Chapter 1082 Can only marry one!
Next, Li's father and Li's mother are very busy...

Six girls came all the way from Yanjing to this corner, how could they be neglected?

But for these six girls, they really felt the simplicity, honesty, and hospitality of the people in the mountains...

At the same time, I am full of enthusiasm and sunshine for life, and I still have some expectations.

It seems that these are also imprinted on their captain...

This trip to Chicken Claw Village allowed them to get to know their Captain Li Chen thoroughly and comprehensively.


At dusk, those who watched the excitement in the village began to leave one after another...

Originally, the Li family wanted to stay with them for dinner, but the villagers felt a little embarrassed, so they left one after another.

After leaving, one by one, on the way home, they couldn't help talking...

They all felt that Dachenzi's daughter-in-law... was handsome, and quite pretty, but her breasts... they also felt a little small.

However, when villagers look at a daughter-in-law, there are only three points, one is appearance, the other is ass, and the third is breasts.

She looks handsome, but she is a charming daughter-in-law.

Large p shares are good for fertility.

Breasts... the size determines whether there will be enough milk in the future?

In fact, for Li Chen, who is the real daughter-in-law?

These six women together, besides bluffing, just want to have fun.

As for the real chat and deeper topics, they are just joking with each other and rambling.

In fact, Li Chen really did not expect that these six women would suddenly come to Jizhu Village.

This thing... This matter is so troublesome that he doesn't know what to do for a while?

After dinner, the six women had a real farm meal.

It is undeniable that Li's mother's cooking skills are quite superb.

The six women had such a good time...

"Ah! Mom! The stewed fish you delicious!" The cute girl was bluffing again.

Qiong'er was also bluffing for a while: "Auntie, this dry stewed chicken nugget you so delicious!"

The second child, Su Qian'er, said that she was a little gentle and asked: "Auntie, this rabbit meat... did you stew it with beer?"

Mother Li was a little embarrassed and laughed aloud: "What? It doesn't suit your taste?"

Su Qian'er shook her head hurriedly: "Yes. No. It's too delicious! It's so delicious! I didn't expect you to be so good at cooking!"

Taking the opportunity, Qin Xiaowan joked, "It's still the second child who will praise the future mother-in-law."

This made Li's mother stunned for a moment, while Su Qian'er's pretty face blushed...

Seeing the situation, the cute girl hurriedly said: "Uh, sister Wan'er, don't talk nonsense, okay? You made my mother froze for a while."

Then, she said to Mother Li: "Mom, don't talk nonsense. I'm your daughter-in-law."

Unexpectedly, Lina said: "Oh... wait... I still don't understand? When we were on the island, didn't we agree on the size of the row? I'm a foreign girl, right?"

Seeing this foreign girl competing for favor all of a sudden, Father Li couldn't help but secretly burst out laughing, and almost vomited.

I feel that this is really very lively.

However, afterward, Father Li still said to Lina very honestly: "Lina, this is the country of Hua. Here... we can only marry one. We can't marry all of them. Bigamy."

Then, Father Li said again: "Look, Chen'er and I are fucking like this... monogamous."

So, Lina said: "Oh...then it's still the method I suggested, let Li Chen draw lots. Whoever is caught is the one, and none of our sisters can hurt the peace."

But Qin Xiaowan hurriedly said: "I'll quit. I'll give you the chance. I'm Li Chen's sister."

Tan Jixia also hurriedly said, "I'm also Li Chen's sister. I won't participate in the lottery either."

But, apart from the two of them, the remaining four women...but they look at each other...

However, Li Chen suddenly said: "It's time to eat. What are you talking about?"

Immediately, he said again: "By the way, don't you want to eat roasted sweet potatoes? I... have roasted so much, you should eat it."

Suddenly hearing what the captain said, the second child, Su Qian'er, seemed to understand that it was really inappropriate to talk about this in front of the captain's parents.

So, Su Qian'er reached out and grabbed a roasted sweet potato: "Sisters, eat it! This is freshly dug! It smells delicious!"

After being diverted from the topic by this, the cute girl hurriedly reached out her hand: "Come on! Sisters! This plate of roasted sweet potatoes... Let's destroy it!"

So... everyone started to eat roasted sweet potatoes...

While Li's father and Li's mother watched, they were secretly startled...

It seems that some signs have emerged, the daughter-in-law here...seems to be no problem, but this child, Chen'er...seems to be a bit screwed up?
Suddenly, Mother Li got up and glanced at her son: "Chen'er, come on, go to the kitchen and help Mom get something. Mom can't get it, you are tall."

In fact, Mother Li wanted to have a few words with her son alone.

But it's hard to say that clearly.

Afterwards, when they got to the kitchen, Mother Li said, "Chen'er, your vision is too high, isn't it? Mom thinks... these few... are all good! Just pick one!"

Li Chen knew that his mother was going to talk about this, so he chuckled: "Mom, what are you... thinking? They... are just joking around. Don't take it too seriously."

Li's mother said: "How can you be so foolish? Do you think your mother is stupid?"

There was nothing left, so Li Chen had no choice but to say: "Mom, then... don't be too anxious about this matter. Your son and I... still have some things to deal with! So I don't think about it now!"

Mother Li listened, thought about it thoughtfully, and then had no choice but to ask distressedly: "Still thinking about the country H...Where is Huiqiao?"

Li Chen also had no choice but to nod his head: "Yeah!"

So, Li's mother said: "Chen'er, listen to Mom. This fact, there are no obstacles that you can't get over. And ah...that Hui Qiao in Country H really cares about your words, then she is the spirit in the sky...I also hope that you will live well for the rest of your life Yes. She must also hope that you will find another one. Besides, you are still so young, how can life just end like this?"

Li Chen felt that there was nothing to do, so he said, "Mom, I didn't say I wouldn't look for it anymore. It's just that I don't have that mind right now, do you? You have to allow your son to have a psychological transition period, right?"

Li's mother said: "Chen'er, although Mom has never traveled far, Mom understands one truth, that is...some things...there is no such shop after passing this village! You can figure it out yourself!"

"En! Success!" Li Chen had no choice but to nod again.

Then, he changed the topic: "By the way, Mom, after dinner, I'm going to take them to the town. There's no room for them at home. We can only go to the hotel in the town."

"But it's so late, is it appropriate?" Mother Li asked hurriedly.

Li Chen said: "It's okay. Just them... They are all night owls in the city. They don't go to bed until after twelve o'clock at night. Isn't it early now? It's only before eight o'clock!"

Then, Li Chen said again: "By the way, let's go and see tomorrow to see if all my documents have come down?"


(End of this chapter)

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