Chapter 1083 Borrow money from the second child
After a while, after dinner, Li's mother saw that her son was about to take the six girls to the hotel in the town, but she couldn't say anything.

Because five or six of them came suddenly, and the family really couldn't accommodate them.

Because it was not prepared in advance.

There are not enough bedding at home.

What's more... There are only two back rooms in the house.

What the villagers call the back room is actually the bedroom.

What's more... Li's mother looked at these six girls, they were all from the capital city, all of them were clean and bright, maybe they wouldn't be used to living in this village?
Because people in the village... no matter how clean the back room is, it still looks... a little sloppy.

Of course, as a villager, I am used to this so-called sloppy.

Maybe I'm not used to living in that big hotel house in the city.

But people from the city are not used to this so-called sloppy.

Therefore, Mother Li watched her son preparing flashlights, but she didn't say anything.

It's just that Li's father was watching, thinking in his heart, why do you have to go to the town to stay in a hotel?

Later, seeing Li's mother packing up the dishes and going into the kitchen behind, Li's father also took the opportunity to follow the kitchen...

Then, Father Li asked: "This... Chen Zi...why do you want to invite them to go to town all night?"

Obviously, for housework, Father Li still has to ask Mother Li first.

Still need to figure out the situation first.

Li's mother gave Li's father an inexplicable look: "Damn old ghost! Your family... just two or three broken tile houses, how can six girls sleep at home tonight?"

Hearing this suddenly, Father Li could only frown worriedly...

Think about it, the conditions of my family... are indeed a bit shabby.

Then, Li's mother said again: "Anyway, Chen Zi is making troubles, so you can let him make troubles. Besides, their team of young people, their world of young people, they can come as they like. What else do we want to get involved in?"

Then, Li's mother said again: "Furthermore, Chenzi is grown up now. It should be reasonable for him to be the master of the house, right? So we two... What are we talking about?"

Hearing Mother Li's words, Father Li frowned again, thinking it made sense.

Actually... there are some things that are not easy for parents to talk about.

For example, my son has been wandering outside for so long, and he doesn't have much money, and his family is still not very rich.

How can you talk about this as a parent?
What's more... since the air crash last year, I haven't seen my son for more than a year.

I thought my son was gone.

Now, it is very gratifying to see my son come back.

So in terms of money... Naturally, I can't say much.


Afterwards, she watched her son flashlight, ready to go to the town with those girls, so Mother Li hurriedly caught up again, and secretly stuffed a handful of money for her son...

Because she knows that her son has no money now.

It's just... Seeing this, Li Chen hurriedly stuffed it back to his mother.

Mother Li was so anxious, she hurriedly whispered in her son's ear: "You child! You don't bring can you stay in a hotel in the town?"

Then, Mother Li said again: " gave me the money before, didn't you?"

Li Chen said in his mother's ear: "Mom, what... I still have some money. It's just not much. So I can't give you any money when I come back this time."

Li's mother listened, but hurriedly said: "It's fine, let's not talk about it. It's better for people to come back. Money... Let's make money later. If you survive a catastrophe, you will have good fortune. This is the ancients If you stay, you can't go wrong."


Afterwards, Li Chen didn't ask for money from his mother, so he led the six women to the town with a flashlight.

In fact, in Li Chen's current situation, his pockets are really cleaner than his face.

How can he have any money now?

Not even a penny!
When they returned to China, they were sent all the way back under the special arrangement of {z} government officials.

But this...he couldn't tell the truth to his mother either.

In fact, the so-called heroes also have their difficulties.

He also knew that after more than a year of turmoil, he had no financial income at all, so thinking about the financial aspect, when he came back, he was still a little bit embarrassed.


After staying for a while, after leaving the Chicken Claw Village, the six women started bluffing as they pleased...

Obviously, staying in the village, the six women are somewhat restrained.

They are also afraid of not performing well, showing timidity.

"Hey, dead surnamed Li, it turns out that your place... really looks like we are on an island?"

Suddenly hearing what the cute girl said, without waiting for Li Chen to respond, the foreign girl Lina hurriedly said: "Oh... I think this place is very good! This is very rural and charming! This is the only way to feel the real Huaguo local customs ! And... don't you think... this place is also a paradise?"

Immediately, Qiong'er said: "That's right. I also think the captain's hometown is very good. And... Aunt and Aunt... are very nice people! And... tonight's roasted sweet potatoes are really delicious! And Auntie's cooking is really fragrant! It's delicious!"

Tan Jixia said: "Anyway, this will be our own home in the future. Now we know how to get out, and we must visit the captain's parents often in the future!"

Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but said: "Actually, I still don't want to leave. It's really comfortable here. This is the real hermitage."


Just listening to them talking like this one by one, Li Chen felt anxious...

I thought that I would be in town in a while, go to the hotel to ask for a room, and get money!

I don’t have any pennies now, what should I do?

Thinking about it, it's okay, Li Chen, who is shy in his pocket, has no choice but to consciously approach his second child, Su Qian'er...

Then, he secretly tugged on Su Qian'er's arm, and whispered in her ear: "Uh, what... second child, can you lend me some money first?"

Su Qian'er suddenly heard him say this in her ear, but she couldn't help but inexplicably laughed...

However, after that, she didn't tease him, but secretly took out a wallet, and gave him a stack of hundred yuan cash...


Li Chen said: "You count, how many."

Su Qian'er whispered in his ear: "You just need to count. You can count as much as you want."

Li Chen frowned in embarrassment: "That... that's so bad."

Su Qian'er said: "Okay. Take it first. They will find out after a while. Let them know that you don't have the money to go to the hotel to open a {k} room, okay?"

Hearing what she said, there is nothing wrong with it, so Li Chen had no choice but to take it in a panic...

Afterwards, he whispered in her ear: "Don't worry. I will definitely pay you back later. However, it may wait for a while. "

So, taking the opportunity, Su Qian'er whispered in his ear: "Then what I owe can I pay it back?"

Li Chen was startled: "What do you owe me?"

"Fate!" Su Qian'er replied in his ear.


(End of this chapter)

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