The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1072 Are you really going to China?

Chapter 1072 Are you really going to China?

The next day, when he left Yanjing, Li Chen, who had been the captain, felt somewhat inexplicably lost...

Especially thinking about what Qin Xiaowan told him last night, he felt a little inexplicably lost.

However, he also vaguely understood in his heart that maybe some things were just his own wishful thinking?
Although it can be felt that the beautiful young woman still has a deep love for him, she also has her own inner thoughts.

Now, he didn't think about it, should he respect her decision, or try harder?
Of course, he was also thinking in his heart, did he want to marry her out of true love...or out of sympathy for her situation, or...just to fulfill his promise at that time?
Man, in fact, is sometimes a complex animal.

Sometimes, I obviously already have the answer in my heart, but I just dare not admit it.

Since he didn't sleep well last night, thinking about these headaches, before he knew it, he leaned on the seat and fell asleep.

Because of the prior arrangements, I was sitting in the first class seat, so I tried to be quiet.


At this moment, the six women who bid farewell to the captain have left the high-speed rail station...

For the six of them, there was a sudden inexplicable loss...

Especially since the captain had left Yanjing, the six women felt a sense of emptiness in their hearts.

At the same time, they all understood that maybe... this time it really came to an end?
After all, the captain has returned, and next, he will also have his new life.

And they... Maybe it's time to really start a new life?

It's just that, with such an ending, each of them is unwilling.

Suddenly, the second child, Su Qian'er, couldn't help but asked the eldest Tan Jixia: "Last night... and later... did you chat with the captain alone?"

Hearing this suddenly, Tan Jixia couldn't help being a little embarrassed, and then she had no choice but to honestly whisper in the second ear: "I also drank too much after last night, so I don't know what's going on?"

Then, it was the cute girl who stomped her feet angrily and murmured, "Huh! The one whose surname is Li! Did he go back to Qingchuan just like that?"

Seeing cute girls like this, they don't know what to say?
Qiong'er has been depressed and silent...

In fact, Qiong'er knew in her heart that with so many people gathered together, it was impossible to have a deep conversation.

Suddenly, the foreign girl Lina also said a little depressed: "Oh...Did leave us like this?"

Suddenly hearing what Lina said, they all just looked at her one by one, and then no one said anything.

After waiting for a while, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but conclusively said: "It's okay. Now I feel at ease. Next... Let's live a good life. Just like the captain said, everything will be fine. I hope ...In the future, for the rest of our lives...we will no longer have plane crashes!"

Hearing what Qin Xiaowan said, none of them said anything.

However, after a while, the second child, Su Qian'er, suddenly said, "Why do I still want to go back to the ocean? Of course, the premise is...the captain must be with us!"


At this moment, Sun Jiaying, who was already on the high-speed railway back to Shanghai, was still a little depressed...

Because in her opinion, the story is over like this, and she still seems a little unwilling.

It seems that there is not even a word of goodbye in the end?

But think about it, right now, she doesn't know how to contact the captain?

Because she is still a black household at the moment, she has no identity certificate, and no mobile phone...

Anyway, nothing for now.

Everything has to be done again after returning to Shanghai.


Country Y today, in a coffee shop.

"You really want to go to China?" Alice couldn't help asking.

Jessie, who was sitting across from her, froze for a moment, then nodded in affirmation: "Yeah!"

These two women are also very interesting. They have already returned to their own countries, and they still speak Chinese when talking to each other.

It seems that I can't forget that Huaguo man.

After a while, Alice looked at Jessie again, and couldn't help but ask, "Have you fallen in love with Captain.Li?"

Jessie was stunned again, and then said, "Don't you, sister Alice?"

Alice smiled a bit bitterly: "I've been divorced twice."

"It's nothing." Jessie replied.

"No." Alice shook her head with a wry smile, "You still don't understand Huaguo. In our country Y there is nothing. But in Huaguo, they will be very concerned."

"Then what are you going to do next?" Jessie asked.

Alice smiled inexplicably: "Go back to school. Continue to teach. Teach Chinese. I want more people to learn Chinese and understand Huaguo."

So, Jessie smiled: "Then...Sister Alice, please bless me. I hope...Captain.Li will fall in love with me too?"

Alice said: "I think... yes. Because you are beautiful."

Jessie couldn't help but smile a little confidently: "Am I pretty?"

"of course."

"Then... thank you! Thank you, sister Alice!"

So, Alice said: "Then go. Go to Huaguo. Go to Captain Li."


Right now, Russia, a small town near the northeast of China.

A woman couldn't help shouting, to the effect that: Hey, Katerina, what are you up to?
Because Katerina has been packing and packing in various ways...

As for the woman, it was naturally her mother.

Katerina looked at her mother, then said, to the effect: I am going to China.I'm going to find you a son-in-law from Huaguo.

Her mother said: Oh...are you crazy?You just got back!And... Simon didn't come back, don't you feel a little bit guilty?

Katerina: I think you should ask your daughter, what happened in the ocean?
Her mother: I know.I read the news.That Hua Guo captain named Li Chen saved you, right?
Katerina: Yes.But everything is not as simple as you think.Very bad about everything.

Her mother: But Simon didn't come back!

Katerina: Please, mother!In the ocean, he wasn't the only one who didn't come back, OK?Do you know how many people are on Mir?Thousands of people, there's no way they're coming back, you understand?
Her mother: But I still shouldn't be traveling!

Katerina: Mother, listen, traveling is not wrong, OK?

Her mother: Lina, listen, I don't object to your traveling, but I object to your going to Huaguo now, do you understand?

Katerina: Why?
Her mother: Because Simon didn't come back.

Katerina: As I said, he wasn't the only one in the ocean who didn't come back.I want you to understand that that's all in the past.We who are alive will continue.


(End of this chapter)

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