Chapter 1073 1000?
About six hours later, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Huaguo, Qingchuan Province, Seyang Station (high-speed rail station).

I saw that the high-speed train from Yanjing had finally entered the station slowly...

Li Chen, who just woke up, suddenly saw that he had finally arrived in Laiyang. Suddenly, after a shock, that excitement...

Ecstatic like never before!
Whether it's the captain of Huaguo, or an ordinary hero, what remains unchanged in the end is still the heart of a child...

My hometown is still the most stable destination I feel.

The appearance and taste of my hometown can always arouse the excitement that has been buried in my heart for a long time in an instant.

Finally back to Setoyang!

This feeling... It's really been a long time!

Now it can be completely determined that everything in the ocean has passed away!


Afterwards, when the captain of the Hua Kingdom got off the high-speed rail, it still caused a lot of commotion...

"Hey, look, Captain Hua!"

"Ah! So he has been on the same high-speed train as us?"

"Wow! So handsome!"


Fortunately, arrangements were made in advance. The security personnel at the high-speed rail station came to protect Captain Hua, and left in a hurry...

Otherwise, it will be a sensation again.

However, to be honest, Li Chen really couldn't accept such a high standard of courtesy for a while.

Because he still wanted to see what the long-lost high-speed rail station looked like.


After being escorted out of the high-speed rail station by the security personnel, he boarded a minibus directly...

To be honest, Li Chen was a little confused for a moment.

On the minibus, there is already an extremely charming woman who has been waiting for her for a long time.

In addition to her, there are also some {z} government personnel.

Because the hero returns, how can it be so deserted?

After Li Chen casually found a seat and sat down, the charming woman hurriedly smiled and got up slightly, then sat down next to Li Chen...

At the same time, she hastily stretched out a hand, gesturing for a handshake...

"Hello, Captain Li, we talked on the phone. I am Wu Jingjing, the director of Chuanjiang Satellite TV."

This made Li Chen stunned again, and even felt a little inexplicably embarrassed...

But out of some kind of politeness, he had to reach out and shake her hand...

It's just that she didn't expect that this woman's delicate hands were so good to the touch that Captain Li almost got a little dizzy.

After a symbolic handshake, Li Chen originally wanted to reject the director Wu, but since there were government personnel in the car, he still maintained some restraint.

Next, after the minibus started, the director Wu kept talking in his ear...

It means that she thinks he is very suitable for the "Wilderness Survival" program.

What's more, her other meaning is that she has a friend who is a broker, and she can introduce him to a broker in the future.

Just listening to these, Li Chen was completely indifferent.

Because he didn't want to enter the entertainment circle at all, what kind of agent did he want?

In the end, after chatting and chatting, I saw that Captain Li was still not moved, so... this director Wu also asked him to make a price.

However, when I heard that there was going to be an offer, to be honest, Captain Li was somewhat moved...

Because who doesn't want to live a better life for the rest of their lives?

But after thinking about it, he finally declined, "Thank you Director Wu! Variety shows... I'm really not suitable!"

Unexpectedly, director Wu directly said: "1000 million, ten issues, how about it?"

Suddenly hearing 1000 million, Captain Li almost fell under his seat.

How much, how much! ?
1. Ten million! ?

Immediately, director Wu did not forget to add: "1000 million after tax."

To be honest, with this amount alone, this Captain Li is still somewhat moved...

Next, he turned his head and stared at Director Wu in a daze...

And when this director Wu saw him staring at her in a daze, she didn't forget to deliberately show off her proud figure.

To be honest, this little quite expected.

It's just that Captain Li finally thought about it, but said: "I'm sorry, director Wu, what... I still have something to do, so..."

However, before he finished speaking, director Wu hurriedly said: "This is no problem. We can wait for you."

However, to be honest, for now, the program "Survival in the Wild" is willing to wait for Captain Li's schedule.

Think about it, if this international captain joins, it's a gimmick, it's no wonder the show isn't popular!

To put it bluntly, this Captain Li absolutely has his own traffic.

After all, he is an international survival expert.

Dare to open his mouth and ask for a price of 1000 million, obviously he is also optimistic about this international survival expert.

It's just that regarding these, to be honest, Li Chen is still a little confused...

If he hadn't been attracted by the 1000 million, he really wanted to refuse on the spot.

But, generally speaking, he still felt that he and Director Wu were not on the same channel.

Of course, I understand it. After all, this director Wu is only doing the show, so how can he care so much about him?

Her purpose is actually very simple, as long as he agrees to join "Survival in the Wild".

Next, in order to stabilize this international survival expert, the editor-director Wu said: "Captain Li, we can wait for your schedule. But if you think there is no problem, we can pay you 500 million first." Deposit."

Obviously, this is a means.

As long as the deposit is paid, he can't go back on his word.

What's more, it is also to prevent being poached by other program groups.

Because everyone now understands that this international captain definitely has his own traffic.

However, for Captain Li, he still felt that all this was too abrupt.

After thinking about it carefully, he said, "It's better not to. The deposit is fine. After all, my own affairs... When will I finish my work? It's hard to say?"

The director Wu hurriedly asked, "Are you still hesitating?"

No way, in desperation, Li Chen had no choice but to say: "It's not hesitation. It's my business... I told you, but you may not understand it. Anyway... what you said, I still have to wait for me to tell you about my own business." I will only consider it when it is dealt with. Otherwise... I will not consider it."

Hearing what he said, this director Wu felt a little helpless...

Because she can only impress him with money.

1000 million people are not tempted, which makes her somewhat curious, and she is also thinking, what kind of man is this?
After thinking about it, she had no choice but to tentatively say: "Anyway, I'll fight for you again, and it is estimated... that it can be opened to 1500 million, right?"

At this moment, Captain Li wanted to say that it wasn't about money, but thinking about it, 1500 million... seems to be barely enough to get a house on the edge of Yanjing's Fifth Ring Road, huh?

(End of this chapter)

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