Chapter 1067 Our Chen'er is on TV
At this moment, the six women including Tan Jixia and Su Qianer were already downstairs in the hotel.

It's just for now... It's not like they go upstairs, or don't they go upstairs?
Because let's go upstairs... I'm afraid that the captain hasn't adjusted his condition yet.

But why not go upstairs... They couldn't restrain the excitement in their hearts.

After all, the captain they had been looking forward to had finally returned safely.

After a while, Qin Xiaowan thought about it, but couldn't help but said: "How about... we should send the second child as the representative? Let the second child go upstairs to contact the captain first?"

Just hearing this suddenly, the cute girl didn't want to do it, so she hurriedly said, "Why is it Miss Qian'er again? Can't I?"

Seeing what this little girl said suddenly, Tan Jixia could see her little thoughts.

After all, this little girl has always claimed to be the captain's wife.

After thinking about it, Tan Jixia said: "Then let Keke go up first."

However, Qiong'er said: "I can do it too."

It seemed that there were obvious signs of jealousy, and Su Qian'er was secretly startled...

Because of her somewhat restrained personality, she didn't want to join in the fun.

So, Su Qian'er said: "Then you two can guess punches, whoever wins will go up first."

Suddenly, Lina, who hadn't thought about it, couldn't help but said, "Oh... wait, boxing... can I participate too?"


As for now, upstairs, in the hotel room.

The central media is already doing a formal interview with Captain Li Chen...

Reporter: Captain Li, can you talk about how you felt when you fell into the desert island?

Li Chen: Nothing special.I'm just glad I'm glad I'm still alive.

Reporter: What about then?
Li Chen: Then... I slowly realized that I was already on a deserted island and needed to survive, it was as simple as that.

Reporter: your impression...what is the most memorable point?

This caused Captain Li to suddenly fall into deep thought...

Because there are too many.

To be honest, it really can't be explained in one or two sentences.

Moreover, it is difficult to express completeness for a while.

Especially thinking about Hye Kyo, thinking about Nina, thinking about those brothers and sisters of Nina, etc., all these still make his heart fluctuate...

In desperation, he had no choice but to smile bitterly: too much.I can't talk about them one by one for a while.

Seeing that Captain Li was like this, he seemed a little shy, so the reporter asked: Is that...about H country actress Quan Hye Kyo?
Li Chen: She is my wife.

Reporter: Then...

Li Chen: Can you skip this paragraph?

Then, he said again: Sorry, I'm still a little out of shape.How about...can we interview another day?

After a while, Qingchuan Province, that remote mountain village - Chicken Claw Village.


Li Chen's father couldn't help laughing: "Ugh! Chen'er damn it, our Chen'er is on TV! We're celebrities!"

However, his mother just rolled her eyes and said, "Damn old ghost, thank you for being happy? I don't even look at what Chen'er has suffered!"

His father said: "Man... why are you afraid of suffering a little bit? Isn't it... is our Chen'er back too?"

"Hmph! I'm too lazy to tell you, you old ghost! You are heartless, old ghost!"

The couple were talking, when suddenly, a villager came and shouted...

"Hey—Old Ghost Li—congratulations—your family Chen'er is famous——"

Then, a woman nagged: "Why isn't he a celebrity? That goddamn! When you were watching the airport pick-up, that guy...damn, several girls went up and hugged him Chen'er, and you can still kiss and gnaw! In our village... there is no one else except Chen'er from Old Ghost Li's family!"

Afterwards, Li Chen and his parents rushed out to greet him...

"Come, come, let's all come in and sit down! Have a cup of tea and smoke a bag of cigarettes!" This time, Li Chen's father was very happy.

One of the village women said: "Hey! Good guy! Look... Old Ghost Li is happy now!"

Another village woman said: "Isn't this nonsense? It's been more than a year, and there is no news at all. Now my son has suddenly returned to China, appeared on TV, and became a celebrity. Can you be unhappy?"

Li Chen's mother took the opportunity to let out a long sigh: "Oh... it can be regarded as coming back!"


Right now, Yanjing, Wangfu Hotel.

The interview had just ended, and the central media had just left. Li Chen was about to close the door, but suddenly, the cute girl Miao Keke appeared at the door like a daughter-in-law...

Because the cute girl won the boxing game downstairs, so she was appointed as the representative and came upstairs first.

It's just that when he suddenly saw the cute girl's expression, Li Chen was taken aback for a while, and didn't know her rhythm?
Seeing that Li Chen came to the door in a daze, the cute girl flung her eyes like a daughter-in-law...

"Hmph! The surname is Li! Don't you know Ben Gege?"

To be honest, Li Chen is most afraid of this kind of cute and delicate girl.

Because it's difficult.

In desperation, he had no choice but to smile at her: "Are you okay?"

The cute girl gave him that look again...

"What do you say?"

This made Li Chen stunned for a while, and there was no way out, so he had no choice but to say: "Then what... Actually... last time... In country T, you are downstairs in the headquarters of the police station in country T. I see you."

However, the cute girl is really like a resentful little daughter-in-law: "Huh! Don't talk to me about those useless things! Just say... when will you marry me?"


Li Chen almost vomited blood.

After thinking about it again and again, there was really no way out, so he had no choice but to ask, "Uh, by the way, where are they?"

The cute girl was even more annoyed: "Humph! The surname is Li! What do you mean? Do you really want to marry them all?"

Li Chen was stunned for another moment, always feeling... as if he was not on the same channel as this cute girl.

Fortunately, at this time, two officials in charge of the arrangement came over...

The two officials didn't know what was going on, so they just said straight away: "By the way, Li Chen, what... call Jiaying, let's go to dinner together."

However, before Li Chen opened his mouth, Miao Keke hurriedly said: "Then who... Director Wang, our captain... don't worry about it. We will arrange for our captain. You just arrange for the woman from Shanghai and All right."

Hearing what she said suddenly, Director Wang couldn't help being stunned, and then asked: "Then tomorrow...will you sisters also send your captain to the high-speed rail station?"

Miao Keke hurriedly said: "Yes! That's for sure! We must be with our captain!"

So, Director Wang thought about it for a while, and said, "Then you all have to remember the high-speed train at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. Don't be late."


(End of this chapter)

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