Chapter 1063 Going to the Airport

At this moment, Sun Jiaying in the next room also got up.

It's just that after waking up this morning, the mood is not so beautiful.

Especially after washing in the bathroom, the whole person just stood there in front of the mirror, staring at himself in the mirror in a daze...

Although in my own opinion... a natural beauty that is hard to give up on, but recalling the scene that happened in the bathroom last night, she has a gloomy expression...

Even some inexplicable inferiority complex.

At the same time, I also feel a little embarrassed...

Because last night, she was like that and took the initiative. In the end, Captain Li Chen still didn't have any stories with her.

In the eyes of a woman, she is a failure.

Maybe it's because I'm not attractive enough, or maybe I'm not charming enough, or maybe I'm not attractive enough...

In fact, she just thought too much.

To be honest, she definitely belongs to that kind of quiet beauty.

It can only be said that Captain Li Chen has very good self-control.

Often... the more such a man is, the more women can't help but love him.

Although it is are not bad and women don't love them, but in fact...only the kind of man who is always sitting still can make women fall in love with him to the marrow.

Because she would feel that such a man is reliable.

This life is reliable.

Especially a man like Captain Li Chen.

It's just...he didn't have feelings for her.

The more she thought about it, the more she hated herself...

I can't wait to draw a knife on my face and ruin this face.

Because...he doesn't love her anyway!
However, at this moment, Li Chen came to ring her doorbell...

Suddenly hearing the sound of 'ding dong', Sun Jiaying couldn't help being stunned——

At this moment, her mood is very complicated...

There was joy, embarrassment, a little low self-esteem, and a little fear of facing it...

In short, a very complicated mood.

After a while, she couldn't help but turned around and walked out of the bathroom, and came to open the door...

At the same time, she still had a glimmer of hope.

Afterwards, after she opened the door with a 'click', Li Chen looked at her and just said, "Are you up?"

Seeing this, Sun Jiaying was taken aback for a moment, then smiled hurriedly: "Come in."

However, Li Chen said: "No. I just came here to remind you, hurry up and wash those things. After a while, our embassy personnel may come over."

It can be seen that, as the captain, he has never forgotten his identity and responsibility.

After all, he was still her captain until he returned home safely.

Hearing what he said, Sun Jiaying felt a little inexplicably depressed...

Afterwards, she had to force a smile: "Okay. I know."

"That's fine. You wash those first. Then clean up as soon as possible. When people from our embassy come over in a while, they may have to go to the airport."

"Yeah!" Sun Jiaying nodded hurriedly.


After a while, the embassy staff arrived and arranged breakfast.

After breakfast, under the arrangement of the staff of the embassy, ​​I boarded a minibus of the embassy.

Next, it is ready to go to the airport...

However, as the team leader, Li Chen turned his head and looked out of the car window, still looking pensive and depressed...

In fact, if possible, he really doesn't want to leave country T yet.

Because Delia...

But now, he doesn't have an ID card or a passport, so he can only operate under the protection of the embassy, ​​so he doesn't want to bother the embassy staff.

In fact, there are some things that the embassy cannot solve for him.

For example, between him and Delia...

In fact, he never thought that... Delia would help him like this!

Of course, this kind of friendship and loyalty may only be felt by their former soldiers... each other.

Although he didn't have much friendship with Delia before this, but at the critical moment...he truly knew and deeply understood this female soldier who had participated in international special operations with him!
Only now...he couldn't do anything.

Can't help her anything.

To be honest, Delia's loyalty and love are too heavy, he feels that he may owe her his whole life!
After all, he knows that in a situation like Delia's, it is estimated that in this life... he will be imprisoned for the rest of his life?


At this moment in the morning, the headquarters of the T country police station.

One of the interrogation rooms...

This time, it was replaced by members of the task force to interrogate Delia...

As for the leader of the task force this time, it was Delia's usual immediate boss, Robert, the leader of the special case team.

About Robert, an old policeman in his fifties.

It can be said that they came all the way from the bottom.

He has his own unique plan for many things and many cases.

He has always spared no effort in caring and supporting the new police officers.

Frankly speaking, this old sheriff has always regarded Delia highly.

But now, in the interrogation room, he met the eyes of this young policewoman, and he was very sorry...

After a while, there was nothing wrong with it, and team leader Robert had no choice but to ask: Why did you shoot and kill the surviving police officers of HT3304?
Delia: Because they have posed a threat to the self-rescue and survival teams at sea.My purpose is to protect the sea self-rescue survival team.

In fact, the surviving police officers of HT3304 are all dead anyway, so now she can answer whatever she wants, everything is under her control.

What she fears most is crowds of people.

What's more, the heart is not in harmony.

Of course, she also had another thought in her heart, which was... worried that those surviving police officers would continue to make trouble after being rescued.

Now, anyway, the dead can't speak.

Therefore, in the face of the interrogation, she has always remained calm.

Afterwards, there was no way, and Team Leader Robert had no choice but to ask: OK.So let's talk about it now...why did you artificially create the HT3304 air crash?
Delia: No why.I just thought it was fun.Stimulate.At the same time, I also want to experience what it is like to survive on a deserted island?It's a pity... I didn't expect to be rescued so soon.

Captain Robert was speechless for a while...

Afterwards, looking at her again, Team Leader Robert said: Are you crazy?

Delia: No.I'm not crazy.To be precise, I am crazy.

Captain Robert: You are indeed crazy!Do you know... what the consequences will be?

Delia: Yes.clear.

Captain Robert: Then you...

Delia: It's ask.

Captain Robert: Can you be more serious?
Delia: I'm serious.I've always been serious.I’m also telling the truth, I really want to experience the feeling of surviving on a deserted island.Because I have never understood... How did the sea self-rescue and survival team survive?Am I not serious enough?
Team Leader Robert: ...

(End of this chapter)

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