Chapter 1070 Second Half

I don't know who leaked the news, saying that Captain Hua Guo was dining here, and as a result, the guests who dined in the restaurant poured into this box in an endless stream...

Especially some women, when they suddenly saw Captain Hua, they were overjoyed, they had committed all kinds of nympho.

When some girls asked for a group photo, they couldn't help but ask Captain Hua if he had a girlfriend now?
Next, the six women who felt that the scene was a bit uncontrollable could only frown beautifully...

I wonder why these people are like this?

Do you have any literacy?

Can you take other people's feelings into consideration?

As for Li Chen himself, he was also very helpless...

He knew that being a celebrity was actually not a good feeling.

So all the time, he didn't want to face any interviews or anything like that.

Because those who asked for a group photo or watched the excitement, they were all happy, but who really knew the pain in his heart?


Because it suddenly felt too noisy, Li Chen couldn't help but said to the six women when he saw the opportunity: "I see... let's stop here tonight. It's alright. You... all go back to rest early .”

Immediately, he did not forget to add: "By the way, tomorrow morning is too early, so you don't need to send me off. I still say the same thing... I hope you are all well. From now on, for the rest of your life... everyone will be happy."

Suddenly seeing that this was about to end in a hurry, the six women felt very uncomfortable...

Therefore, suddenly, Tan Jixia said: "Captain, why don't you go back to the hotel first. Let's pack some food, bring some drinks, and find you at the hotel later."

Just hearing this, Li Chen frowned again: "No need? It's not early yet. Tomorrow morning... I have to rush back to Qingchuan."

However, the cute girl said: "Hmph! I don't care what you're going to do tomorrow! Anyway, tonight... you must get drunk!"


To be honest, facing the six of them now, this Captain Li Chen has nothing to do.

Although what he said was in place, they just couldn't listen to him, and he felt a little helpless.

However, in terms of mood, he can understand.

After all, they had spent more than 80 days with each other in the ocean, on a deserted island.

According to the vigor of these women, I am afraid that this friendship... will last forever?
Not brothers and sisters, but already better than brothers and sisters.

After that, he had no choice but to go back to the hotel first.


As for the six women, they went to find a barbecue restaurant nearby and prepared to pack skewers.

Anyway, it's a division of labor and cooperation, buy beer for those who buy, some dried fruits for those who buy, and skewers for those who buy skewers...

Actually... these six women still understand what captain means.

It's just that they began to disperse, and they were also unwilling.

After all, it was not easy to get together.

As for Qin Xiaowan whose mental model has fully matured, she secretly felt that... this captain is really qualified!

Especially now, he is still thinking about them all, an absolutely qualified good captain!

In fact, Qin Xiaowan also knew in her heart that if she asked the captain to marry them all, it would be just a joke.

It's just that who will actually marry the captain in the end, in her heart, she is still looking forward to it.

While waiting with Tan Jixia to pack skewers, Qin Xiaowan finally couldn't help whispering in Tan Jixia's ear: "Uh, Xia'er, to be honest, let's not play around. Tell me...those girls , who will actually marry the captain in the end?"

Suddenly hearing what Qin Xiaowan said, Tan Jixia understood what she meant.

As far as Tan Jixia is concerned... she is also a divorced woman, so she has considered many things.

Because, she also understands that in the end, she still has to return to life and reality...

In the future, they each... indeed should have their own lives.

Especially now that the captain has returned safely, this matter should indeed come to an end.

After all, it is impossible to keep around the captain like this.

Furthermore, after the captain returns, he will have his own life.

According to the character of the captain, he may still return to Zhuozhou to work and live...

After much deliberation, Tan Jixia finally said, "To tell you the truth. I still think... Qiong'er or Qian'er are more suitable for the captain."

The reason why she said that was because she felt... Although Qiong'er sometimes bluffs, if she really talks about life, Qiong'er will definitely be a good wife and mother in the future.

Because her still different from the cute girl's bluffing.

The cute girl is bluffing from the bottom of her heart.

Qiong'er, as an older leftover woman, is just imitating the cute girl's bluffing.

In fact, as a corporate executive, Qionger still tends to be mature in her mentality.

However, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but said: "Actually, Lina is also pretty good. Although she is a foreign girl, her personality is still very stable."

Taking the opportunity, Tan Jixia joked: "Actually, you are not bad."

Qin Xiaowan hurriedly said: "Okay. Are you done yet? It's not like you don't know about my situation, really! Are you still making fun of me?"


After a while, when the six women came to the hotel room with big bags and small bags, Li Chen was really helpless.

But at this moment, in the next room, Sun Jiaying suddenly heard a group of women screaming from the captain's room, and she felt very uncomfortable...

It's really not a taste.

But you know, she is also deeply in love with the captain.

But at this moment, she couldn't participate anymore, so she was naturally anxious.

After all, she was not familiar with the six women including Tan Jixia.

Especially those six women... none of them are inferior to her, so think about it, she feels so uncomfortable...


At this moment, Li Chen watched the six of them bring dozens of beers up, and he felt a little inexplicably guilty in his heart.

Because this thing... obviously really needs to get drunk.

Qiong'er seemed to feel a little inexplicably unhappy suddenly, so she was the first one to start drinking...

"Come on! Get all the wine! Drink!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw that a can of beer had been thrown over, so Li Chen had no choice but to hurriedly reach out to catch it.

Next, these little girls... all opened the beer...

"Come on! Drink! Let's do one! Welcome the captain back safely!"

Waiting for the tin beers in each other's hands to touch each other, each of them raised their noodles, and drank a lot...

It can be seen that this group of girls came from the real deserted island to survive, and they started to drink one by one, showing their true temperament.

Of course, the more important thing is to be happy.

After listening to each other's beer for a few times, seeing the little girls one by one, they couldn't help but ran to the bathroom...

Peeing and spitting, it's really a lively scene.

Li Chen also had no choice but to smile distressedly, shit, these little girls...

I don't know... I thought we were that Luo Xing who likes multiplayer sports...

(End of this chapter)

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