Chapter 1074 Finally Back Home
Next, to be honest, Captain Li is also very contradictory in his heart...

From the bottom of his heart, he still rejects this kind of entertainment program.

Of course, he never thought that his life would be related to the entertainment industry.

However, he is not stupid, and he also knows that such an opportunity is actually just a result of his own painful experience.

It's just...he is still hesitating about whether to use his painful experience in exchange for a little financial prosperity.

If... in this program, you can really teach everyone something, then... you can still consider it.

To be honest, in today's realistic society, he can't absolutely treat money like dung.

After all, for him, economically... he is indeed not rich.

So there is no need to pretend to be that forceful.

Besides, if you really decide to exchange your painful experience for seems understandable?
After all, these experiences are their own.

He endured the pain that others could not bear.

So... Thinking about it, his heart is still a little wavering...

But, now, if he agrees to director Wu right away, I guess it's too much?
Anyway... this international captain is still very screwed up in his bones.

Before he thinks that he hasn't done a good job, he won't talk about this calf.

Director Wu, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help smiling at him. At the same time, she didn't forget to stick out her chest...

The neckline seems to be a little low, and the imminent momentum is really white and dazzling.

"How is it, Captain Li? How are you thinking?"

However, Captain Li still frowned...

Seeing that he was still thinking about it, there was no way out. After thinking about it, Director Wu said, "By the way, Captain Li. We are an all-star lineup. The confirmed guests include Di Li, and Guna, all of whom are popular. popular actresses, is said...that they are all single!"

Suddenly listening to the implicatures of this director Wu, coupled with that look in his eyes, Li Chen was thinking, shit, this little girl... Is it the director or the procuress?

Then, the director Wu hinted again: "Actually... I'm still single."

The more I listened to what she said, the more this Captain Li became a little guilty...

Sir, this show...isn't Survival in the Wild?

Why do you feel so unreasonable?

Besides, what does Di Li, Guna have to do with us?

Thinking about it again, in the end, Captain Li said: "Director Wu, I have already told you very clearly. I will only consider it after my work is done. I will not consider it now. Anyway... Now we're talking about nothing."


In the end, until about five o'clock in the afternoon, the minibus was about to arrive in Wushan Town. Director Wu still hadn't reached an agreement with Captain Li along the way.

In fact, as far as Li Chen is concerned at the moment, he doesn't have the heart to talk about some irrelevant things.

After all, I still have things in my heart.

As for Wushan Town...a very remote small mountain town.

From the high-speed railway station in Setyang City, you can get on the expressway. It took more than three hours to get there directly. Thinking about it, you know what a remote mountain town it is.

Moreover, the minibus can only take him to the town.

Because there is no traffic road from the town to their Jizhu Village.

Although the country has long been building roads for every village, their chicken feet village is really too remote.

Moreover, it is full of mountain roads, so... due to the large amount of work, this problem has not been resolved.

The main reason is that the town is too poor and the funds are not in place.

Of course, there are many reasons, which will not be detailed here.

After the Chinese bus drove into Wushan Town, director Wu and others were a little surprised——

Because after all, this is the first time they know that there are such remote and poor towns in China.

Here, suddenly there is a feeling of being in another world...

It's like returning to a small town in the 90s or [-]s.

Although the 5G era is already being laid out, here... I really don't feel a trace of modernity.

"Captain Li, your hometown... is here?"

As soon as Director Wu finished asking in such a surprised manner, the driver of the minibus couldn't help but said, "I'm sorry, Captain Li, I can only take you to the town. Look... where is the best place to get off?"

In fact, Li Chen was already full of gratitude in his heart, so he said: "Just get off here. Thank you!"


Afterwards, the minibus slowly stopped by the side of the road.

Putting it here, you can basically see the whole town, a dilapidated asphalt road passing through the street...

As for the sides of the street...they are still those small old houses.

Although there are shops on both sides, but at this point in the evening, there is no one wandering on the street at all.

However, for Li Chen, getting out of the car, looking at the familiar scene and smelling the familiar air, he felt... full of the smell of hometown.

The feeling of comfort from the bottom of his heart made him take a deep breath...

At last he's back here!

To be honest, as Li Chen who grew up here, he has been working hard and struggling, and he wants to get out of here completely one day.

But now, at this moment, he realizes... Back here, it's like returning to his mother's arms.

There should be an explanation from the superiors to the town, so Li Chen just got out of the car, and after a while, three or four leaders from the town came up to him with busy smiles...

"Li Chen..."

Hearing such a sound suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly looked up...

I saw the deputy mayor Liu Zhongfu leading two or three people to greet him...

This is a real hometown person, so Li Chen was very excited: "Uncle Liu!"

The reason why it was called Uncle Liu and not Deputy Mayor Liu was because Liu Zhongfu was actually from Jizhu Village.

He should be the biggest official from Chicken Claw Village.

Liu Zhongfu stepped forward, looked him up and down happily, and then couldn't help but said: "Good guy! Boy, it's a success! You're awesome! You're an international hero! International captain, right? Not bad!"

As he said that, Liu Zhongfu changed the subject: "It's done. Let's go. Let's go to the town guest house first. Then what... this is the point, and we can only go back to the village tomorrow."

However, Li Chen frowned, but said: "Well...Uncle Liu, I still want to go back now. Can you lend me a flashlight?"

Liu Zhongfu said: "What's the matter? Uncle Fang's birthday here? Don't want to stay with Uncle for a while?"

Li Chen hurriedly said: "How can that be? Look at what you said! Don't I... miss my parents?"

However, Liu Zhongfu quickly said: "It's done. I want to go back. But I have already called your family. I have told your parents to go back tomorrow morning. Your parents also agreed."

(End of this chapter)

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