Chapter 1066 Finally Came Back
Suddenly, I heard Qiong'er talking about why the captain doesn't seem to know us anymore, and immediately, Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and the other women couldn't help but feel a little inexplicably dazed...

Frankly speaking, since they were rescued last year, what did the captain experience in the ocean, they don't know?

It's just that they can still express their understanding of the captain's state and mood at the moment.

Therefore, afterward, Su Qian'er couldn't help but said, "Okay. Don't think too much about it. Do you still remember the situation when we came back last year? At that time, wasn't it difficult to adapt to all this for a while?"

Suddenly hearing what Su Qian'er said, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but said: "Then let's go to the hotel now?"

However, the eldest Tan Jixia said: "I think... we should go to the hotel later. Let the captain calm down first."


At this moment, Li Chen, who was already on the minibus, although his expression was still a little depressed, he couldn't help but secretly let out a sigh of relief...

Because, finally, Tamar's came back!
All of this... is really not easy!

In addition to this kind of emotion, looking at the familiar scenes outside the car window, my mood is also relieved...

However, he felt that...he still needed to be alone for a while, and he still needed to clear his mind again!

After all, the sudden return does not mean that everything is over.

As the one who survived in the end, I always feel that... there are still some things that I must do.

Otherwise, the rest of my life will be restless.


At this moment, Sun Jiaying, who was also on the minibus, still looked a little depressed.

Although looking at the familiar scenes in the country, she had already let out a long breath of relief in her heart, but there were some things that had not passed in her heart.

At the same time, she was still wondering if she really came back?
Could it be in a dream?

However, although they are still on their way to the hotel, the news from major domestic media and major portal websites has already come out...

"Hua Guo Captain Li Chen Has Returned Safely"

Although those media reporters did not have the opportunity to interview on the spot, and only a few dry photos taken on the spot or some short videos were reported, it still caused a sensation in the whole country...

Netizen from Liaoshen: Captain Li Chen, I want to give you a monkey too.

Guangzhu Netizen: Wow...Captain Li Chen is so handsome!God!
Netizen from Qingchuan: fellow, when will you return to Qingchuan?

Chuanjiang Netizen: Captain Li Chen, you are strongly invited to participate in our Chuanjiang Satellite TV's "Survival in the Wild".

Netizen from Yanjing: It's over, I'm so handsome by Captain Li Chen, will I be pregnant?

Netizen from Shanghai: I love Captain Li Chen so much.This is the backbone of our country.

Netizen from Xihang: Why is there no live interview with Captain Li Chen?People are looking forward to it!

After a while, just when the lights were on, Li Chen and Sun Jiaying temporarily stayed in the Wangfu Hotel in Yanjing under the arrangement of the domestic airport pick-up officials.

This time, when we got to the hotel room, when the door was closed, Captain Li Chen couldn't help rushing to the bathroom with a little excitement, first of all, he washed himself thoroughly...

It seems that he also wants to completely get rid of the bad luck on his body.

Frankly speaking, after more than a year of survival on a deserted island, it is really strange to come back suddenly.

I'm even doubting... whether I can still adapt to all this?
At this moment, standing under the shower head, besides a kind of complete relief, his whole thoughts are still a little deadlocked...

In other words, people are still a little silly.

Because he hasn't figured out what to do next... where he will go?
The only thing I know now is that I finally survived.

After a thorough rinse, after putting on the hotel bathrobe and coming out, I stood in front of the window of the room, and couldn't help but light a cigarette with some inexplicable comfort...

Everything in the country, including the night view of Yanjing, was somewhat familiar.

Just looking at the street where the lights are just coming on, people are dumbfounded...

Although the word 'future' is imprinted in my mind, I am at a loss about the future....

At this moment, someone suddenly came and rang his doorbell...

Suddenly hearing that 'ding dong' sound, Captain Li Chen was a little dazed...

After turning his head and looking back at the door, and continued to be dazed for a while, he turned around...

At first I thought it was Sun Jiaying, but when I looked through the peephole on the door, I saw several people standing in front of the door...

And there are those carrying cameras, and there are signs of central media.

This made Captain Li Chen stunned...

Not even if you open the door, or if you don't open the door?

The point is, I'm still wearing a bathrobe.

'Ding dong'...

Another guy rang the doorbell.

This thing... Li Chen can only frown...

Admittedly, he didn't want to be interviewed.

He doesn't want to be a celebrity.

Because I am just a little ass.

It was nothing more than a desert island survival, causing such a sensation.

However, the central media seems to be unable to refute this face.

After all, domestic officials personally went to the airport to pick up the plane, and also arranged hotels in advance, and so on.

After thinking about it, there was no way out, and in the end he had no choice but to reach out and open the door with a 'click'...

At the door, the central media reporter suddenly smiled excitedly after seeing it...

Reporter: Hello, Captain Li!I am a reporter from Central Media!
Li Chen: Then what... Just call me Li Chen.It's not a captain anymore.It's all over, isn't it?
Reporter: After returning to China, did you finally feel that you have broken through the gate of hell?
Li Chen also had no choice but to nod his head: Yes!
Reporter: By the way, can we go into your room and have a formal interview with you?
Li Chen scratched his head in embarrassment: Then clothes have just been washed.I'm... just wearing a yukata.Not so good.

Suddenly seeing this, the reporter was stunned for a moment, and then, the reporter turned to another colleague and said, "By the way, Xiao Wang, why don't you go and buy a suit for Captain Li Chen?"

Colleague Xiao Wang was startled excitedly, quickly looked at Li Chen, and asked, "Captain Li, can you tell me your size?"

Li Chen frowned in embarrassment: "How about... forget it?"

The little Wang hurriedly said: "It's okay, it's okay, Captain Li! Don't be so polite!"

The reporter seemed to understand that Captain Li might not have any money with him now?
So, the reporter hurriedly said: "It's okay, Captain Li! Let me give you a set of clothes!"

Li Chen scratched his head embarrassingly again: "If the interview can be done like this...then do it!"


(End of this chapter)

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