

However, Li Chen said: "Don't forget, I'm still your captain."

Sun Jiaying: "..."

It seemed that she didn't know what to say other than being speechless.

It's just that my heart is very sad.

Because she has already felt that this man... It seems that he really has no feelings for her!
Afterwards, in desperation, she had no choice but to let go of him gradually...

At the same time, she apologized with embarrassment: "I'm sorry!"


Afterwards, Li Chen resolutely went back to his room.

After closing the door, he still couldn't help smoking two cigarettes...

Suddenly, he also doubted himself... Is it a little pretending?

Early the next morning, he was awakened from his sleep by a phone call.

Suddenly hearing the landline phone on the bedside table ringing, he couldn't help frowning in a sleepy state...

When he suddenly thought that it might be a call from the embassy, ​​he hurriedly reached out to grab the phone...

"Hello, hello!"

"Hello! Is this Li Chen, captain of Huaguo?" A woman's voice came through the phone.

As a result, Li Chen was a little dazed...

Because I can't tell who the other party is?

After thinking about it, he asked, "Are you..."

The woman on the other side smiled hurriedly: "I am Wu Jingjing, the editor and director of Chuanjiang TV's "Survival in the Wild" program group."

Li Chen was even more confused: "It's not... you... do we know each other?"

Wu Jingjing, the director of Chuanjiang Satellite TV, smiled presumptuously: "I'm sorry, Captain Li! It's really a bit presumptuous! I also know that this is too abrupt! Just now... I also asked for your current phone number from our Chinese embassy in country T. , I hope there is no interruption!"

Li Chen was still a little dazed, and then said: "You are looking for me... for something?"

"That's right, Captain Li, on behalf of Chuanjiang Satellite TV's "Survival in the Wild" program group, I would like to extend a sincere invitation to you! Because you are now an expert in survival in the wilderness! So...we would like to sincerely invite you to be our program group Survival guidance!"

Immediately, Wu Jingjing, the editor-director of Chuanjiang Satellite TV, hurriedly added: "Of course, I will wait for you to return home!"

Just hearing this suddenly, Li Chen was stunned again...

I thought to myself what the hell is going on?

Do you want to use my painful experience to entertain the public?

Grass, it really is an era of entertainment to death!

After thinking about it, Captain Li Chen said, "I'm sorry, Director Wu, I don't think about it. Because what you are doing is just a program. And I...may not be suitable for your program. Also, I also I can't do this survival guidance. Because I don't have a so-called survival system. It won't achieve the effect your program group wants. I should invite professionals in survival."

Suddenly hearing this, director Wu on the other end of the phone couldn't help being stunned: "Then...then what...Captain Li Chen! Don't rush to refuse! Let's do this...I know our program team may be a little too hasty, so what? ...Sorry! Captain Li, do you think this is okay, let's make an appointment to chat after you return home!"


In the end, even after chatting, Li Chen didn't promise the other party anything.

When the phone was hung up, he frowned again in puzzlement...

Then, he sat up suddenly, couldn't help but lit a cigarette...

After taking a few puffs of cigarettes sullenly, he was still thinking in his heart, this era of entertainment to death, really... damn it.

To be honest, this sudden phone call was completely unexpected to him.

Damn...the person is still in country T, and the TV station is calling here?
Thinking about it, he couldn't help but took a few puffs of cigarettes in a depressed mood...

But, to be honest, facing the imminent return to China, he was still at a loss.

Don't even know what else to do after returning home?
It's been more than a year, and the position in the original unit... must have been replaced by someone.

So after returning to China...should be faced with the problem of finding a job?

As for the suite I provided... I guess there is no room for it?

It's been so long since Ta Ma's confession...

(End of this chapter)

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