Chapter 1065 Return of Captain Huaguo
On this day, Ryder, Alice, and Jessie also left Country T.

For this place of right and wrong, it is naturally better to leave early, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

In fact, as soon as he left the country, he no longer dangled under the noses of those politicians in country T, and the matter passed like this.

Of course, since country T has made an official announcement, leaving the country now is considered aboveboard.


More than ten hours later, Huaguo Yanjing.

Due to the time difference, it was five o'clock in the afternoon in Yanjing at this moment.

At this moment, at Yanjing International Airport, journalists from all walks of life have already set up cannons and are already preparing for various shootings...

Because after all, it is about to witness the moment of miracles.

Captain Hua, who has been fired by the international media for a while, is finally going to be fired by the domestic media again...

Even the central media is ready to invite Captain Hua to do a special TV interview to talk about survival on a deserted island.

In fact, after more than a year of surviving on a deserted island, he was able to return alive in the end, which is really a miracle.

What's even more miraculous is that he saved so many people.


Right now, some sharp-eyed media have been chasing after Tan Jixia, Su Qianer and other six women to interview...

It's preheating.

Reporter: Ms. Tan, can you talk about what happened when you and Captain Li Chen were on the deserted island?

Tan Jixia: A desert island is a desert island, what else can happen?

Reporter: Ms. Su, I heard that they all call you the second child. Can you talk about how you came to be called the second child?
Su Qianer: Sorry, I told you this, but you may not understand it.

Reporter: Ms. Miao, I are Captain Li Chen's wife?Is this true?
Miao Keke: It's up to you to control whether it's true or not!


About half an hour later, when the large passenger plane TH3217 appeared in the field of vision and was about to land at Yanjing International Airport, all of a sudden, the audience erupted...

"Hey—here—he's back—Captain Hua has finally returned—"

Immediately, there were all kinds of applause, cheers, whistles...

In short, the entire Yanjing International Airport is boiling...

Domestically, the officials in charge of picking up the plane couldn't help getting a little excited...

Qiong'er in the crowd couldn't help jumping up excitedly: "Yeah—the captain has finally returned safely—"


Next, amidst the boiling sound, I saw that the large passenger plane TH3217 finally landed smoothly at Yanjing International Airport...

Immediately, I saw that the ladder at the airport was ready.

There are also various people in charge of security, all ready to be in place.

The officials who came to pick up the plane were also ready to take their places.

There is also a specially invited welcome team, all ready to take their seats.

In short, Li Chen, the captain of Huaguo, was given the highest courtesy for picking up the plane.

Because it means the return of a hero...

Of course, Li Chen, the current Hua Guo captain, is indeed the pride of Hua Guo.

It has won applause and reputation for Huaguo in the international community...

Absolutely highlights the true qualities of Chinese men.

Such a hero deserves such treatment.


Since there was a cordon blocking the scene and police officers were on site to maintain order, some people who were not authorized could only stand outside the cordon and watch the excitement.

Even media reporters can only take pictures outside the cordon, and are not allowed to go in for interviews.


Afterwards, after TH3217 had come to a complete stop, the ladder was ready to go up.

Immediately afterwards, the red carpet began to roll out...

The specially invited welcome team, flower preparations, various banners, slogans, etc., began to pull up...

Such as: welcome back Captain Hua Guo, welcome Captain Li Chen home, and so on.

The officials who picked up the plane were the first to board the ladder...


At this moment, Li Chen in the first-class cabin saw that the cabin door had opened, and he was about to get off the plane right away, but the flight attendant smiled and motioned him to wait for a while.

Next, when he was still in a daze, the officer who picked him up immediately put a big red flower on him after boarding the plane...

Li Chen at this moment: "???"

To be honest, he really felt a little unbearable to be so grand all of a sudden.

But this...he has nothing to do.

Ren Weiwei on the side looked at it, but she kept smiling happily...

Then, one of the officials held Li Chen's hand tightly...

"welcome back!"

Li Chen was taken aback for another moment, and then hurriedly said: "Thank you!"

It's just that at this moment, after such a long time, he was a little embarrassed to get off the plane.

Because he still has something on his mind...

He is back, but his heart is still in country T.

After all, he could come back so quickly, and he knew what was going on in his heart.

Now what he thinks in his heart is to get his ID card, passport, etc. in China as soon as possible, and then go to country T.

Because no matter what, he wanted to meet Delia!
Otherwise, he will not feel at ease.

Although Delia couldn't get out if she was inside, she had to see her no matter what.


In order to prevent Sun Jiaying from being treated coldly, one of the officials turned around and shook hands with Sun Jiaying to welcome her back.

Afterwards, surrounded by several officials, Li Chen and Sun Jiaying finally started to get off the plane...

As soon as they got out of the cabin, all kinds of cheers resounded throughout the airport...

At this moment, frankly speaking, Li Chen was really uncomfortable.

I always feel that I can't afford such courtesy.

Six women including Tan Jixia and Su Qianer, who were specially included in the welcome team, suddenly saw what happened, so they ignored everything and just ran up the ladder...

However, when he suddenly saw the six women, Li Chen was a little dazed at the moment, and even felt a little strange...

But the six women were so excited, they hugged him just for a moment...

"team leader--"

Especially the cute girl, who directly kissed the captain on the face with a 'pop'.

Suddenly, Sun Jiaying at the side was a little confused...

At the same time, she was also somewhat inexplicably jealous.

Especially looking at these six women who are all so beautiful, Sun Jiaying felt a little inexplicably inferior...

In fact, she already knew the story of the captain and the six women.

Suddenly seeing a group of women acting too ambiguously, the officials who picked up the plane had no choice but to rush into the car.

As for the vehicle or something, it is naturally already prepared.

There are also hotel rooms, which have already been arranged.

After all, regarding the current situation of Li Chen and Sun Jiaying, the officials also knew that they did not have any identification documents.

So everything needs to be arranged in advance.

Afterwards, watching the captain prepare to board the minibus surrounded by officials and guarded by the police, Tan Jixia, Su Qianer and other six women couldn't help but feel a little dazed...

"Uh, what's wrong with the captain? Why doesn't it seem don't know us anymore?"


(End of this chapter)

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