Chapter 1069 I Already Have a Wife

Next, as soon as the hot pot was served, the food and drinks were in place, under the fuss of the six women, after a few glasses of beer, Captain Li Chen couldn't help but smiled happily...

Frankly speaking, seeing them all alive and cheering now, he felt that was enough!
It is extremely gratifying!

As for the rest...he really didn't think much about it.

In other words... a good beginning and a good end.

Therefore, next, I thought about what I should express, so... Captain Li Chen couldn't help but lit a cigarette again...

After taking a deep breath and looking at them, he finally couldn't help but said, "Thank you for recognizing me as the captain!"

Hearing his sudden words, the six women couldn't help being a little stunned...

Then, Qin Xiaowan said, "Why... are you going to deliver the captain's speech?"

Hearing what Qin Xiaowan said, to be honest, Captain Li Chen still couldn't help but want to have some flirty jokes with her.

But thinking about it, in front of them, he couldn't bear it...

Therefore, next, after taking another puff of cigarette, he said: "It's not really the captain's speech. It's just that I think... everything is over, and everyone should have their own lives. So next... Let's all live a good life. As the captain... I also sincerely hope that each of you can find the other half of your life! From now on, the rest of your life... all be well!"

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and then couldn't help but take a puff of cigarette...

Then, he said again: "As for me, the captain, don't worry about it. Don't worry about me anymore. Because next... I will definitely have my own life."

Hearing him say this all of a sudden, all of them were a little stunned...

Obviously, none of these women were stupid, and they all understood what the captain meant.

It's just... It was originally a big reunion, but it turned out to be a breakup meal, what is this called?

Of course, in fact, these women also understand that no matter what, there will be an ending after all.

As the captain said, the future, the rest of my life... will be fine.

It's just that they just broke up, these women are naturally unwilling...

Afterwards, the cute girl was the first to look at the captain with an angry look, and then muttered in dissatisfaction...

"Hmph! The surname is Li! What do you mean? I have been your fake wife for so long for nothing?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen, the captain, also had a bit of a shy face, as if he didn't know what to say for a while?
After thinking about it, he couldn't help but light another cigarette...

Afterwards, he smiled bitterly and reluctantly: "Then what...we won't talk about this tonight."

Immediately, he said again: "Also, I sincerely thank you for taking care of my parents for me for so long! Really, thank you very much!"

However, the cute girl said again: "Hmph! Don't talk about these useless things! You just say... I have been a counterfeit wife for so long, can I become real now?"

However, Li Chen smiled apologetically: "Sorry! I already have a wife!"

Hearing what he said suddenly, the topic became a bit heavy.

Even a cute girl who is heartless and outspoken suddenly doesn't know what to say?

Because everyone knows that the daughter-in-law he is talking about is the actress from country H, Jeon Hye Kyo.

Just by reading the news reports, they also knew that Jeon Hye Kyo was the one who took the bullet for him and died in the end.

So at this time, let's talk about the deceased, wouldn't it be a pleasure to find it?
If it's not good, maybe the captain is about to flip the table?
After a while, after looking at the captain, Tan Jixia said, "Well... listen to my sister, okay?"

Then, Tan Jixia hurriedly said again: "Although you are the captain, don't forget that in private, I am your sister! Besides, when you were on the island, you also recognized me as a sister, didn't you?"

Hearing what she said, Li Chen looked at her, and replied gently: "Well, then you can tell."

Therefore, Tan Jixia said with some seriousness: "Frankly speaking... Hui Qiao...she was about to tremble when she finally reached that step, but...but...we are also very sad!"

As she said that, Tan Jixia couldn't help crying...

Because she is also really sad.

After all, in the ocean, the few of them have also gotten along with Hye Kyo, and they are like sisters.

After choking for a while, Tan Jixia said: "Chen, listen to my sister, people can't be resurrected after death. So... what should pass will always pass. Let's do this... If you really can't make it through, we will accompany you to Country H later. , let's go to Hye Kyo's grave to pay homage! Because no matter what, Hye Kyo is also our sister!"

After hearing this, Li Chen couldn't help taking another puff of cigarette...

Then, he said: "Okay. Let's not talk about this beforehand. Let's talk about something else."

Taking the opportunity, Qin Xiaowan also said: "Captain, tell me about your future plans?"

Suddenly hearing what Qin Xiaowan said, the captain's eyes were somewhat ambiguous.

After all, in his heart, he really planned to marry her.

It's just that in front of them, some things are not easy to talk about.

After thinking about it, he could only say: "I don't have any plans for now. Did you just come back?"

Immediately, he couldn't help adding: "Maybe...after I get my documents reissued, I will go to country T again, right?"

In fact, he had already planned in his mind that when the documents were reissued, he would go back to Peckzhou to reissue the bank card, because there was still a balance of more than 6 in the card, which was enough for him to go to country T for expenses and so on. up.

As for other things, such as finding a job, he hasn't thought about it yet.

What he thinks now is to go see Delia no matter what.

Of course, as for country H, he will also go there.

After all, Hye Kyo just left without a last word, and he was a little bit unwilling.

In the end, he might go to the Eastern Kingdom and also want to visit Chuanxiang's grave.

Apart from these, he really hasn't thought about anything else yet.

Thinking of this, he felt a little heavy in his heart, and couldn't help but lit a cigarette again...

However, at this moment, a few guests from the restaurant knocked on the door like trouble...

"Yeah! Captain Hua! Can I take a photo with you? I like you so much!"

Suddenly there were female fans coming in, which made Li Chen stunned for a while...

Those six women were also taken aback...

Especially the cute girls, they have big opinions, thinking to themselves, who the hell?Are you being polite?where are we eating
(End of this chapter)

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