Chapter 1084 Loneliness in the Bustle
Regarding this Wushan town, although it is very deserted and desolate, there are still three or two small hotels.

Of course, the various conditions and hardware facilities are naturally incomparable with hotels in big cities.

Anyway... this place is like this, and it can only make do.

For Li Chen, the hotel he knows well, that is, the hotel in Zhenqiaotou is not bad.

So, after a while, he led six women here.

After consulting the opinions of several of their women, they said that they wanted one room for each person, so... Li Chen directly asked for 7 rooms.

It's just... the room is ready, and it seems almost meaningless to say that each of them will go back to the room to sleep soon...

Obviously, it was hard to get together. In fact, the environment is not important, the important thing is to have wine.

Fortunately, there was a small shop in the town that was still open, so Li Chen led them together to buy beer and dried fruits...

The couple in the small store in the town seemed to be a little familiar with Li Chen, so when he and the six women finished shopping and left, the proprietress couldn't help muttering in amazement: "Just now...that's Chicken Claw Village ...Li Dakui's son, right?"

The boss said: "I said... you women are really finished! You really have long hair and short knowledge! This kid... is amazing now! Captain Hua! He is an international hero!"

The proprietress just rolled her eyes: "Hmph! I don't usually read the news, how do you know about that?"

The boss said: "I really envy this kid! Once this guy becomes famous, he is amazing! Good guy...he suddenly led five or six girls!"

The proprietress rolled her eyes again: "Huh! Then you have to have that ability to succeed!"


This time, after returning to the hotel at Zhenqiaotou, the six women gathered in the captain's room.

About the next step... Naturally, drinking, spanking, and eating snacks, the six women are bluffing...

Anyway, it is lively and cheerful.

However, for Captain Li Chen, there was some inexplicable depression in his heart...

Because this group of women is bluffing, and they really can't talk about any deep topics.

But, they came all the way here, and he had to accompany them...

In fact, as far as he was concerned, he really didn't expect these six women to come to his hometown suddenly.

Originally, he thought...they would not bother each other in the future, and start their own lives properly.

But now...he doesn't know what to do?
After thinking about it, after a while, he took advantage of the time when he was in the bathroom, and roughly counted and calculated. How much money did the second child lend him tonight?
This number still has to be remembered.

After all, what should be paid in the future still has to be paid back.

Although Su Qian'er didn't have a count, he had to keep a count in mind.

At the same time, he was also thinking, maybe these women are talking too seriously...

Although they all felt that they owed him their lives, he felt that... a bit too much!

In fact, each other is nothing more than a survivor of an air crash.

Being able to get together... to survive together is just a kind of fate.

Now that this matter has passed, in fact, no one owes anyone else, as long as each other remembers that there was such a thing.

Besides, in the process of surviving together, they all help each other, and there is really no need to feel that they owe anyone anything.

At the same time, he was also thinking that it was time to go out...

After all, it's been so long, and it's time to prepare to go to country T.

Although I can't help Delia, no matter what... I should go see her!
He was thinking about it. Unexpectedly, the cute girl suddenly came to knock on the door of the bathroom...

"Hey, dead surnamed Li, are you alright? I'm going to pee too!"

But to be honest, once this beer is poured, both men and women will indeed urinate a lot.

It sounded like the cute girl was knocking on the door, so Li Chen had no choice but to turn around and open the door with a 'click'...

The cute girl didn't care so much, she got into the bathroom in a panic.

In fact, when these women were with him, they no longer shy away from it.

He was about to turn around and help close the door, but unexpectedly, the cute girl was already squatting in the squat pit in the bathroom...

This made him frowned, "Wow, why are these little girls like this now?"

I'm a man, okay?

The cute girl who was squatting in the pit raised her head and said, "Close the door for me."

Li Chen: "..."

It seems that besides being speechless, I don't know what to say.

Seeing the captain come out, Qiong Er yelled again: "Captain, it's your turn, drink!"

Li Chen could only express a distressed smile: "Drink! Drink!"

In fact, he was thinking in his heart, drinking to death counts.

Only the second child, Su Qian'er, noticed that the captain didn't seem particularly happy?
Maybe...they suddenly disturbed his peaceful life?
Next, Qin Xiaowan also noticed that the captain seemed to have something on his mind...

Looking for an opportunity, Tan Jixia suddenly whispered in the captain's ear: "It's been so long, what are you still thinking about?"

Hearing such a sentence suddenly, Li Chen didn't know how to answer her?

After thinking about it, he had no choice but to whisper in her ear: "I didn't think about it. It's just that it's suddenly too lively, and it feels like it hasn't been this lively for a long time."

So, Tan Jixia also whispered in his ear: "Then you and the you have any contact with each other alone?"

Suddenly hearing this, Li Chen hurriedly whispered in her ear: "What are you thinking about? Apart from my private contact with you, she...has nothing. Because you are the vice-captain."

Hearing what he said, Tan Jixia said, "Then... Sister Wan'er is also the vice captain."

Immediately, she seemed to suddenly think of something, and hurriedly said: "Is it possible that the little girl didn't send you a WeChat message alone?"

Li Chen said: "Didn't you go to our village? There is no signal. It has been more than a month, and I have been staying in the village."

Next, he couldn't help but said honestly: "However, when I just arrived in the town, I took a look, and Keke did send me a private message. Qiong'er also sent me a private message. So did Lena."

Tan Jixia was startled secretly: "Isn't Qian'er?"

"No." Li Chen shook his head sincerely.

Suddenly, Tan Jixia was inexplicably puzzled...

However, Li Chen suddenly said: "Okay. Let's have a drink."

Then, he turned around and said to the big guy: "By the way, why don't we just create a WeChat group. Let's talk in the group if we have anything to do in the future. It's nothing...Everyone can live and work well Bar."

Suddenly hearing this, Qiong'er hurriedly said: "Okay, okay! Let's start a group now! The captain will be the group leader! Anyway... the captain will always be our captain! So the group leader must also be the captain!"


(End of this chapter)

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